<![CDATA[Blog]]>http://natura-corner.com/blog/ Tue, 18 Oct 2016 17:44:58 +0000 Zend_Feed http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss <![CDATA[Staying Healthy Through Christmas]]>http://natura-corner.com/blog/staying-healthy-through-christmas/

Christmas is lots of peoples favourite time of the year – there are always so many fun parties, lots of great food and quality time with the people you love. All the fun does mean it can be a bit tricky to stay healthy though, so I thought I’d share some of my tips and tricks with you. This isn’t to say that you shouldn’t go out, have a glass of champagne and enjoy the time with your friends – you absolutely should, just because you want to feel good doesn’t meant you shouldn’t have a great time. There are small things you can do to keep feeling great, rather than feeling permanently hangover and sluggish! Too many people get to January feeling bloated and tired, which means they spend the whole month trying to loose the Christmas weight and it all becomes a bit miserable. So hopefully by being a bit self aware over the Christmas period you can enjoy every moment of the fun and get to January feeling great, so you don’t have to spend the whole month feeling guilty!

1. Be Self Aware

This may sound a bit silly, but just be conscious of what you’re eating. It’s so great to enjoy yourself and tuck in to a big, beautiful meal with friends – but if you know something doesn’t make you feel good, then don’t totally overdo it, enjoy it in moderation. Likewise, we’re bombarded with food at this time of year and it’s so easy to overeat everyday, so again just be aware of how much you’re eating. Enjoy a huge feast one day, but the next maybe just skip some of the canapés and enjoy your meal without all the extras. Please don’t feel guilty about what you eat, or think that you can’t indulge and enjoy – that’s all part of the Christmas fun, but just be mindful of how you feel at the same time.


2. Sneak in a healthy breakfast

It’s harder to be healthy when you’re eating out, which so many of us are at lunch and dinner during Christmas, so focus on making breakfast you’re really nourishing meal. Try to get a good number of fruit and veg into breakfast, this will give you great energy for the day and keep you feeling great. A smoothie with things like banana, spinach, avocado, berries, almond butter and oats is amazing as you’ll four of your five a day in so easily! If you want something warm then something like rye toast with mashed avocado, roasted cherry tomatoes and sautéed garlicky spinach is fantastic, or a big bowl of coconut porridge with grated apple or chopped banana and berries. All these options taste amazing, and they’ll help you feel your best.

3. Try to get some movement in 

I know that going to the gym with a hangover isn’t ideal, likewise working out isn’t always super appealing at 6.30am when it’s freezing cold and dark outside! So don’t push or punish yourself, if you can’t get into your normal exercise routine over Christmas then don’t worry. Instead just try to get some general movement in – get off the tube a stop earlier, take a slightly longer walk in your lunch break or go to a park with a friend on the weekend for a catch up after lunch. Just walking feels good and keeps you feeling happy and healthy.

blog4. Don’t forget to drink water

This tip may sound quite banal but when we’re so busy we so often forget to drink enough water, so just keep a bottle with you throughout the day and make sure you drink! If you’re cold then you can of course go for herbal teas instead. Being hydrated is so important when it comes to feeling good and it’s such an easy way to feel better. If you’re going to a party in the evening then make sure you’ve drunk a few litres of water during the day, it will help your body so much!

5. Don’t feel you have to do everything 

As this is such a sociable time you may find that you have plans every night, but don’t feel you have to go to absolutely everything. People will still love you and want to be your friend if you skip one party! I find social media really heightens the concept of FOMO (fear of missing out!), as we can see everything that everyone else did. When you’re sitting on your sofa, in pj’s, on your own, looking at pictures of friends all dressed up at a party, it can be easy to feel a bit insecure – but please remember that social media isn’t a true reflection of everything. You may be just as happy chilling out and watching a movie as they are, as long as you don’t focus on not being there. If you’re exhausted then take a night out, you’ll enjoy the next party more if you’re rested and full of energy. It’s better to go to a handful of things and have the best time, then go to everything and just feel a bit stressed by it all, and as I said, I promise everyone will still love you if you skip something, as long as you do it politely!

6. Keep eating the rainbow 

This is one of the harder things to do, but not impossible! Eating a range of different coloured fruit and veg is one of the best things you can do for your body. Doing this gives you the best range of vitamins and minerals to boost your health and energy. Try to get a couple of portions of fruit and veg into breakfast, as it’s the easiest meal, and then add in a portion to both lunch and dinner – veggies like spinach and roasted carrots are widely available as sides at restaurants, so order these alongside your dish – that way you should get a great mix of goodness.


7. Find some time for yourself 

Christmas is such a giving time, and we give so much time and energy to everyone around us, which means it’s easy to forget ourselves and get lost in a whirlwind of craziness. So just take an evening or some time during the weekend every now and again to enjoy the things you love and just relax – take a bath, make a delicious meal, watch a TV show and get a good night’s sleep. Having 12 hours away from the world to just re-energise does wonders for your mind! and body! 

8. Don’t forget to sleep

I know when you’re busy being sociable in the evening sleep isn’t number one on to to-do list, but don’t overlook it completely. It’s amazing how much better you feel when you get a good seven hours sleep. Even if you can’t do it every night, try to do it a couple of times a week. It will really help boost your energy and general wellbeing.

9. Enjoy yourself!

Last, but not least, make sure you enjoy yourself! If you’re a health goddess most of the year and set that slip over the next few weeks then please don’t worry, as long as you’re having fun it’s all ok. Don’t feel guilty for anything you do, and please don’t go on a crazy diet come January! Life is about balance and enjoyment, and if that means over indulging over Christmas with your friends and family then that’s great. Do your best to make some healthy choices, from eating avocado toast for breakfast, getting a good sleep on a Sunday night or taking a walk with a friend, but equally if you can’t do these things everyday then don’t stress – the most important thing is that you enjoy the festivities!




Tue, 05 Jan 2016 17:44:26 +0000
<![CDATA[Buying Organic For Less]]>http://natura-corner.com/blog/buying-organic-for-less/

It’s Organic September this month so I thought now would be the perfect time to talk about how to eat organic food for less, so that it feels manageable for everyone! I like buying organic produce but I know it can get expensive and it’s not always available, so I don’t worry about trying to get everything organic, instead I focus on the items that contain the highest number of pesticides. To help me I use ‘the dirty dozen’ and the ‘clean fifteen,’ these two lists make my shopping feel much less daunting and it works out to be much cheaper than trying to get everything organic.

The Dirty Dozen

The dirty dozen is a list that’s published every year showing the fruit and veg that contains the most pesticides, so they’re the foods that I try and focus on when I’m shopping. It includes produce with thin skins like apples, strawberries, tomatoes, spinach, celery, cucumber, bell peppers and potatoes. So whenever possible I get these organic.

The Clean Fifteen

On the other hand you have the ‘clean fifteen’, which is the list of the fruit and veg that absorb the least pesticides, so these are the ones that I worry least about. This list includes things like avocados, pineapples, sweet potato, mangoes, asparagus, aubergine and cauliflower. Luckily I eat lots of these items, which helps to bring down the cost of my shopping.


Other Tips to Make Organic Shopping Cheaper:

Buy Seasonal Produce

Of course focusing on seasonal produce really helps to bring down your grocery bill too, and using farmers markets is often great for this as supporting farmers and getting local organic produce is the absolute best! I find that buying my food there is often cheaper too and it always tastes better.

Buy Frozen

Buying frozen organic is often so much cheaper, especially for foods that are out of season. I always buy frozen berries, rather than fresh ones, as it’s so much cheaper and if I’m using them in a smoothie it makes absolutely no difference but it makes the smoothie significantly cheaper. The same goes for things like spinach and kale, if they’re for smoothies, and of course traditional frozen foods like peas.

Grow Your Own

Growing your own veggies are such an awesome way to ensure you’re eating local and organic produce. It’s so awesome to plant the seeds and nurture them until they grow into ripe and plump fruits/veggies. Picking food straight from the garden can be so satisfying, especially knowing exactly has been on it and where it has come from. Things like courgettes, spinach and carrots are so easy to grow and seriously fuss free! Seeds can be super cheap too and once you’ve got your soil and pot, there are endless possibilities of what you could grow.
Tue, 05 Jan 2016 17:39:58 +0000
<![CDATA[Advice: Snacking On the Go]]>http://natura-corner.com/blog/advice-snacking-on-the-go/
granola bars3blog

People often ask what I snack on and I think there is a common misconception that it’s really difficult to stay healthy throughout the day, especially when you are on-the-go. Although there is some organisation and preparation involved when it comes to healthy snacking, there are so many delicious, easy recipes that are totally desk draw or handbag friendly!

I know lots of people try to avoid snacking, but if you’re hungry and the snack is full of goodness then I think it’s important to start munching on something – it’s just what you snack on that matters. If your snacks consist of high amounts of added sugar then you are more likely to experience extreme high and lows in your energy throughout the day, which isn’t great for feeling happy and balanced. Whereas if you ensure that your snacks consist of plant-based protein, fat and fibre, then this will help to control your blood sugar levels over time and your energy and mood should be way better! I tend to eat something every 3 hours or so, whether that’s a meal or a small snack – this way I don’t get an energy dip, which is great.

So what are the best snacks? When I’m at home or near a kitchen then I absolutely love mashed avocado on toast (either rye bread or a good gluten free one), medjool dates stuffed with nut butter or some crudités or roasted sweet potato wedges dipped in guacamole. However on days when I am travelling around London, I need more portable snacks that are easier to carry around with me and are completely mess free – even I wouldn’t start eating avocado toast on the tube! These types of snacks are also really great to take into work with you to have on hand when you hit that mid-afternoon slump.

My go-to snack for an energy pick-me-up has got to be the ultimate energy bites with almond and chia which are packed with antioxidants, omega and fibre and are the perfect replacement for your chocolate bar as they’re still nice and sweet. If I feel that I need an extra boost, I love adding hemp protein powder into the mixture to get a protein hit to fuel me up for the rest of the day. These energy bites are super easy to make too. I often make a big batch on Sunday which will last in the fridge throughout the week. The date and oat bars as well as the granola bars are also great snacks to grab and go. They make the perfect breakfast bar if you’re running out the door in a rush in the morning too.


Smoothies are also a great way to snack on-the-go. They are seriously so quick to make, you take it in a bottle and can even sip on it when you’re out and about. If any smoothie recipe contains chia seeds then skip these though as otherwise the smoothie will set and you won’t be able to drink it! Although shop bought smoothies might seem like an easier option, they often contain a lot of added sugar and additives too – plus they’re pasteurised so the goodness isn’t the same at all. It’s great to be able to get into a habit of making a fresh smoothie every morning – trust me it’s so worth waking up 3 minutes earlier for, as it makes you feel so amazing!

Savoury snacks are awesome too though. As simple as it sounds, carrot or cucumber sticks dipped in hummus is one of my favourite savoury snacking combinations – it seriously never gets old! My hummus addiction is slightly out of control – I honestly can’t go a day without it, so I snack on this a lot. If you want something a bit spicier you can try the roasted red pepper and paprika hummus – or there’s a beetroot hummus recipe in the book, which is amazing! It’s super easy to make a batch of hummus on the weekend and store it in a container in the fridge for about 5 days (if you don’t eat it all in that time!) If you prepare in this way then you can just add a dollop to a small container with some vegetable sticks and you have yourself the perfect study or work snack! I’ve found that the organic supermarket hummus’ in the UK have a really clean list of ingredients though, so you can always jump in there and pick a tub up if you need a quick hummus fix!

The other great thing is that there are now lots of shops selling pretty healthy snacks, especially in London, so you should now be able to grab something nourishing when you’re out and about. I love snacks like kale chips, date and nut bars, chia pudding, green juice or even some raw chocolate. My go to shops for these are Planet Organic, Whole Foods and Revital – between the three chains they have most areas of the city covered!



Tue, 05 Jan 2016 17:32:32 +0000
<![CDATA[Sharing the Veggie Love]]>http://natura-corner.com/blog/sharing-the-veggie-love/

Someone told me that this week was national vegetarian week so I thought we should celebrate on the blog! I love being veggie, it’s awesome and so delicious, but I know lots of people are nervous of veggie meals as there are lots of preconceptions out there that a meatless meal will be unsatisfying and bland, which I promise is absolutely not the case. That being said, I’m not trying to convince anyone to become a total veggie but I thought I’d share some tips and ideas to inspire you to try to either experiment with a couple of veggie meals (if this is a new concept for you) or to inspire the people in your life to try it!

1. Focus on Presentation

We all eat with our eyes first so it’s really important that the meal looks beautiful. Spend time putting the finished dish into a bowl or plate that really shows it off – I find pasta bowls are the best way to serve food, the shape always looks great. I also try to get as much colour into every meal too as I love to eat a rainbow. If the dish itself isn’t that colourful, like a curry or stew, then sprinkle fresh herbs over the top to add a pop of green and break up the colour.

2. Sharing is Caring

If you’re trying to introduce healthy veggie meals to friends then sharing plates can be the best way to do this. Sharing food is always so fun as it means everyone gets to try everything and it’s so much more interactive! It also means that it doesn’t matter if someone doesn’t like something as there will be lots of other delicious dishes for them to love and try, so there’s no way they’ll go home saying that they hated the food!


3. Skip the Salad

I made a rule when I first started eating this way that I’d never serve a salad as my main dish to non-heathy eaters, as no matter how delicious and beautiful the salad is it’s still salad so it may still play into their stereotype that veggie food is only about salads! Instead I share heartier, more satisfying meals like my favourite Coconut Thai Curry and Veggie Chilli from my book, I serve both with lots of brown rice so that the dishes look really comforting and no one ever leaves hungry! The dishes also look so much more familiar, which is great as sometimes a big bowl of raw kale can look scary to non-health freaks whereas hopefully these dishes won’t get that reaction!

