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Always make sure you’re hitting the sack and getting up at around the same time of day. Select times that are observable for weekdays and weekends. Our bodies rely on consistency to help signal when we need to produce awake hormones and sleepy hormones.
You shouldn’t drink before bed and you shouldn’t smoke cigarettes ever at all. Alcohol is a depressant and nicotine is a stimulant, neither of which being good for your sleep. Alcohol reduces REM deep sleep.
Eating before bed disrupts sleep. It causes our metabolism to kick in making it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep. You’ll be more likely to wake up and gain weight from eating.
Texting or surfing the web at night before bed is disruptive because our bodies have difficulty knowing whether or not you’re looking at a light or a nice, sunny day. When you look at your phone, your brain starts thinking it needs to produce wake up hormones.
You have an internal clock and sleeping too much or too little disrupts it. When you mess up your internal clock, you feel groggy and tired, even if you’ve slept a lot.
Staying hydrated is important but drinking water right before bed disrupts our sleep. Pretty simple to understand why I’d imagine.