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Simply put, coconut water makes your immune system stronger. It helps clean your body of bacteria that causes urinary tract infections, gum disease, and in some cases has proven effective against gonorrhea. It also helps defeat cold viruses.
We’d like to note that it’s important if you’re not in a monogomous relationship to be tested for STDs routinely and follow your physician’s instructions on treating them if you test positive. Gonorrhea is no joke.
Coconut water improves your thyroid gland’s hormone production and boosts your energy.
This is great for losing weight as it helps you feel full longer. It’s also great if you’re irregular. Get ready to go number two a lot!
Drinking any kind of water does the trick. Did you know as many as 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated? This can lead to numerous health problems as well as simply not feeling so great.
What do you think? Is coconut water worth adding to your diet?