4. Go Natural

Skip the processed foods and go for natural ingredients. Eating a veggie meal should be about embracing delicious ingredients like sweet potatoes, avocados, quinoa, black beans, nuts, seeds, greens, carrots etc rather than manufactured veggie foods like quorn which don’t taste great and they’re full of rubbish that you just don’t need! If you’re nervous about getting enough protein, calcium or iron then check out my blog posts on them as hopefully these will ease your fears!

5. Love Your Beans

Beans are one of my all time favourite ingredients – they’re delicious, cheap, easy and filling. I throw beans into so many of my meals as they instantly bulk my plate up, so they’re a great meat replacement. I love sautéing black beans or cannellini beans in garlic and miso, both taste so delicious! Hummus is also amazing as it’s so simple to make and it’s really cheap – it’s so much cheaper to make it yourself too than to buy it. I love serving hummus as a snack when I have friends over and I find they’re always so excited by homemade hummus and say it’s so much nicer than the supermarket versions – so you’ll look like a domestic goddess, which is always fun!

6. Be Generous 

Veggies aren’t as filling as gluten or meat so you need to eat more than you think, so I always make big portions of everything. It also means that your table will look abundant, which I think is also helpful for enticing sceptics as a beautiful table piled high with bright, delicious looking food makes anyone excited! Besides, we don’t want anyone to go home hungry!


Tue, 05 Jan 2016 17:25:33 +0000
<![CDATA[How to Eat Well on a Budget ]]>http://natura-corner.com/blog/eat-well-budget/

One of the first things people seem to think about healthy eating is that it must be really expensive. I totally understand why you might think this, but I promise it doesn’t have to be pricey. I’ve been eating this way for the last few years and I spend less now than I did before I changed my diet – it all just depends on what you buy. So to help you out, I’ve shared my top tips for eating well on a budget:

Don’t Panic Over Your First Shop

When you first change the way you eat, it may seem a bit daunting and your initial shop will probably be pretty expensive as you’ll need to stock up on your new pantry staples – tahini, almond butter, tamari, quinoa etc. However, once you’ve done this you’ll be good to go for ages and if that’s too much you can slowly build your cupboards over time rather than doing it all in one go.

Buy in Bulk

Buying ingredients in bulk may take up more space but it can save you a lot of money. There are lots of sites online that sell kilo bags of nuts, seeds, grains etc at much better prices than you’d get in a shop. Places like Amazon and wholefoodsonline are great places to get started.

Don’t Get Distracted in Health Food Shops!

If you’re anything like me you may find that you get a little overexcited in your health food store and want to buy absolutely everything you see. Of course if you pick up every raw chocolate bar or bag of kale chips in the place it will be pretty pricey! So if you want to stick to your budget it can be easier to make a shopping list beforehand and be strict with yourself – only buy what’s on the list, or make it even easier and buy it online where there’s less distraction!

Be Prepared

A little planning does wonders for saving money. As I’m always cooking and recipe testing it’s impossible for me to stick to a meal plan, however, if you know your routine then this can be a great way to reduce your food bill as you won’t buy new ingredients every day.

Don’t Waste Anything

Cooking larger quantities is an effective way of saving money, especially when it comes to using fresh food. If a recipe calls for half a bag of carrots but you know you won’t use the rest of the carrots in another recipe, then make double the recipe and freeze the other half. I do this all the time and it’s amazing – you save time, food and money, plus you have a freezer full of goodness to enjoy when you don’t feel like cooking.

Love your Beans

Beans and lentils are some of the cheapest foods you can find in the supermarket. They’re packed with goodness and are really energising, so they’re the perfect addition to any main meal, especially as they’re so versatile. I use them a lot to bulk up a meal, and if you’re veggie they’re a great meat replacement.


Less is More

Whilst I’m a veggie I know lots of you enjoy meat, which can be quite pricey, so I’d really recommend setting yourself a budget to use and spend it on eating good quality meat. This may mean having it just a few times a week, instead of everyday but quality over quantity really is so important here. If you’re going to splurge on one thing do it on organic, free range meat.

Don’t Panic Over Organic

Another thing to think about is buying organic. While I do try to buy organic where possible, I believe that it’s better to eat non-organic veggies than no veggies at all! If you’re able to buy some organic food then I’d recommend looking at the dirty dozen or clean fifteen – you can find these lists online and they’re updated every year to show the ingredients that contain the most amount of pesticides. So I focus on trying to get these ingredients organic and don’t stress about the others.

Seasonal Produce is the Best

Seasonal produce tends to be much cheaper than imported, out of season food, so it’s worth being very conscious of this when you shop and make your shopping lists.

Markets are your Friends

Markets tend to be much cheaper than supermarkets so if possible try to stop at a market every weekend to stock up on goodness to enjoy all week!

Embrace Frozen Foods

I love keeping my freezer stocked with frozen berries so that I always have them to hand when I want to make a smoothie. Plus it’s so much cheaper than buying fresh berries.


Don’t go Mad for Superfoods

It’s important to remember that you really don’t have to go out and buy every superfood under the sun. Instead start slowly and gradually buying one then another, and if you never buy any then don’t worry – you can still be healthy without spirulina and maca!

Sweet Treats Cost More

If you are choosing to bake everyday then eating well is going to be pretty expensive as buying lots of dates, nuts and cacao really adds up, but traditional baking isn’t that cheap either. I love sweet things and need to have sweet things on hand at all times, so don’t worry I’m absolutely not suggesting that you never make anything with these ingredients. I just find that if you bake once a week you’ll have enough energy balls or sweet potato brownies to see you through the week and it won’t feel crazy expensive. Plus you save lots of money not buying chocolate bars!

Simple is Best

The things I eat on a day-to-day basis are pretty cheap. I focus on lots of brown rice, homemade hummus, roast veggies and greens for most of my savoury meals and porridge with banana for most of my breakfasts. These things cost so little but make me feel amazing, so don’t feel that you always have to make something fancy as that can take more time and cost more but it doesn’t always taste better!

I hope this has given you all some ideas about saving money and being healthy! Just remember, we can only do the best we can with what we have so don’t beat yourself up if you can’t do everything perfectly at this point in life – every little positive change you make can make a difference!


Tue, 05 Jan 2016 17:19:47 +0000
<![CDATA[Advice: New Year, New You]]>http://natura-corner.com/blog/advice-new-year-new/
Happy 2015 everyone! I think this is going to be an amazing year and I can’t wait to see what it brings. I think that a new year is a really exciting time as it’s a great occasion to make changes in your life and start working towards new goals. I don’t really believe in the whole concept of new years resolutions as they tend to be unrealistic and restrictive, which is why most people quit after a week or so! Instead I think the New Year is all about setting general intentions and goals, that you can slowly work on throughout the next twelve months so that by this time next year you’ll feel like a super version of yourself!
I know that January the 1st is a tough day for a lot of people, as you may feel a little overfed, hungover, rundown and unhealthy after the holidays. This can lead to a serious lack of inspiration to get back on track with life – but don’t worry, this is so normal! So don’t sit there feeling guilty, beating yourself up or having negative thoughts, just focus on getting back to where you want to be. I think when it comes to this, the most important thing to say is that you have to be realistic when you set yourself goals. While we would all like to be the fittest, bendiest, healthiest version of ourselves, it’s not going to happen overnight and if you go from no movement, sugar, alcohol and not-so-healthy food to kale salads, spin classes and tee-total evenings in a matter of days then you’ll probably going to really struggle, as it’s a near impossible transition! If the task seems too big and too radical then we’re so much more likely to give up and be hard on ourselves – so start slowly.
When people ask me for advice on how to make healthy changes in their life there are a few things I always come back to. The first is that, as I’ve just said, nothing should be too radical too quickly, as that’s just so difficult. When it comes to food just focus on eating the most natural meals you can. Include lots of fresh vegetables, fruit, grains like brown rice and quinoa, nuts, seeds, pulses and beans to whatever you’re eating. If you feel really full after lots of holiday eating then enjoy lots of soups, warm salads, veg based curries, stews and bean dishes. At this time of year my favourite meals are things like my roast beet and potato soup; my warming sweet potato and spinach salad; my roasted veggie salad and my veggie stir fry – they’re all so easy, warming and nourishing. Eating things like this will make you feel amazing very quickly!
Smoothies and juices are also great ways to feel healthy again as they give you so much goodness, and they give your digestive system a bit of a break, which is perfect if you’re feeling a bit bloated. I think smoothies are a much easier place to start than juices as they’re much quicker and easier to make, plus they require much less washing up! If you’re new to healthy eating then smoothies are a great thing to try too, as you can adapt them to work for you, making them as sweet or as green as you like. If you’re looking for something delicious and not too scary then try this deliciousbreakfast smoothie, it’s full of berries and bananas with a little spinach for green goodness, but it’s still nicely sweet. If, on the other hand, you’re after a real green hit then I’d recommend something like my detox smoothie or my favourite green smoothie.
The next thing to remember is that if you’ve been eating lots of sweet, sugary desserts over Christmas then your sweet tooth is probably quite strong so giving up all sweets overnight will be really tricky! Instead just switch the refined sugar for natural sugars, as these will keep your cravings under control and stop any blood sugar spikes and crashes so gradually your cravings will diminish. Keeping you fridge full of things like raw brownies, energy balls, granola bars or sweet potato brownies is a perfect way to ween yourself away from all the sugary treats you may have enjoyed over the holidays without feeling deprived. Punishing yourself by eliminating everything you enjoy just isn’t going to make for a happy time so making healthier swaps is a much more sustainable approach – remember that eating should always be fun!
A lot of people use this time to set new goals relating to their fitness. I absolutely love getting my body moving and think it makes such a positive difference to everything from my energy levels to my general happiness. Whether it is just something as simple as a 30 minute yoga video at home, or something much more hard core, doing a little bit of something everyday will help you on your way to a healthy and happy new year – even if it’s just walking to work, or getting off the underground a stop early to walk some of the way! However, it is also so important to listen to your body and not to push yourself further than it wants to go. Sometimes a restful day can actually be more beneficial than a workout that your body really doesn’t want to do!
I hope this has given you some ideas and inspiration and that you’re feeling ready and excited for an amazing year ahead! Personally I’m working on my fitness, trying to move as much as I can and try out lots of new exercise classes – towards the end of last year I got really into yoga, pilates, spinning and boxing and can’t wait to keep working on my fitness so that this time next year I’m hoping I’ll be a pro at handstands and can throw a great punch! I’m also hoping to develop a practice of mindfulness and meditation to keep me feeling grounded and happy, even when I’m working like a crazy person! I also have exciting ideas for Deliciously Ella, which I can’t wait to get to work on and share with you all soon. I can’t wait to hear about all your New Year goals and hope that you enjoy working on them over the next few months.


Tue, 05 Jan 2016 17:12:52 +0000
<![CDATA[Advice: Where to Find Iron]]>http://natura-corner.com/blog/iron/
guyf1I thought today I would talk a little bit about iron, as lots of you have been asking me about eating iron on a plant based diet. Plus iron is an absolutely essential mineral for a happy healthy body, yet it’s one of the most common nutrient deficiencies that we have, no matter what diet we follow, and this is especially true in women.

Iron is vital as it’s main job is to carry oxygen around the body. About 70% of your body’s iron goes into the haemoglobin in your red blood cells, which carries life-giving oxygen around your body so that your tissues and muscles have sufficient oxygen. Not getting enough iron basically means that your body can’t create enough of these healthy red-blood cells, which causes you to often feel exhausted and fatigued. This exhaustion can then affect everything from your brain function to your immune system’s ability to fight off infection, so getting enough iron is really key.

There are two types of iron: heme iron, which is readily absorbed into the body and is found in meat and fish, and non-heme iron, which is not so readily absorbed into our bodies – this type is found both in animal tissue and in vegetables and grains. If you’re a plant based eater then it’s really important to be conscious of your iron intake as the type of iron we eat isn’t as easy to absorb and we need to make sure that we have enough to prevent any kind of deficiency! Don’t worry though, the great news is that there are plenty of amazing plant-based foods that are really high in iron and these sources are all delicious. Plus vitamin C helps to promote the absorption of non-heme iron, and plant-based iron sources are often super high in vitamin C as well – so it’s a double win really!

So much do we actually need? Women need about 18mg of iron a day, which is huge in comparison to men who only need about 8mg.

porridge7blogWhich foods should we focus on? Spirulina is the one of the superheroes of iron and it’s a great superfood to invest in as just a teaspoon of spirulina in your morning smoothie will give you about 5mg of iron, which is awesome. I love adding a spoonful of it to a green or berry smoothie as a boost first thing in the morning. Although it does have a strong, distinctive taste so I’d advise starting with just a quarter of a teaspoon of it and then building up slowly so you get used to the taste! Alternatively if you really hate the taste you can take spirulina tablets, so you can get your spirulina boost without having to change the taste of your breakfast! I take these when I travel too, which is great for keeping energy levels high. I use tablets byOrganic Burst, which I love as they’re 100% spirulina with no plastic coating – although it does mean you have to swallow them quickly as they don’t taste too delicious when they start to dissolve on your tongue, so have your water ready when you put them in your mouth!

Spirulina isn’t the only source of iron though, don’t worry! There are lots of delicious foods that are also fantastic iron sources – yummy grains like quinoa and oats, pulses like lentils, seeds like pumpkin and sesame, nuts like cashew, almond or pine nuts and greens like spinach and chard, are all really high in iron – Popeye would be in heaven!

To give you some rough idea of how much iron a portion of these gives you I’ve shared a few stats below, which may be helpful for visualising what you need to eat:

  • ½ a cup of chickpeas contains about 6mg of iron (a great excuse to eat mountains of hummus!)
  • a teaspoon of spirulina contains about 5mg of iron
  • ½ a cup of black beans contains about 5mg of iron
  • ½ a cup of quinoa contains about 4mg of iron
  • ½ a cup of oats contains about 4mg of iron
  • ½ a cup of lentils contains about 3.5mg of iron
  • A handful of cashews contains 3mg of iron
  • A tablespoon of raw cacao contains about 3mg of iron (raw brownies anyone?!)
  • 1 cup of spinach contains about 1mg of iron
  • A handful of pumpkin seeds contains about 1mg of iron

IMG_0321So what does getting enough iron in your everyday meals look like in a day? These are just a few examples of ways you can enjoy getting all the iron goodness you need!

Breakfast: A smoothie made of a big handful of spinach, a banana, a tablespoon of chia seeds (with vit C to help absorb the iron!), a teaspoon of spirulina and almond milk, this would give you about 8mg of iron, which is almost half your required daily intake.

Or you could have 2 slices of my Superseed bread topped with mashed avocado, which would add up to about 7mg of iron.

Lunch: a big salad or bowl of soup topped with either sautéed black beans or roasted chickpeas with a handful of crunchy pumpkin seeds would give you 4 to 5mg or iron.

Or a scrummy pile of quinoa topped with hummus and your favourite roasted veggies would give you about 7mg of iron.

Dinner: if you made a lentil and quinoa dish with wilted spinach and cashews that would be about 9mg of iron, so you’d be way over your daily required intake, which is awesome!

Plus you can also be snacking on iron-rich foods like sweet medjool dates with nut butter or salty olives.

So you can see there are plenty of ways and delicious combinations to be found to make sure you’re getting plenty of iron and I hope this gives you lots of ideas for iron-ing up your mealtimes and bodies!


Tue, 05 Jan 2016 17:03:36 +0000
<![CDATA[Advice: Where to Find Calcium]]>http://natura-corner.com/blog/advice-where-to-find-calcium/

I can’t even begin to count the number of times that people have told me that I can’t get enough calcium on a plant based diet! It seems that they think the only place to find calcium is from a cow or possibly a goat. The thing that most people don’t realise is that there are actually so many delicious sources of calcium in plants and other whole foods. Plus these sources also normally contain vitamins C and K as well as potassium and magnesium, which are all really important for overall bone health.

Calcium is the mineral that we have the most of in our bodies, with 99% of it being stored in our bones and teeth and the other 1% found in our blood and soft tissues. It is vital for not only maintaining strong and healthy bones but also for regulating the way our blood clots and managing muscle contractions, including the heart. It also reduces the tendency of fat cells to store calories. So calcium helps our hearts beat and helps us to stay looking the way we want.

Calcium from milk really isn’t as great for your bones as most of us have been brought up to believe. While the calcium content of milk is high, there have been many studies that show it in fact has several negative impacts on our bodies. Calcium from cow’s milk is really hard for our bodies to absorb, especially if it is pasteurized like most of the products you can find in a supermarket. On top of that, it can actually cause calcium loss in our bones! This is because milk causes the pH of our bodies to become acidic which triggers a natural reaction in our bodies to bring the pH of our blood back to neutral. Calcium is really good at neutralizing acidity so when we drink milk, calcium is drawn from our bones in order to rebalance the acidity it causes which can result in a calcium deficit which is anything but good for our bones!



According to the NHS, adults need at least 700mg of calcium a day although in the US this figure is about 1000mg and breastfeeding women and those with coeliac disease or osteoporosis have a higher requirement.  So we do need to be conscious that we’re getting lots of calcium into our bodies everyday to keep us happy and healthy. Saying that, it’s really easy to meet this requirement, and all the necessary foods are delicious!

My favourite sources are spinach, broccoli, tahini/sesame seeds, figs, kale, almonds, chickpeas and kidney beans. To give you some idea of how rich these sources are I should say that one cup of spinach provides you with over a third of your RDA of calcium – this is so achievable as you can just whizz your cup of spinach into your morning smoothie. Adding a couple of tablespoons of tahini to your meal then boosts your calcium intake by another 160mg too, so you can see that you’re getting to the optimum calcium levels – I love stirring tahini into quinoa and brown rice or using it in salad dressings like my marinated kale salad, which is another awesome source of calcium. Plus tahini is the magic ingredient in hummus, which is a goldmine for calcium as it uses chickpeas too, which is a great excuse to devour vats of hummus every day! Having a kale salad with a tahini dressing and some hummus on the side really is a calcium feast!

If you are worried about calcium deficiency though it is always best to consult a naturopath who can help you to look at your intake and advise you of any changes that you may need to make. It is also worth knowing that Vitamin D helps your body to absorb calcium so it is equally important to make sure you are getting enough of that too. Exposure to sunlight is the best way to do this (but don’t go to crazy and remember to look after your skin!) – and mushrooms are also a really easy source of vitamin D and they make any meal delicious!


Tue, 05 Jan 2016 16:56:47 +0000
<![CDATA[Advice: How To Stay Healthy While You Travel]]>http://natura-corner.com/blog/advice-how-to-stay-healthy-while-you-travel/

One of the questions I get most is how can you stay healthy while you travel, so I thought with August coming up this was the perfect time to answer this question so that you can enjoy your summer holidays and feel amazing at the same time!

The answer to the question of staying healthy while you’re travelling is to be super organised – I know that’s not the most exciting answer, but with a little planning it’s pretty easy to feel amazing and travel. I have a few essentials that I take with me absolutely everywhere and they keep my energized and happy so that I can enjoy my trip!

The first thing I take is a travel blender. This may sound totally mad but honestly it’s the first thing I put in my suitcase every time I go away. I find that if I have a smoothie every morning for breakfast I can get in enough goodness that I don’t have to stress about whether I’m getting enough vitamins and minerals in my life throughout the rest of my day. When I arrive at my destination I buy some nuts, spinach, bananas and a selection of berries, mango and pineapple from a local market or supermarket and then blend them up in my travel blender for a superfood breakfast every morning. If I’m going away for more than a few days then I also take a couple of boosters with me so that I can make even better smoothies, my go-to’s are normally chia seeds and some superfood powder, either something like spirulina, chlorella or a mixed greens powder – this one from Neals Yard is a particular favourite as it really has everything in it, as are these little sachets from Organic Superblends. I also take spirulina tablets with me as they’re so easy to take everyday and they do wonders for my energy, I use these ones by Organic Burst. In terms of blenders there are two that I love – either one from Tribest or from Nutrtibullet, the nutribullet is heavier but more effective so better if you’re away for a longer period of time, whereas the tribest blender is lighter but not as strong so I take that when I’m just going for a night or two. There are links to both in my shop if you want to check them out – I’m pretty obsessed with mine, it’s totally transformed travelling!


The next thing I always take with me is a couple of packets of healthy, gluten free bread so that if all else fails I can buy some avocados and enjoy mashed avocado on toast for my meal, which to be honest I absolutely love so I’m always happy with that option! I enjoy knowing that I have something delicious to eat back in the hotel or house if I can’t find anything that works for me while I’m out. I normally take this brown rice and sunflower seed bread by Bionaas it’s full of goodness and travels really well.

I find it’s also really important to bring delicious snacks with me when I travel as there’s nothing worse than being hungry and tired and not being able to find anything to eat, it really takes away from your enjoyment of the trip – plus I always need good snacks on the plane or the car. I tend to travel with protein rich snacks as these are the best for energy, and as these are things that I carry around with me all day I look for things that are really portable and won’t get ruined in my handbag. Nuts, seeds and homemade trail mix are awesome options. To make the trail mix simply mix your favourite nuts, seeds, raisins, goji berries, cacao nibs and any dried fruit together and then take it with you in little sealable bags or mason jars – the bags fit perfectly into your bag and you can snack happily all day! Homemade energy balls are also wonderful, but if I don’t have time to make my own mix then I normally stock up on things like tubes of superfood seeds from Punch foods, raw bars from Love Raw or healthy crackers, they’re all so delicious and they also travel so well – the most important thing is to find snacks that are full of only nourishing ingredients and with no additives or anything refined! I love things like kale chips but they get so crushed in your bag, while things like hummus go pretty nasty when they’re left out of the fridge all day and raw chocolate just seems to melt – so raw snack bars and seeds work much better! Of course fruit is also an awesome option and bananas, apples and oranges are super portable.


If I’m staying in a house, rather than a hotel, then I take some gluten free pasta and quinoa with me so that I can enjoy them with any local veggies for dinner, I love cooking and try to cook as much as I can when I’m away so that I continue to feel awesome – plus it’s fun experimenting with local food!

Finally for the day of travel itself I always make meals the day before to take with me. You can take anything through airport security as long as it doesn’t contain anything that resembles a liquid or paste, which means sadly no hummus or almond butter! You can, however, take anything else. I normally make a giant quinoa salad with roasted sweet potatoes, avocado, pumpkin seeds, cucumber, pine nuts, lots of lime and olive oil – I’ll make enough for two or three portions depending on how long my journey is so that I’m never hungry and tempted by the plane food! I also bring some snacks with me, normally saw more trail mix, raw bars or punch seeds plus an empty glass water bottle so that I can drink lots and lots of water and stay hydrated – this is the bottle that I have and love. I also take the water bottle around with me all day everyday so that I remember to keep drinking! If you’re not a big water fan then try taking some herbal teabags with you and leave them in your water so that it has a delicious flavour.

I also take a little travel wash bag filled with awesome skincare products if I’m taking a long flight so that I look semi-refreshed when I arrive! I always put a little coconut oil into an empty container (remember that it has to be less than 100ml) so that I can moisturise, I then take my favourite Pai lip balm (available in the shop) and some essential oils from Neals Yard to help me relax!

When you’re at your destination try finding a juice bar or something to give you an extra boost of the goodness, the websitehttp://www.happycow.net is my go to place for finding any great local health spots!


My Essentials:

A travel blender

Items for your blender – chia seeds and green powder

Spirulina tablets

Healthy bread

Homemade trail mix or energy balls, or brought healthy snacks like seeds, snack bars or crackers – anything that can be carried around in your bag

Gluten free pasta and quinoa

A packed lunch for the travel day

A glass water bottle

Some herbal teabags

A travel wash bag with coconut oil, lip balm and essential oils

Tue, 05 Jan 2016 16:42:42 +0000
<![CDATA[Advice: The Basics of Healthy Eating]]>http://natura-corner.com/blog/advice-the-basics-of-healthy-eating/

Over the last two years I’ve had so many recently asking about the basics of healthy eating, how to start, what to eat etc so I thought I’d dedicate a blog post to it to help anyone who’s just getting started! For me there are two fundamental philosophies for healthy eating – firstly, this is absolutely not a diet and you really shouldn’t think of it as one, it’s never about deprivation or starvation but instead it’s about creating a new mindset and a new way of life. It’s about embracing all the delicious foods that you should eat and all the amazing things that you can do with them – I never count calories, you simply don’t need to if you eat this way. My other guideline is to always eat pure, clean, unprocessed, unrefined and plant-based foods. This is really important as this is what enables you to live by my first philosophy – if you only eat food that your body needs and loves then your digestive system works a million times faster and more efficiently, allowing you to easily process and breakdown everything that you put into your body. This is what gives you so much energy as there’s nothing in your body to clog it up and slow it down.

So what do you cut out? This may seem like a long list but trust me the list of all the awesome things that you’re adding in is even longer! To really thrive you should say goodbye to anything refined – white rice, white flour etc, anything with chemicals, additives and ‘flavourings’ – lots of supposedly ‘healthy’ items are full of these, any refined sugars, all meat, dairy, gluten, candy and fizzy drinks. All these things are very acidic to the body, which works best when it’s alkaline, they’re also really hard to digest which means they suck your energy and slow down your digestion.

So what should you eat? All of mother nature’s goodness! Embrace all fruits and veggies; whole grains – quinoa, brown/wild rice; all beans and legumes – chickpeas, lentils; potatoes – sweet and regular; all nuts and seeds; superfoods like cacao, goji berries, hemp, flax & chia; dried fruits etc. Almond milk makes the best dairy alternative, and actually contains more calcium, while quinoa, almond and brown rice flours make the best baking materials. Honey, dates, pure maple syrup, ripe bananas and raw agave syrup make the best replacement for sugar, and are really just as sweet and cacao makes the best chocolate recipes ever while loading you up on superfood nutrition. Dried fruits dipped in nut butter make the best candy replacements and frozen blended bananas make the perfect ice-cream substitute. There are ways of making all your favourite foods healthy, you just have to learn how. But remember with everything I’ve mentioned here that if anything contains weird additives then it’s not going to have the same awesome effect on you and non-dairy milks are a great example of this, they all contain the most bizarre ingredients. So make your own it’s the easiest thing in the world, tastes delicious and gives you more goodness than you can imagine!


Where to start? Start with smoothies, try having a smoothie for breakfast everyday for a week and see how you feel – I can guarantee you’ll feel so awesome! It’s amazing to make such a positively healthy decision first thing in the morning, it energises you and sets you up for a great day. Smoothies are also so unbelievably delicious and the quickest thing to make, they’re also one of the best ways to get lots of nutrition into your diet really quickly. My advice would be to use a ripe banana as the base, then add any fruits you want – strawberries, mango, blueberries, pineapple, pear, apple, raspberries etc, avocado also tastes amazing as it gives such a creamy texture, plus a cup of spinach or kale for green goodness. If I want to sweeten it then add a couple of medjool dates, maybe some almond butter and then a mix of gluten free oats, ground flaxseed, chia seeds and hemp protein, blended with either some water or homemade almond milk – water is much healthier than most store brought non-dairy milks. I sometimes even add things like broccoli florets to my smoothies but I think it takes time to build up to that! It’s really filling and you’ll feel amazing!

Also quinoa – learn to love quinoa! It’s the best base for any meal, so delicious and so healthy. To make it you literally just put a third of a cup of quinoa with about two thirds of a cup of boiling water into a pan to heat for 15-20 minutes with lime/lemon juice and salt, cooking it until it enlarges, softens and begins to taste great! It’s awesome as you don’t have to do anything to it while it cooks, except once or twice check it has enough water – it’s a million times easier than cooking rice. I then keep this in an air tight container in my fridge and use it as the base for meals, adding avocado, tomatoes, roasted squash, pumpkin seeds, homemade pesto etc. Sweet potatoes are an amazing thing to keep in your fridge as they’re so insanely delicious, very filling and super healthy,  I often roast a few at a time so that I always have some. To make them you simply cut them into chunks, cover with olive oil, salt and cinnamon and roast at 180C until they’re soft and tender, which depending on their size will take between 30mins and an hour, but again you don’t really have to do anything to them except stir them once or twice. They make a delicious addition to any meal.


Always cook everything with coconut oil, olive oil, rapeseed oil and use things like hemp oil and flaxseed oil for cold dressings – never use things like vegetable oil, vegan butters and sunflower oil – these are nasty and processed and don’t contain any of the good fats!

And learn to snack, I normally eat five times a day – my favourite snacks are gluten free toast with almond butter and sliced banana; dried fruits – apricots, figs & dates with nut butter; avocado mashed with 1 large tomato/a handful of cherry tomatoes, 1/2 a red pepper, 1 lime and salt; and frozen fruit – for some reason fruit tastes best frozen! All of these are so easy and so delicious – you’ll never miss processed food with things like this! This is my favourite healthy bread brand.

Oh and always start your morning with hot water and lemon, as this kickstarts your digestion, alkalinises your body and boosts your immune system!

So embrace all of mother nature’s goodness, throw away anything with additives, learn to love food, love snacking and love your body and I can guarantee it will love you back! You won’t believe how fast your body will metabolise foods when you do this and how much energy you’ll have. Just remember that just because something is marketed as healthy or sold in a health food store, doesn’t mean that it’s actually healthy!

If you want daily inspiration of all the awesome things you can eat then come follow me on instagram – my name is Deliciouslyella !

Tue, 05 Jan 2016 16:34:44 +0000
<![CDATA[Health Benefits of Bananas]]>http://natura-corner.com/blog/health-benefits-banana/ The health benefits of bananas include helping with weight loss, reducing obesity, curing intestinal disorders, relieving constipation, and curing conditions like dysentery, anemia, tuberculosis, arthritis, gout, kidney disorders, urinary disorders, menstrual problems, and burns. They are also good for reducing blood pressure, protecting heart health, modifying the metabolism, improving the immune system, reducing the severity of ulcers, ensuring healthy eyes, building strong bones, and detoxifying the body.

The fruit of the banana tree is eaten directly when ripe or as a part of fruit salads, juice, or shakes. Unripe bananas can cause severe indigestion and  should be eaten only in cooked form. Also, bananas are good toppings for breakfast cereals, or as a snack for a quick burst of energy. Bananas have been an important cultural food for many different countries, although the genus of bananas, Musa, is native to South and Southeast Asia. The full scientific name of bananas is Musa acuminata. Now, bananas are grown in more than 100 countries around the world and can also be used to make fiber, banana wine, and even as ornamental decorations.

The banana tree is actually the largest flowering herbaceous plant in the world, and although there are many different varieties exist, they almost all are elongated, slightly curved fruits with a fleshy outer peel that can be easily removed to expose white to yellow flesh. They all grow in clusters near the top of the fruiting plant, and come in a range of colors, including green, red, yellow, purple, and brown (when ripe). The main distinction is between bananas and plantains, and while there are not many differences, plantains are smaller with starchier, denser fruit and is traditionally eaten in Asia and tropical countries. Bananas are more commonly found in Europe and America, and are soft, desert fruits.

The many medicinal benefits of bananas are attributed to its rich vitamin, mineral, and organic compound content. Let’s explore the actual content of what makes bananas such an important, powerful, and beneficial fruit!

Nutritional Value of Bananas

Bananas have been considered one of the healthiest options for fruit consumption for many years due to its impressive nutritional content, which includes vitamins like vitamin C, vitamin B6, riboflavin, folate, pantothenic acid, and niacin, as well as trace amounts of other vitamins. In terms of minerals, bananas deliver a significant amount of potassium, manganese, magnesium, and copper. Bananas are also good sources of dietary fiber  and protein.

Health Benefits of Bananas

The health benefits of banana include the following:

Weight Loss and Obesity: Bananas are useful for weight loss as one banana only has approximately 90 calories. It contains a lot of fiber as well and is easy to digest. Furthermore, it does not contain any fats. Therefore, an overweight person does not have to eat too many calories if their diet contains some bananas, because they also serve to feel very filling. The roughage will also not make the person feel hungry by inhibiting the release of the hunger hormone, ghrelin. This will reduce overeating, keep a person healthy, but also help them naturally lose weight.

BananaStronger Bones:Bananas are one of the best fruits for guaranteeing strong, healthy bones throughout your life. One of the best reasons for this is the presence of fructooligosaccharide, which is a prebiotic and eventually a probiotic, beneficial bacteria in our digestive tract that boosts the intake of minerals and nutrients by the body. Specifically, bananas are linked to increased absorption of calcium. Some bananas also possess short-chain fatty acids, which humans cannot absorb, but the organism that live in our stomach lining can consume those fatty acids, which increases their ability toabsorb minerals like calcium. Calcium is the most important element in the production and regrowth of bone matter in the body, thereby reducing the chances of osteoporosis and natural weakness commonly linked to aging.

Arthritis and Gout: Various compounds inside of bananas are anti-inflammatory in nature, meaning that they can reduce swelling, inflammation, and irritation from various conditions like arthritis and gout. These conditions are very common as people age, or if they have poor diets or unhealthy diets. Therefore, adding a banana a day to your dietary regimen can keep you ache and pain-free for many years.

Weight Gain: At the same time as helping people lose weight, bananas can also be useful for weight gain. When consumed with milk, bananas help to increase a person’s weight rapidly. Milk provides the necessary proteins and bananas provide the sugars. Furthermore, since bananas are easily digested, a weak person can gulp 5-6 bananas in a day apart from the regular meals without giving them indigestion. This leads to an additional 500-600 calories which is quite necessary for weight gain. Since bananas have the ability to provide instant energy, sportsmen eat bananas during breaks during games for an extra surge of energy.

Constipation: Bananas contain significant amounts of dietary fiber and therefore help in smooth bowel movements. Bananas are said to push out stubborn stools and relieve a person from constipation. They also help in treating other intestinal disorders. Fiber is able to bulk up stool and help to stimulate the body’s peristaltic motion, which helps to move bowel movements through the intestinal tract. This can help to reduce unhealthy digestive conditions, as well as colorectal cancer!

Ulcers: For years, bananas have been used as an antacid food to soothe upset stomachs. It actually does far more than that, however, and can suppress acid secretion. The organic compounds in bananas stimulate the activity of the cells in our stomach lining in order to build up a protective barrier against acids. They also contain protease inhibitors, which eliminate the harmful bacteria that have been linked to the development of stomach ulcers!


Kidney Disorders: Bananas have been linked to reducing the danger towards the kidneys from a number of different conditions. Potassium helps to regulate the fluid balance in the body, and that can help ease the strain on the kidneys, and also encouraging urination. This can help to keep toxins from accumulating in the body, and speeding up their release from the body through increased frequency and volume of urination. Furthermore, there are polyphenolic, antioxidant compounds in bananas that positively impact kidney function and the accumulation of toxins, while also stimulating proper functioning of the kidneys.

Eye Health: Bananas, like many other fruits, are packed with antioxidant compounds and carotenoids, as well as a proper mix of minerals that can seriously boost the health of your eyes. Macular degeneration, cataracts, night blindness, and glaucoma have all been shown to decrease with normal intake of bananas and other similar fruits.

Cardiovascular Protection: Bananas represent an important part of overall heart health for a variety of reasons. First of all, bananas are rich sources of potassium, so they reduce blood pressure, since bananas are vasodilators. By relaxing the tension of arteries and veins, the blood can flow more smoothly through the body and oxygenate the various organs of the body to increase their function. This can help eliminate atherosclerosis and the subsequent strokes and heart attacks that are so commonly associated with that condition. The fiber in bananas also scrapes excess cholesterol from the arteries and blood vessels, as a further message of reducing stress on the cardiovascular system.

Piles: Piles is characterized by having difficulty in passing stools that may also lead to bleeding. It is believed that bananas help in treating piles. Some people also consider bananas to cause negative effects on the bowels during piles as it adds a lot of bulk, giving additional pressure on the bowels. However, the primary problem with piles is excretion, and bananas definitely stimulate that process. Bananas also have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help treat piles by reducing the inflammation and associated pain that often leads to itching and a worsening of the condition.

Anemia: Bananas contain high iron content and therefore aid in treating anemia because iron is an essential part of red blood cells, which is why anemia occurs, low blood cell count due to lack of iron. Anemia also has a significant content of copper, which is an important element in the creation of red blood cells. By increasing red blood cell count, not only do you prevent anemia, but you can increase circulation to all parts of the body, thereby oxygenating various parts of the organ and optimizing their functionality.

Menstrual problems: Cooked banana flowers help in providing relief from painful and excessively bleeding during the menstrual cycle as well as other menstrual disorders.

Tue, 05 Jan 2016 16:28:57 +0000
<![CDATA[Health Benefits of Camel Milk]]>http://natura-corner.com/blog/health-benefits-camel-milk/ Some of the most important health benefits of camel milk includes its ability to prevent diabetes, improve the immune system, stimulate circulation, treat autism, lessen allergic reactions, promote growth and development, protect against certain autoimmune diseases, and boost heart health.

Camel Milk

As its name implies, camel milk comes from camels, just as cow milk and goat milk come from cows and goats. Camel milk has been the primary type of milk consumed by many Bedouin cultures for generations. Although camel milk is not in nearly as high supply as cow milk, it has a number of clear advantages over that more common form, including more powerful nutrients and better chemical compounds. Camel milk is a more environmentally friendly way of obtaining milk, as camel’s do not need the massive amounts of grazing area like goats and cows, thereby leaving the world a bit greener, and filled with less methane gas. For generations, camel milk has primarily been only for subsistence in those cultures, but given the undeniable health benefits of camel milk as compared to more traditional forms of milk, there has been a major increase in camel milk farming. However, it is extremely expensive to harvest camel milk, approximately fifty times more expensive than cow milk, which makes it considerably more expensive.

It may be difficult to find a reliable supplied of camel milk in your area, but at some specialty food markets, you can likely find it, and throughout the Middle East and Northern Africa. Camel milk is the closest form of milk that we have access to besides human milk, which means that it gives us an ideal nutritive mixture, with far better benefits for our body than our more common alternatives. It includes far higher levels of iron, vitamin C, and protein, as well as less fat! Now, let’s take a more detailed look at some of the other health benefits of camel milk.

camelmilkHealth Benefits of Camel Milk

Diabetes Treatment:Camel milk has a wealth of nutrients, including insulin, which is an essential component of human health. Insulin and glucose balance is very important for theprevention of diabetes, making camel milk a potential natural solution for diabetes, eliminating the need for insulin injections if a steady stream of camel milk is included in the diet. If used as a preventative measure, camel milk can also prevent you from developing the disease in the first place.

Immune System: There is a surprisingly high level of proteins and other organic compounds in camel milk, some of which have powerful antimicrobial abilities. This means that camel milk can help to boost the immune system and keep us healthy from the inside out.

Growth and Development: The high level of animal proteins found in camel milk, many of which are not found in goat and cow milk, can help to stimulate proper growth and development of bones and organ systems. Protein is one of the most basic building blocks of life, and camel milk provides a lot of it. In fact, in many cultures, camel milk is given to malnourished infants and children, as it can improve health and wellness so dramatically. Camel milk was first used as a way to prolong journeys through the desert, when food and other chances for liquid were limited.


Stimulate Circulation: The high iron content found in camel milk makes it ideal for preventing anemia. Iron is a crucial component of red blood cells, which means that camel milk can increase circulation of the blood and oxygenation of the body’s organ systems and extremities. Following childbirth, injury, or period of malnutrition, camel milk can significantly help maintain health.

Autism Treatment: The high concentration of unique organic compounds has been known to have particularly powerful effects on the neurological system, and can even prevent certain autoimmune disorders. Numerous case studies have shown that autistic symptoms have been lessened or erased completely when camel milk was taken regularly. The exact pathways are unknown, but this is a potentially invaluable new remedy for a tragic affliction.

Allergic Reactions: Camel milk has been connected to reducing allergic reactions in those who regularly consume it. Furthermore, camel milk does not cause the same sorts of lactose intolerance reactions of cow milk, as it has a significantly different chemical makeup.

Heart Health: With such a healthy and comprehensive set of fatty acids, camel milk can greatly improve the balance of cholesterol in the body. By reducing “bad” cholesterol in the body, camel milk helps to reduce atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes, and even lowers blood pressure in regular users.

A Final Word of Warning: There are no known side effects or dangers of consuming camel milk, including many of the health issues that can be caused by cows and goats. It is the healthiest option out there, from infancy to old age!

Tue, 05 Jan 2016 16:24:25 +0000
<![CDATA[This Miracle Garlic Soup Kills Colds, Flu, And Even Norovirus]]>http://natura-corner.com/blog/garlic-soup/ This Miracle Garlic Soup Kills Colds, Flu, And Even NorovirusFlu shots only cover a percentage of strains of influenza that circulate every year and you’re pretty much guaranteed to catch a cold at some point or another. It’s inevitable: you’re going to become ill. Fortunately, we’ve got a garlic soup recipe that is not only delicious but helps kick influenza and cold ass during cold and flu season.

Why is this soup so good at killing colds? It’s all in the garlic. Garlic contains a chemical called allicin. Onestudy found that, a result of the allicin in it, garlic is 100 times more effective than popular antibiotics that fight common bacteria.

So how do we make this awesome garlic soup? Here’s what you’ll need:

  • 26 unpeeled organic garlic cloves
  • 2 tablespoons of virgin olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons of organic, grass-fed butter
  • 1/2 a teaspoon of cayenne powder
  • 1/2 a cup of fresh organic ginger
  • 2 and a quarter cups of sliced organic onions
  • 1/2 cup of coconut milk
  • 26 more cloves of peeled organic garlic cloves
  • 1 and a half teaspoons of fresh chopped thyme
  • 4 cups of organic vegetable broth


  1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. Place the 26 unpeeled cloves in a small glass baking dish and add the olive oil.
  3. Cover and bake until the garlic is golden brown, which is about 45 minutes.
  4. Allow to cool, then squeeze the garlic between your fingers to release the cloves.
  5. Melt butter in a large saucepan over medium heat. Add your onions, thyme, ginger, and cayenne powder. Cook until onions are translucent.
  6. Add the roasted garlic and unroasted garlic cloves and cook for 3 minutes.
  7. Add vegetable broth.
  8. Cover and simmer until garlic is tender, about 20 minutes.
  9. Now puree the soup in a blender until smooth.
  10. Put puree back in sauce pan and add coconut milk.

When you start feeling sick, get started on this recipe. You can eat it over the course of a few days without it going bad, but the fresher it is, the better.

Tue, 05 Jan 2016 16:19:19 +0000
<![CDATA[6 Things You Should Never Do Before Going To Bed]]>http://natura-corner.com/blog/never-before-bed/ 6 Things You Should Never Do Before Going To Bed1. Go to sleep and wake up at erratic hours.

Always make sure you’re hitting the sack and getting up at around the same time of day. Select times that are observable for weekdays and weekends. Our bodies rely on consistency to help signal when we need to produce awake hormones and sleepy hormones.

2. Drinking or smoking before bed.

You shouldn’t drink before bed and you shouldn’t smoke cigarettes ever at all. Alcohol is a depressant and nicotine is a stimulant, neither of which being good for your sleep. Alcohol reduces REM deep sleep.

3. Eating a bunch of food.

Eating before bed disrupts sleep. It causes our metabolism to kick in making it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep. You’ll be more likely to wake up and gain weight from eating.

4. Using your phone before bed.

Texting or surfing the web at night before bed is disruptive because our bodies have difficulty knowing whether or not you’re looking at a light or a nice, sunny day. When you look at your phone, your brain starts thinking it needs to produce wake up hormones.

5. Sleeping too much.

You have an internal clock and sleeping too much or too little disrupts it. When you mess up your internal clock, you feel groggy and tired, even if you’ve slept a lot.

6. Drinking water.

Staying hydrated is important but drinking water right before bed disrupts our sleep. Pretty simple to understand why I’d imagine.

Tue, 05 Jan 2016 16:16:06 +0000
<![CDATA[This Is What Happened When I Ate Ginger Every Day For A Year]]>http://natura-corner.com/blog/eat-ginger-every-day/ This Is What Happened When I Ate Ginger Every Day For A Year

Ginger is my all time favorite food, so accepting a challenge to eat it daily wasn’t all that hard. I love it on all sorts of food. When I decided to take on the challenge, I was hoping it’d live up to its hype. This is what I experienced.

1. I lost a bit of weight.

Over the course of a year, I lost about 10 pounds. I didn’t change that much. I was slightly more active. According to one study, eating a bit of ginger burns an extra 45 calories a day and ginger tea helps you feel fuller longer.

2. I didn’t get sick as much as normal.

On average, I’ll get 3 colds per year. This past year, I got one very minor, brief cold. Ginger contains antioxidants, in particular, Gingerol, a bioactive substance, that helps reduce the risk of infection and gives your immune system better tools for fighting disease.

3. My cholesterol decreased.

I have high cholesterol. So does everyone else in my family. It could be our genetics or our love of cheese, hard to say. What I will say is that with two tests under my belt, both 12 months apart, my cholesterol had been reduced by a bit. It could have been more if I’d opted to eat better and exercise.

4. My stomach problems were relieved.

I have stomach issues, largely a result of food allergies that I persist in ignoring. I wasn’t as gassy, my digestion felt better, and I was a bit more regular. Perfect.

5. I justified eating sushi more often.

What? It is technically something that happened when I started eating sushi every day.

Tue, 05 Jan 2016 16:12:57 +0000
<![CDATA[Eat 5 Walnuts And Wait 4 Hours – This Is What Happens To You]]>http://natura-corner.com/blog/eat-5-walnuts/ Eat 5 Walnuts And Wait 4 Hours – This Is What Happens To YouIf you’re allergic to walnuts, eating 5 of them and waiting 4 hours will possibly result in a trip to the morgue. But if you aren’t allergic, eating walnuts is incredibly good for you.

According to new research, eating walnuts daily protects you from heart disease in a profound way. Just four hours after eating nuts, doctors observe a significant improvement in blood cholesterol levels as well as blood vessel flexibility.

“Only by consuming a handful of walnuts or walnut oil for four days in a week you can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease,” says Dr. Penny Kris Etherton.

Of course, this isn’t the first documented observation of the superfood benefits of nuts. Ancient Romans believed that walnuts were a sexual enhancer among other things. They used to scatter them on newlywed couples. Walnuts were also used by the ancient British to treat mental illness, thinking the shape of the nut meant it was healthy for the brain.


If you don’t like the taste of walnuts, they’re easy to sneak into your food. You can put them on salads, in smoothies, in your oatmeal, and you can even make walnut energy bars. Walnuts are loaded with vitamin E, folate, melatonin, omega 3 fats, and antioxidants.

Tue, 05 Jan 2016 16:09:05 +0000
<![CDATA[7 Awesome Health Benefits Of Avocados]]>http://natura-corner.com/blog/health-benefits-avocados/ 7 Awesome Health Benefits Of AvocadosAvocados are the new “it” superfood, and there’s a good reason for that. The fruit is absolutely delicious, reasonably affordable, and it comes with a host of health benefits.

Related: How To Grow Your Own Avocado Tree For Endless Free Avocados

1. Avocados are simply nutrient dense.

This is the most important reason to eat avocado. One 3.5 ounce serving gives you a good dose of many daily nutrients. You get 26% of vitamin K, 20% of folate, 17% of vitamin C, 14% of potassium, 14% of vitamin B5, 13% of vitamin B6, and 10% of vitamin E all from the one serving.

2. Avocados can reduce risk of birth defects.

Folate is an important vitamin when pregnant. One cup of avocados provides almost a quarter of the needed folate for a pregnant woman. It also helps prevent anemia, balances sugar levels, and can even cut down on cramping, a result of its high potassium density.


Related: 5 Healthy Healing Foods That Will Transform Your Life

3. Avocados relieve arthritis pain.

Studies have found that avocado and soybean oils can lessen the pain of arthritis due to their high PFA content. PFAs contain an arsenal of anti-inflammatory constituents.

4. Avocados help manage your weight.

Avocados contain monounsaturated fatty acids which help manage your weight and they also leave you feeling fuller longer, decreasing the desire to overeat.

Related: 12 Tips For Burning Off Unwanted Belly Fat

5. Avocados help protect your eyes.

Avocados contain antioxidants that have properties that protect your eyes as you age. Among them are Zeaxanthin and Lutein, which are critical for eye health. These two nutrients have been linked to reduced risk of macular degeneration and cataracts.

6. Avocados regulate cholesterol.

The humble avocado contains a big dose of healthy monounsaturated fat which helps lower bad cholesterol levels. Avocados also help lower triglycerides in the bloodstream.

7. Avocados keep your mind sharp.

Avocados are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E, both crucial for your brain’s health. E is undervalued by many but protects brain membranes from oxidation, prevent dementia down the road.

Tue, 05 Jan 2016 16:07:09 +0000
<![CDATA[8 Foods That Look Like The Body Parts They’re Good For]]>http://natura-corner.com/blog/foods-look-like-body-parts/ tomato-heartfoods-that-look-like-body 

1. Carrots – Eyes.


Eating carrots daily promotes healthy eyes. “Carrots are filled with vitamins and antioxidants, like beta-carotene, that decrease the chance of macular degeneration, the leading cause of vision loss in older people,” says Sasson Moulavi, MD, medical director of Smart for Life Weight Management Centers.

2. Walnuts – Brain.



Walnuts have been given the nickname “brain food,” and there’s a reason for that. “They have a very high content of omega-3 fatty acids, which help support brain function,” says Lisa Avellino, a dietitian at Focus28 Diet.


3. Celery – Bones.


Celery is a delicious food. One of my favorite snacks is celery in some hummus. It turns out, they’re good for your bones too. “Celery is a great source of silicon, which is part of the molecular structure that gives bones their strength,” says Dr. Moulavi.

4. Avocados – Uterus.


Keeping the uterus healthy is a top priority for many women. If it’s a concern of yours, try avocados. “Avocados are a good source of folic acid,” says Elizabeth Somer, a registered dietitian. “Folate has been found to reduce the risk for cervical dysplasia, which is a precancerous condition.”

5. Grapefruit – Breasts.


Breast health is another top concern for women. Breast cancer is a terrifying disease that is often difficult to defeat. Fortunately, grapefruits are here to help keep your breasts healthy. “Grapefruit contains substances called limonoids, which have been shown to inhibit the development of cancer in lab animals and in human breast cells,” says Dr. Moulavi.

6. Tomatoes – Heart.


Heart disease is one of America’s greatest killers, but this red, heart-shaped vegetable may be the answer. Studies have found that because of the lycopene in tomatoes, there is a reduced risk for heart disease in men and women who eat them,” says Somer. Mixing them with olive oil and avocado boosts your body’s ability to absorb lycopene ten times over.

7. Sweet Potatoes – Pancreas.


This sweet vegetable not only looks like a pancreas, but is crucial to keeping this necessary organ healthy. “Sweet potatoes are high in beta-carotene, which is a potent antioxidant that protects all tissues of the body, including the pancreas, from damage associated with cancer or aging,” says Somer.

8. Ginger – Stomach.


Ginger is one of my favorite foods for more than one reason. It’s delicious, but it also helps settle my stomach. “Gingerol, which is the ingredient responsible for ginger’s pungent scent and taste, is listed in the USDA database of phytochemicals as having the ability to prevent nausea and vomiting.” says Dr. Moulavi.

Tue, 05 Jan 2016 16:04:01 +0000
<![CDATA[Do You Use Non-Stick Pans? You’re Going To Want To Read This!]]>http://natura-corner.com/blog/non-stick-pans/ Do You Use Non-Stick Pans? You’re Going To Want To Read This!Non-stick pans are a popular item. They’re easy to use and convenient when it comes time to clean up. New research suggests that non-stick chemicals are actually extremely toxic and that exposure can prove dangerous for our health.

DuPont is the chemical engineering giant responsible for PFOA, or perfluorooctanoic acid that’s used to make Teflon coating.

PFOA has been linked by federal regulators to birth defects and cancer, and some regulators have accused DuPont of hiding these hazards from the public.

The Environmental Working Group has been working to categorize PFOA in the same department as asbestos and lead.


Of course, there are natural and safer alternatives to Teflon. If you currently own a non-stick pan, we recommend getting rid of it immediately.

Replace them with glass bakeware and choose steel or cast iron pans and pots for all other cooking needs. Coconut oil, butter, and other natural fats provide a non-stick surface for your cookware.

Tue, 05 Jan 2016 15:52:26 +0000
<![CDATA[This Is What Happens When You Eat Oatmeal Every Day]]>http://natura-corner.com/blog/oatmeal/ This Is What Happens When You Eat Oatmeal Every DayOatmeal is a favorite food of mine. I make this version of it where I add cinnamon, walnuts, chopped apples and rice milk that’s just divine.

It’s the ultimate comfort breakfast in the winter for me. But it’s got way more going for it than comfort food!

1. Oatmeal helps you manage your weight.

Oatmeal helps you feel fuller longer. One study found that it digests slower than cornflakes, which keeps hunger at bay longer.

2. Your gut will be healthier.

Prebiotics are a type of fiber that our digestive system can’t digest, and it’s important that you eat it. Why would we want to eat something we can’t digest? Jeez, you only think of yourself, don’t you?


All those delightful little good bacteria in your gut love to chow down on it. It keeps them healthy and happy, which keeps you healthy and happy.

3. Oatmeal improves heart health.

Oatmeal has cholesterol-lowering properties. 2 ounces of dry oats a day, or one cup cooked, added to even the worst diets can help keep cholesterol in check. It also helps stabilize your blood sugar levels.

4. Oatmeal is nutritious and healthy.

Oatmeal is low in fat and has almost no saturated fat, yet it’s packed with 5 grams of protein. It also includes macronutrients like copper, iron, zinc, and phosphorus.

5. You have more energy.

Eating breakfast at all provides you with even more energy throughout the day. Oatmeal is such a delicious, healthy food, there are few ways to start your day better.

Tue, 05 Jan 2016 15:49:33 +0000
<![CDATA[Try This Tasty, Powerful Antioxidant Turmeric Smoothie]]>http://natura-corner.com/blog/turmeric-smoothie/ Try This Tasty, Powerful Antioxidant Turmeric SmoothieTurmeric is quickly becoming a household name for its incredibly anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal constituents. It’s a little bit bitter when consumed on its own, but you’re not even going to notice the taste in this delicious, healthy, antioxidant-loaded smoothie.

As we’ve previously reported, turmeric is as good or better than 7 common medications and scientists recently observed the spice reprogramming and killing cancer cells. Even turmeric filled golden milk does wonders for your health. The science is there. Turmeric is something we should all consume to help us live long, healthy, happy lives.

Turmeric smoothie recipe:

You will need:

  • 1 teaspoon of maca
  • 1 teaspoon of chia seeds
  • 1/2 teaspoon of organic ground ginger
  • 1/2 teaspoon of organic ground cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon of organic ground turmeric
  • 1 tablespoon of organic coconut oil
  • 1 fresh organic banana
  • 1/2 cup organic pineapple chunks, frozen if you like a cold smoothie
  • 1 cup of organic hemp milk


Add all ingredients in a blender and blend. Oxidation begins to break down some of the nutrients of your smoothie quickly, so leave it as lumpy as you can tolerate and drink immediately.

This smoothie is good any time of day, but you get the most bang for your buck if you consume it in the morning on an empty stomach. It boosts your energy and is a great way to keep your mind sharp.

Tue, 05 Jan 2016 15:46:59 +0000
<![CDATA[This Is Why I Drink Water On An Empty Stomach Every Morning]]>http://natura-corner.com/blog/drink-water-empty-stomach/ Drink WaterEvery morning, I get up and drink 24 ounces of water. I don’t chug it, but I slowly sip it before I make coffee or breakfast. Why?

I’m sure some of you have heard of the Japanese Water Therapy. According to Japanese tradition, water can be used as a natural treatment for numerous disease like asthma, arthritis, heart disease, tuberculosis, constipation, etc. It prescribes water before brushing your teeth and then waiting 45 minutes before breakfast.

In India, there is a similar water treatment, called Usha Paana Chikitsa, or roughly “early morning water treatment.” It recommends you drink 1.5 liters of water on an empty stomach each morning. It purportedly also treats a host of medical conditions like the ones listed before.

But as with everything on the internet, the more incredible the claim, the less likely it is to be true. And all of this, my friends, is a bunch of made up nonsense.


For starters, this Usha Paana Chikitsa treatment is dangerous for your health. On average, I drink about one and a half liters of water in a single day. The Indian treatment recommends chugging it first thing in the morning. This is an incredibly dangerous thing to do. Your kidneys can process up to about 1,000 ml of water per hour. If you drink more than that in an hour, you can develop a condition called hyponatremia.

Hyponatremia occurs when your bloodstream sodium levels lower to unhealthy levels. This causes your cells to begin to stretch themselves. At a glance, this isn’t a bad thing. Your body’s cells are made to expand and stretch and move around as our bodies do. Your brain’s neurons, however, cannot. Excess water can cause brain swelling and death. Never try Usha Paana Chikitsa.

The Japanese Water Therapy, on the other hand, has no negative side effect as long as you don’t chug an idiotic amount of water first thing in the morning. Drinking water in the morning, empty stomach or not, keeps your body clean, hydrated and healthy – there’s no doubt about that. There is, however, no scientific research to support the claim that drinking water in the morning can cure difficult and sometimes irreversible diseases like cancer, tuberculosis, and Diabetes.

By all accounts, it’s all one big hoax. 

Another claim that circulates is that drinking water can stop a heart attack. This is also simply not true. There’s no scientific research to back the claim.

But I still drink water every morning.

Why? Because hydration is important. We lose water as we sleep (and all the time for that matter) and it needs to be replenished beginning each morning. Water keeps your skin looking young, keeps your energy levels up, helps you maintain a healthy body weight, and reduces the chance of having painful kidney stones.

So drink water. Just don’t buy into the aforementioned claims about it.

Tue, 05 Jan 2016 15:43:20 +0000
<![CDATA[9 Incredible Things That Happen When You Drink Warm Lemon Water In The Morning]]>http://natura-corner.com/blog/warm-lemon-water/ Lemon WaterLemon water isn’t just incredibly refreshing and better for you than any soft drink, it also powers up our bodies with vitamins, minerals, and trace elements that are vital to good, lasting health. It’s a great energy booster and hydrates us first thing in the morning when we need it most.

We hear a lot about the benefits of drinking lemon water, but what can we expect it to change about our health?

1. Lemon water powers up your morning with electrolytes.

I bet most of you wake up in the morning and have a cup of coffee. I’m guilty of this myself so don’t feel too bad about it. But did you know that a cup of coffee after warm lemon water is even better? Lemon contains hydrating electrolytes in the form of magnesium, and calcium. It’ll get your day started the right way.

2. Lemon water helps keep joints healthy.

Lemons are able to reduce joint and muscle pain as well as keep your joints healthier.

3. Lemon water improves digestion.

I tend to eat a lot of fiber first thing in the morning. It keeps me full well into the afternoon. In order to make sure fiber doesn’t get stuck in your bowels, you need to drink plenty of fluids with it. Lemon water is perfect for this. Lemons contain citric acid which stimulates production of digestive enzymes.

4. Lemon water improves liver function.

As we just mentioned, lemon water stimulates the production of digestive enzymes which helps the liver do its job and not need to work so hard.

5. Lemon water prevents respiratory infections.

If you get an infection, it helps you get rid of it faster. Warm lemon water will help soothe sore throat and tonsil inflammation and is loaded with vitamin C, helping you fight off unwanted infections.

6. Lemon water helps regulate your bowel movements.

It’s good to be regular.

7. Lemon water speeds up weight loss.

What’s the sure fire way to lose weight? Diet and exercise. There are little things that can help though. Lemon water is loaded with antioxidants and can boost your metabolism.

8. Lemon water cleanses the blood.

Those antioxidants help neutralize free radicals that may be floating around in your blood. In the end, your cardiovascular system will be healthier.

9. Lemon water relieves heartburn.

It seems a bit counterintuitive but a glass of lemon water can help relieve heartburn. We recommend about a teaspoon of lemon juice per 8 oz glass of water. You don’t want to make your stomach too acidic.

Tue, 05 Jan 2016 15:40:54 +0000
<![CDATA[They Say Drinking Lemon Water In The Morning Is Good For You… Here’s What They Didn’t Tell You]]>http://natura-corner.com/blog/lemon-water-morning/ They Say Drinking Lemon Water Most people know that lemon water is good for you. It’s full of vitamin C and great for your overall health. Especially as we come upon another flu season, we need our immune systems in tip top shape.

And while it may be good to drink a big glass of water with lots of fresh, organic lemon juice, this is what they didn’t tell you.

1. Lemon water can help cure acne.

Drinking lemon water boosts your immune system and helps you digest food. This helps clear up acne.

2. Lemon water helps you lose weight.

One of the great benefits of lemon juice is that it helps your body normalize blood sugar which is a big help in losing weight.

3. Lemon water helps prevent kidney stones.

In some people at least. Lemons contain a ton of potassium which makes citrate levels in urine higher, disabling stone formation.

4. Lemon water helps prevent gall stones.

Same concept as above, really.

5. Lemon water helps with GERD.

It may seem counterintuitive since lemons are so acidic, but lemon juice in water actually helps settle your stomach acid and makes a good, natural replacement for tums.

Bet you thought we were going to tell you bad things about it, huh? It goes to show that even some of the health benefits of lemon water are glossed over.

Tue, 05 Jan 2016 15:31:53 +0000
<![CDATA[3 Reasons You Should Never Drink Ice Water]]>http://natura-corner.com/blog/never-drink-ice-water/ 3 Reasons You Should Never Drink Ice WaterPicture this:

It’s a hot day, you’ve been outside sweating in your garden and you just need to cool off. Do you reach for some ice water? If so, you may want to rethink what you’re doing. You may not realize what you’re doing to your body!

1. Cold water shrinks your blood vessels and impedes digestion and hydration.

2. Instead of using energy to digest food, your body must focus on warming the water you’ve consumed until it can be used. This can actually result in water loss, thus causing dehydration.

3. Cold water during and after meals creates excess mucous, which your immune system must get rid of. This weakens your immune system and keeps it too busy to fight pathogens.

There are a few reasons why you should drink warm water though!

1. Warm water improves hydration.

2. Warm water stimulates digestive enzymes during and after meals.

3. Your digestive system moves waste along easier. Add a little lemon for faster digestion.

4. Warm water helps your body naturally detox through your kidneys, liver, lymphatic system and skin.

Tue, 05 Jan 2016 15:28:35 +0000
<![CDATA[Here’s What Happens To Your Body When You Drink Coconut Water Every Day For A Week]]>http://natura-corner.com/blog/coconut-water/ coconut-waterAdvocates claim that coconut water has near magical effects on our overall health. Sure, we hear about the benefits of coconut oil all the time, but what’s the deal with coconut water?

Coconut water strengthens your immune system.

Simply put, coconut water makes your immune system stronger. It helps clean your body of bacteria that causes urinary tract infections, gum disease, and in some cases has proven effective against gonorrhea. It also helps defeat cold viruses.

We’d like to note that it’s important if you’re not in a monogomous relationship to be tested for STDs routinely and follow your physician’s instructions on treating them if you test positive. Gonorrhea is no joke.

Coconut water boosts your energy.

Coconut water improves your thyroid gland’s hormone production and boosts your energy.

Coconut water fights kidney diseases.

It does so by helping cleanse your urinary tract and bladder. Toxins that cause kidney stones are also broken down over time.

Coconut water is high in fiber.

This is great for losing weight as it helps you feel full longer. It’s also great if you’re irregular. Get ready to go number two a lot!

Coconut water keeps you hydrated.

Drinking any kind of water does the trick. Did you know as many as 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated? This can lead to numerous health problems as well as simply not feeling so great.

What do you think? Is coconut water worth adding to your diet?

Tue, 05 Jan 2016 15:23:30 +0000
<![CDATA[10 Small Changes You Can Make Everyday To Lose Weight]]>http://natura-corner.com/blog/lose-weight/ lose-weightToday, about 36% of Americans are obese and an astonishing 74% of men are at least a little bit overweight. As a result, people everywhere are working hard at dropping the extra pounds. I’ve always thought of weight loss as being a kind of guerrilla warfare. Sure, you use diet and exercise as a main offensive, but taking little steps to kill off the calories during the day can make your weight loss mission end faster.

What are some tricks to lose extra weight?

1. Drink black, white, and green tea daily.

Some research shows that those who drink tea made from real tea leaves have lower body mass indexes and less fat.

2. Eat cayenne pepper.

Cayenne pepper isn’t just an effective cold and flu preventer, but it contains an ingredient called capsaicin which is effective at burning fat.

3. Eat fruit.

Some types of fruit are high in sugar and carbs and can slow down weight loss, but fruit is always a healthier alternative than bad food. If you need a snack, grab an apple.


Get into it. Hit the gym. Do pushups. Lift weights. Squats. Do all the lifting you can. Lifting weights burns calories and improves metabolism, burning even more after your workout.

5. Eat a salad.

They have way fewer calories than most meal choices and have a lot of fiber, helping you feel full.

6. Eat lean protein.

Protein aids weight loss. It helps cut carbs out of the diet and keep you fuller between meals. Fish, chicken, legumes and nuts are all great sources.

7. Shut the fridge.

When the sun goes down, shut the fridge and don’t open it again. It’ll keep you from eating those pesky late night calories that stick around in the morning.

8. Drink a little less booze.

We’re not saying don’t drink, but cut back a little booze. A beer after a workout is delightful.

9. Take the stairs.

Forget the elevator. Take the stairs. If you were to take a flights of stairs every day, you’d lose about 2 pounds a year.

10. Make lunch at home.

Instead of ordering out every day for lunch, make lunch at home. Not only will you save cash, but you’re less likely to consume more calories, sodium, and fat.

Best of luck on your weight loss journey!

Tue, 05 Jan 2016 15:20:19 +0000
<![CDATA[Health Benefits of Lemon]]>http://natura-corner.com/blog/health-benefits-of-lemon/ The health benefits of lemon include treatment of throat infections, indigestion, constipation, dental problems, and fever, internal bleeding, rheumatism, burns, obesity, respiratory disorders, cholera and high blood pressure, while it also benefits hair and skin care. Known for its therapeutic property since generations, lemon helps to strengthen your immune system, cleanse your stomach, and it is considered a blood purifier.

The health benefits of lemons are due to its many nourishing elements like vitamin C, vitamin B6, vitamin A, vitamin E, folate, niacin thiamin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, copper,  calcium, iron,  magnesium, potassium, zinc, phosphorus and protein. Lemon is a fruit that contains flavonoids, which are composites that contain antioxidant and cancer fighting properties. It helps to prevent diabetes, constipation, high blood pressure, fever, indigestion and many other problems, as well as improving the skin, hair, and teeth. Studies conducted at the American Urological Association highlight the fact that lemonade or lemon juice can eliminate the occurrence of kidney stones by forming urinary citrate, which prevents the formation of crystals.

People use lemons to make lemonade by mixing lemon juice and water. Many people also use lemon as a washing agent, because of its ability to remove stains. The scent of lemon can also repel mosquitoes, while drinking lemon juice with olive oil helps to get rid of gall stones. Lemon is well known for its medicinal power and is used in many different ways. As per the results reported in a study by the Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, lemon provides protection against inflammatory polyarthritis and arthritis.

Health Benefits of Lemon

Various health benefits of lemon are explained below:


Indigestion and Constipation: Lemon juice helps to cure problems related to indigestion and constipation. Add a few drops of lemon on your dish (take care, it does not go well with milk), and it will aid in digestion. It acts as a blood purifier and a cleansing agent, so a good drink after lunch or dinner is fresh lemon soda, which is also called fresh lime soda in many places. The recipe is lemon juice, cold water, soda, salts (common salt or rock salt) and sugar/honey for sweetness. You can also add some mint leaves or crushed fennel seeds for added flavor. Drink this whenever you have a heavy lunch or dinner.

Fever: Lemon juice can treat a person who is suffering from a cold, flu or fever. It helps to break fevers by increasing perspiration.

Dental Care: It is also frequently used in dental care. If fresh lemon juice is applied on the area of a toothache, it can assist in getting rid of the pain. Massaging the juice on the gums can stop gum bleeding, while eliminating the bad odors that can come from various gum diseases and conditions.

Additionally, it can be used in the regular cleansing of your teeth. Keep your eye out for a toothpaste containing lemon as one of the ingredients, or add a drop of its juice onto your normal toothpaste. Some people also rub their teeth with the outer shell (the inner side touching your teeth) of a lemon after removing the juice. But be careful, lemons are highly acidic, so if your mouth starts burning, rinse your gums and mouth quickly with water.

Hair Care: Lemon juice has proven itself in the treatment of hair care on a wide scale. The juice applied to the scalp can treat problems like dandruff, hair loss and other problems related to the hair and scalp. If  you apply lemon juice directly on the hair, it can give your hair a natural shine.


Skin Care: Lemon juice, being a natural antiseptic medicine, can also cure problems related to the skin. The juice can be applied to reduce the pain of sun burn, and it helps to ease the pain from bee stings as well. It is also good for acne and eczema. It acts as an anti-aging remedy and can remove wrinkles and blackheads. Drinking lemon juice mixed with water and honey brings a healthy glow to the skin, and if you thoroughly search the cosmetic market, you will find some soaps containing lemon juice, but they aren’t too easy to find!

Burns: Use lemon juice on the site of old burns can help fade the scars, and since lemon is a cooling agent, it reduces the burning sensation on the skin when you currently have an irritating burn.

Internal Bleeding: It has antiseptic and coagulant properties, so it can stop internal bleeding. You can apply lemon juice to a small cotton ball and place it inside your nose to stop nose bleeds.

Weight Loss: If a person drinks lemon juice mixed with lukewarm water and honey, it can help reduce body weight. Read more

Respiratory Disorders: Lemon juice assists in relieving respiratory problems and breathing problems, such as its ability to soothe a person suffering from an asthma attack. Being a rich source of vitamin C, it helps in dealing with more long-term respiratory disorders.

Cholera: Diseases like cholera and malaria can be treated with lemon juice, because it acts as a blood purifier.

Foot Relaxation: Lemon is an aromatic and antiseptic agent and is useful in foot relaxation. Add some lemon juice to warm water and dip your feet in the mixture for instant relief and muscle relaxation.

Rheumatism: It is also a diuretic and can treat rheumatism and arthritis. It helps to flush out bacteria and toxins from the body.

Corns: Lemon juice can dissolve lumps on the skin, so it can be applied at the places where the skin has hardened up, like the soles of feet and the palms of your hands. Drinking lemon juice with water can help patients reduce gall stones for the same reasons.

Throat Infections: Lemon is an excellent fruit that fights against problems related to throat infections, due to its well-known   antibacterial properties.

High Blood Pressure: Drinking lemon juice is helpful for people suffering from heart problems, because it contains potassium. It controls high blood pressure, dizziness, and nausea, because it provides a calming sensation to both the mind and body. It is commonly employed to reduce mental stress and depression.

Lemon: Lemon has proved to be nature’s boon to everyone who uses it. It provides many valuable solutions to health-related problems, because it contains its own set of antiseptic and natural medications. In case of malaria, lemon will not cure it, but aids in the treatment. A good practice is to eat anywhere from a quarter to a half of a lemon per day to get the maximum benefits from this powerful little fruit!

Tue, 05 Jan 2016 15:14:49 +0000
<![CDATA[Health Benefits of Argan Oil]]>http://natura-corner.com/blog/health-benefits-argan-oil/ Some of the most important health benefits of argan oil include its ability to speed wound healing, moisturize the skin, slow aging, lower cholesterol, treat cancer, improve hair health, optimize digestion, reduce inflammation, protect the liver, manage diabetes, strengthen the nails, and boost heart health.

Argan Oil

There is a certain species of tree in Morocco, called the argan tree, which produces a very valuable plant oil from its kernels. With the scientific name of Argania spinosa, you can find this tree in a few other parts of the world, but it is endemic to that North African nation, and the oil wasn’t found too widely throughout the world until recently. In Morocco, this oil is used to drizzle over food, almost like a standard olive oil, but recent discoveries of other health benefits from this oil have led to its broader exportation. The oil is extracted from the 1-3 kernels found in the hard-shelled nut surrounded by the argan fruit’s pulp.


Argan oil is used for culinary purposes, as well as cosmetic ones, and is often added into couscous, salads, and other sauces. Argan pulp can also be made into a paste to be spread on desserts and bread, similar to peanut butter. The oil can be directly applied to the skin for certain conditions, or mixed in with other creams, salves, or carrier oils. Many people also use the oil directly on the hair. Given its use in food,argan oil is one of the more versatile natural oils, as it can be safely used internally and topically. The limited amount of this resource in Morocco has made the price a bit dear, but the government is planning to increase production in order to meet the increasing demand.

Health Benefits of Argan Oil

Skin Health: The most well known and commonly relied on function of argan oil is as a skin treatment. The triterpenoids found in this powerful oil, in combination with other organic compounds found in the oil, are able to eliminate the appearance of age spots and scars, and can even affect the severity of acne and dermatitis. Furthermore, if you have any tumorous skin cells, the volatile compounds of argan oil can reduce them and keep you both feeling and looking young. Premature aging is a serious problem for many people, but by maintaining skin elasticity, argan oil can prevent those typical symptoms of aging.

Sun Protection: While it might be nice to be out in the sunshine, the UV radiation from our sun can have a number of negative effects on the skin, hair, and nails. Fortunately, the compounds found in argan oil can protect against these negative effects, which can significantly speed up the aging process, and also contribute to skin cancers. It also promotes the regeneration of cells and increases overall health.

Heart Health: Using cooking oils is something that we all do, but choosing a healthier option like argan oil can help to rebalance your cholesterol levels. By lowering your levels of bad cholesterol, and increasing your HDL cholesterol levels, you can help to prevent atherosclerosis, heart attacks, strokes, and other serious heart issues caused by cholesterol.

Cancer Prevention: Argan oil is packed with antioxidants and triterpenoids, which can directly influence the levels of free radicals in your body. Free radicals can cause cancer and other chronic diseases by causing healthy cells to mutate. Prostate cancer and bladder cancer have been the main areas of study thus far, but the general anti-inflammatory properties of argan oil can help reduce tumors and other cancerous growths throughout the body.

Digestion: Many people eat right, but their bodies don’t properly take in the food they need, mainly throughdisorders of the stomach or a poorly functioning gastric system. The organic compounds in argan oil can increase pepsin levels in the stomach, and also boost gastric juices, which results in more efficient digestion of food and a higher nutrient intake.

Hair Health: People are always looking for ways to improve their appearance, and this is particularly true for the hair. If you suffer from split ends, which annoys millions of people around the world, adding argan oil directly to your hair can be a quick and effective remedy. There is a high concentration of vitamin E in argan oil, which can rejuvenate the hair, protect the follicle beds, and improve the shine and overall appearance.

Nail Quality: Unhealthy nails are more than just unattractive; they are also breeding grounds for bacteria and fungal infections. Argan oil has natural antibacterial qualities that can protect your nail beds from a wide variety of infections and improve the appearance and color of your nails.

Liver Health: The liver is not only one of the most delicate organs in the body, but also one of the most important. Therefore, after a lifetime of flushing out toxins and handling all the terrible things we put inside our body, the liver can always use a boost. Fortunately, the hepatoprotective properties of argan oil mean that it can boost your liver health every time you add a bit of oil to one of your meals!

Wound Healing: If you have a wound or other abrasion on your skin and want to not only speed its healing, but also prevent infections, apply some argan oil topically to the skin, or put it in a carrier oil. Internal consumption also helps with wound healing, but it’s much more effective when directly applied.

A Final Word of Warning: There are no common side effects of using argan oil, but there have been limited reports of allergic reactions in the form of rashes, and in one extreme case – anaphylaxis. You should always speak to your medical professional before adding an herbal remedy to your health regimen, and always purchase argan oil from a reputable source, like a trained herbalist.

Tue, 05 Jan 2016 13:31:00 +0000
<![CDATA[8 EASY HEALTHY EATING TRICKS YOU WISH YOU KNEW SOONER!]]>http://natura-corner.com/blog/8-easy-healthy-eating-tricks-you-wish-you-knew-sooner/ 8 EASY HEALTHY EATING TRICKS YOU WISH YOU KNEW SOONER!

We believe that healthy eating should raise joy, as much as nourish your body. With that in mind, here are 8 fun and quirky tips to enhance your health and keep those joyful food vibes flowing!

1. Enjoy Oil With Vegies

Fat improves texture and carries the flavour. However, fat also helps us absorb certain vitamins and antioxidants from our diet. In fact, Vitamin A, D, E and K cannot be absorbed properly unless we eat sufficient fat. 

Cooking with a good quality fat, such as cold pressed olive oil, also improves our absorption of antioxidants. This helps to explain why the Mediterranean Diet has so many health benefits. 

TAKE-HOME TIP: Enjoy avocado, nuts or a small drizzle of oil over your veggies and salads on a regular basis. Your taste buds will sing and your body will be thankful for the boost in nutrient absorption too. 

2. Add Pepper To Your Curry

Turmeric, a common curry spice, is naturally high in a wonderful compound called circumin. Circumin provides many health benefits, ranging from anti-inflammation to anti-oxidant action.

To reap the maximum benefits of eating turmeric, we recommend adding a little pepper! This is because pepper naturally enhances the bioavailability of curcumin. Thus, we absorb it better. 

TAKE-HOME TIP: For mega flavour sensation and a nutrient kick, add turmeric and pepper to your curries! 

3. Choose Tea Time Carefully

We all love a hot cuppa from time to time and there are many good health reasons to justify your favourite brew. 

Whilst tea provides antioxidants and other many health benefits,  it also a natural source of tannins. 

Tannins are not a problem when consumed alone. However, if you drink tea whilst eating food, tannins can interfere with the absorption of certain minerals - particularly iron and calcium. 

TAKE-HOME TIP: Enjoy tea on a regular basis but drink it between meals wherever possible. 

4. Drink Up Before You Eat

If you’re trying to shed a few pounds, new research suggests that having a big glass of water before you eat may help you lose weight!

A recent study of 84 people showed that drinking a 16 ounce (500ml) glass of water before each meal resulted in an average weight loss of 9.48 pounds over 12 weeks.

The ‘stretching’ of our stomach when we eat is a signal to our brain that we are getting full. Therefore, filling up with a big drink before a meal may initiate that fullness signal early. 

TAKE-HOME TIP: Drink a glass of water before your meal and feel fuller, sooner! 

5. Use the Meat Factor… (Or Vitamin C if you don’t eat meat!)

There are two types of iron in our diet. ‘Haem’ iron comes from animal products and is easier for our bodies to absorb. ‘Non-Haem’ iron comes from plant foods and is a little trickier for our bodies to assimilate. 

For reasons that we don’t fully understand yet, plant ‘non-haem’ is vastly improved by eating just a little bit of meat in the same meal. Therefore, if you don’t mind eating meat, you can try adding just a little bit of meat to stir fries, curries and vegetable-based dishes to maximise your iron absorption.

If you don’t eat meat, that’s ok! Vitamin C also works really well to boost our iron absorption. You could have some Vitamin C rich foods such as orange, capsicum or kiwi fruit with your veggies instead. 

TAKE-HOME TIP: Try adding a little bit of meat (a few strips) or Vitamin C rich foods to boost your iron uptake. 

6. Fix Flatulence With This One Simple Trick

Whilst gas is a completely normal by-product of human digestion, too much can be painful or just downright embarrassing!

The Legume Family is particularly notorious for having gassy side-effects. As lentils, chickpeas and other beans are incredibly good for our health, what to do then?

Try adding a little asafoetida (also called Hing) when you cook with legumes. Although this Asian spice is a little bit smelly in its raw form, asafoetida releases a mellow garlic-like flavour when it’s heated. More importantly, it helps to break down the culprit fermentable carbohydrates in legumes which cause gas and bloating.

TAKE-HOME TIP: Add a teaspoon (or more if you like the taste) of asafoetida when cooking with legumes.

7. Pre- Your Probiotics

Probiotics are excellent for digestive health. Without a good supply of friendly probiotic bacteria in our gut, we cannot absorb food optimally or keep the lining of our bowel in vital shape. Our immune function may suffer as well. 

Whilst probiotics are wonderful, they work best if you have a good prebiotic intake. Prebiotics are essentially the food and nourishment for probiotic bacteria and help our friendly gut bacteria to thrive. 

Prebiotics are found in a wide range of natural foods, including oats, certain legumes, cooked and cooled rice, bananas, pectin and garlic.

TAKE-HOME TIP: Make sure you are eating plenty of fruit, veggies, grains and legumes on a regular basis to support probiotic bacteria. 

8. Catch Up On Some ZZZ’s!

Having a nutritious diet is fantastic, but you may not be reaping the maximum health benefits if you’re not sleeping properly. 

Studies show that lack of sleep can adversely affect our metabolism and contribute to weight issues. We are also more likely to make unhealthy food choices to provide a quick energy fix when we tired. And who feels like exercising when you’re sleep deprived?

TAKE-HOME TIP: This is the truly the best low effort way to get in tip top shape... Make sure you’re getting at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep on a regular basis. 

Our body works in beautiful harmony with the food that Mother Nature provides. It is nothing short of miraculous how our body absorbs everything it needs from the food that She creates. These 7 Health Hacks show us some incredible benefits we can get from a few fun tweaks to our lifestyle… 

Tue, 29 Dec 2015 13:31:43 +0000
<![CDATA[5 WAYS TO HAVE A HEALTHY & HAPPY RELATIONSHIP WITH FOOD]]>http://natura-corner.com/blog/5-ways-to-have-a-healthy-happy-relationship-with-food/ 5 WAYS TO HAVE A HEALTHY & HAPPY RELATIONSHIP WITH FOOD

Should you have that cookie or shouldn’t you?

Your best friend’s birthday party is coming up next week and you should be excited, but…the only thing you can think about is how you’re going to stop yourself from losing control at the buffet line. Sandra from work stopped eating carbs and lost 10 pounds last month—should you jump on the carb-free bandwagon too? All the diet confusion and resulting anxiety is driving you bonkers. All you want to do is eat in a way that helps you lose weight, feel balanced and get healthier.
So what do you do?
Here are 5 strategies that will get you there if you start putting them into action right now:

Know That Mistakes Are Not Permanent 

You don’t need to compensate for eating behavior that you consider ‘bad’, like picking a burger over a salad for lunch, or caving in to that extra large cookie, with habits like starvation, over-exercising, food restriction or purging, all of which don’t benefit you physically or emotionally in any way. Instead beating yourself up and falling into a negative, downward spiral, get into the habit of practicing self-compassion by acknowledging why you slipped up and get back on track as quickly as you can. No mistake is permanent and you have what it takes to do what it takes to succeed.

Have A Bounce-Back Strategy In Place

If feelings of fear, anxiety or anger that’s stemming from food and eating are holding you back from being with the people you love, something’s not right. You’re human—it’s not possible to be 100% perfect 24/7 and there’s no shame in experiencing the occasional bout of overeating, which often happens at social events. What’s more important is that you give yourself permission to make mistakes now and then, and have a strategy in place that not only minimize the chances of these mistakes happening, but also helps you bounce back into your healthy zone when they do happen. If you mess up with one meal, acknowledge it without judgment and move on quickly by deciding how you’re going to make your next meal a more nutritious one.

Pick Solutions That Empower You

Turning to food when you’ve had a bad day can soothe you temporarily, but if you’ve been doing it for awhile now, you’d know that it can have not-so-great effects on your physical appearance, health and well-being. Rather than depend on food for comfort, try focusing your attention on healthier and more productive ways of dealing with the difficult situations that life throws your way: Talk to a friend you trust, work off all that pent-up energy in a kickboxing class or just go for a mind-clearing walk. Pick a solution that offers you the same reward that the food otherwise would, whether it’s stress relief, feeling good about yourself or wanting more control over a situation where you feel helpless.

Know How Food Affects Your Health And Fitness

When it comes to weight loss, a calorie is just a calorie so it doesn’t matter what you eat, right? Not quite. The energy you get from say, a salad, is very different from that from a Twinkie, and can affect whether you lose your excess weight and keep it off in the long-term, say health experts. Arming yourself with science-backed information like this will allow you to choose the best food options, and tweak what and how you eat as your lifestyle, circumstances and health situation changes throughout your life.

Focus On Living A Rich, Fulfilling Life

People who have a healthy and happy relationship with food see it as a source of both fuel and pleasure. What you’ll never find them doing is over-thinking food. This means that they pay just enough attention to the every-day tasks involved in putting their meals together, like shopping for their groceries, deciding which restaurant to head to or where to buy their take-out. They’re too busy exploring and enjoying every other aspect of living to spend more time than necessary thinking about their meals.

Tue, 29 Dec 2015 13:31:43 +0000
<![CDATA[COCONUT SUGAR: A HEALTHY ALTERNATIVE?]]>http://natura-corner.com/blog/coconut-sugar-a-healthy-alternative/ COCONUT SUGAR: A HEALTHY ALTERNATIVE?

When you realise how many beautiful healthy alternatives are at your fingertips, the meals and snacks you can enjoy are limitless. Being healthy doesn’t mean avoiding all your favourite foods - it’s simply about switching to delicious healthier alternatives! 

Coconut sugar is an alternative to refined white sugar that opens up a whole world of recipe opportunities. There’s no need to deprive yourself of homemade cookies or fruity crumbles once you get coconut sugar in the mix. Of course, we’re not advocating a cookie a day, but when you do want to treat yourself it makes sense to choose healthier ingredients that still taste delicious. 

So How Is Coconut Sugar Healthier Than White Sugar? 

For starters, it’s packed with nutrition. While white sugar is stripped of nutrients due to processing, coconut sugar retains its rich mineral content, including calcium, iron, zinc and potassium due to minimal processing. 

Coconut sugar originates from the flowers of the coconut palm. The sap from the flower buds is collected and heated until the moisture evaporates leaving a thick paste which solidifies and is ground into granules. 

Not only is it nutrient dense, coconut sugar creates less havoc with your blood sugar levels. This is due to coconut sugar’s low glycemic index - a measure which tests how quickly a food raises your blood sugar level. The lower the better so your blood sugar level remains stable and isn’t ‘spiked’ by certain foods. 

The Philippine Coconut Authority recorded coconut sugar’s glycemic index at 35, whereas sweeteners like cane sugar generally have a glycemic index well above 50. Foods with a high glycemic index can create feelings of lethargy, hunger and irritability after we eat them, which is why low glycemic sweeteners like coconut sugar are a popular alternative. 

Natural sweeteners are definitely a better option than refined white sugar but it is important to remember that any sweetener, from coconut sugar to maple syrup or molasses, should still be consumed in moderation as they are all sources of sugar. 

For an occasional treat, however, be sure to switch to coconut sugar instead of white sugar (use as a 1:1 ratio replacement) to create delicious wholesome goodies - your body will thank you! 

Tue, 29 Dec 2015 13:31:43 +0000
<![CDATA[10 WAYS TO HEALTHIFY YOUR CHRISTMAS DAY MENU]]>http://natura-corner.com/blog/10-ways-to-healthify-your-christmas-day-menu/ 10 WAYS TO HEALTHIFY YOUR CHRISTMAS DAY MENU

On one hand, it’s important to enjoy social occasions without obsessing over food. On the other hand, our bodies can start to feel a bit sluggish if we’re overdoing it.  

Here are our 10 Tips to enjoy the holiday season, without being a Christmas Food Grinch or compromising your wellbeing. 

1. Mix Up A Ginger Kombucha Punch

This is seriously delicious! Replace ginger ale with ginger kombucha in your favourite punch recipes - both ginger and kombucha are excellent digestive aids and your guests won’t taste the difference. You can also combine ginger kombucha, sliced citrus, fresh lemon wedges and pure fruit juice of your juice to create an extra restorative elixir. 

2. Plan The Menu Together

A little communication and coordination can really make a big difference to your Christmas Feast. Decide ahead of time who will prepare each dish or aspect of your Christmas menu. This saves a surplus of food that encourages overeating and also makes Christmas expenses more manageable. 

3. Eat Like its Fine Dining

Gourmet Restaurants always serve small portions but are you ever left unsatisfied? There are several reasons for this. Firstly, no bite ever tastes as good as the first mouthful, as our tastebuds progressively desensitise to the flavours in our meal. We are also more likely to notice fullness when served with small portions on petite plates.  

4. Enjoy Some Nutty Nibbles

Nuts provide quality protein, high fibre and can help us to feel fuller for longer. Roast some mixed nuts in honey with a little Cinnamon or Allspice and include them with your Christmas appetisers. They are delicious, make a great festive snack and can kerb your appetite for the main meals. 

5. Spritz Up Your Drinks With Lemon

As you top up your Christmas drinks, add in a fresh wedge of lemon. The light taste of lemon refreshes the palate complements the flavour of sweet drinks and is a natural alkaliser to help balance out the intake of acid-forming treat foods. 

6. Start With The End In Mind

Take a moment to ask; how would you like to feel when you finish your Christmas event? Are there certain foods that are non-negotiable indulgences? Or perhaps there are some foods you would be happy not to sample? You can avoid the post-feast downer by deciding how you want to feel afterwards and tuning into how your body is matching this as you eat. 

7. Go Seasonal With Your Christmas Cooking

Most Christmas recipes can be modified to incorporate foods that are in season. As long as the produce is similar in texture (e.g. swap potatoes with other starchy vegetables) most dishes can be easily adapted to use seasonal fruit and vegies. It will taste just as good but provide more goodness! 

8. Buy Less But Only The Best

Food wastage is a massive environmental concern, with an estimated 6 million tonnes of additional food waste generated during this season. Try to think about how much food you realistically need and treat yourself by buying the finest quality, rather than splurging with quantity. Your wallet, bellies and Mother Nature will all benefit for it!

9. Use Fine And Dainty Chinaware

Who doesn’t want to present a beautiful table spread on Christmas Day? Some good quality Chinaware not only puts the Wow Factor on your Christmas Table but also limits the amount of food we can pile on our plates. 

10. Don’t Turn The Feast Into A Festival

If you treat your body with nutritious food most of the time, splashing out a bit with Christmas Food isn’t likely to be very bad for your health. However, it’s easy to slip into unhealthy eating habits if you have lots of non-nutritious foods left over in your Fridge. Divvy up the leftovers between your Christmas guests and make the transition back into vibrant eating all the more easier! 

Tue, 29 Dec 2015 13:31:43 +0000
<![CDATA[HOW TO START YOGA AT HOME]]>http://natura-corner.com/blog/how-to-start-yoga-at-home/ HOW TO START YOGA AT HOME

With a subscription to FMTV, you can press play anywhere and anytime. Here are a few tips for creating a beautiful space and principles of a  home practice so it’s inviting and something you actually want to do each day. With repetition, the mind will become attuned to dropping into the zen space you create each time you roll out your mat around your favourite inspiring things. Some of these are:

Create a beautiful space

It is important to give yourself an environment where you can practice and totally express yourself.

  • Invest in a MAT (I love Jade mats or why not have a custom embroidered mat with your name on it?)
  • Choose a room or area in your home where you can be undisturbed and find some quiet time.
  • Decorate your space with what inspires you. Some examples might be photos, quotes, crystals, indoor plants or other objects that centre your attention and intention for your practice. 
  • Evoke the power of aromatherapy and scent by bringing a lit scented candle or diffuser filled with essential oils (my favs are lemongrass, grapefruit, orange, lime and lemon). A few of James and Laurentine’s favorites include Twenty8, DoTerra, Young Living, and Mountain Rose Herbs.
  • You may like to pull an affirmation card beforehand or afterwards.
  • You may like to use a Tibetan singing bowl beforehand or afterwards to seal the practice.
  • Your sacred space might contain a single object such as a special crystal, sculpture, or private alter you deliberately place in a special place.
  • Play some music (My favs are Sacred Earth, Herrin Larkin, Deva Premal, Mantra in Motion, Krishna Das,Mannesh De Moor, Craig Pruess).
  • Keep it simple and ensure you feel comfortable.


Principles Of A Home Yoga Practice

  • Begin simply with the intention of getting on your mat for “five minutes to see what happens"
  • Always listen to your breath, follow your breath, pay attention to your breath.  
  • Always listen to your body and never go into anything that is painful
  • Begin with a warm-up posture, maybe in child pose or simply in Savasana on your back. Next come into a few sun salutations, moving very mindfully while your body starts to warm up
  • Once you’re feeling warm from the sun salutations start to come into the standing series of postures. Examples would be lunges, the warrior sequence, chair pose, etc. These poses really start to build up the heat in the body. Throughout the standing series, a vinyasa or flow is an option to transition from one pose or sequence to the next. Just be sure to listen to what your body is craving.. and if it’s more heat then add in a few vinyasa’s and if you’re feeling more mellow.. a child pose might be perfect for you
  • Balance postures come after the standing series. Options are tree pose, lord of the dance, warrior 3… find the freedom here to express yourself!
  • The floor series can have many variations.  Core and spine strengthening are always a good way to start it. Again, placing no expectation on yourself and “what you should do”.  Really just listening to your body and letting go of your ego is the most important of all. You can finish with any pose either sitting or laying on your back.  
  • Finally making your way into an inversion: legs up the wall, a block under your low back, or a shoulder stand. Followed by supported fish pose.  Place a block along the spine and between the shoulder blades.  Be sure to let your upper body completely round overtop of the block. 
  • Finish each class in Savasana or final meditation. Simply allow yourself to be still, to let all the benefits of your class to sink in, whether it was 5 minutes or 60 minutes.  It’s all yoga :)
  • Enjoy yourself! This is YOUR practice, it’s joyful.
  • Explore the internal landscape of your body. Smile when you’re in postures, congratulate yourself for getting on your mat and give yourself a big hug when you’ve finished. 
Tue, 29 Dec 2015 13:31:43 +0000
<![CDATA[HOW TO EAT ORGANIC ON A BUDGET]]>http://natura-corner.com/blog/how-to-eat-organic-on-a-budget/ How To Eat Organic On A Budget

Organic food carries a reputation of being more expensive. This perceived price tag has become a common obstacle to eating organically. 

And with other living costs to juggle, especially coming into the festive season, it can be tempting to view organic food as something you just can’t afford. 

We honestly can’t argue that many families are doing it tough. It is also undeniable that the average cost of organic food is a little higher than its conventional counterpart. However, we can argue that healthy, organic food is possibly the most important investment that you will ever make.  

We can also show you easy ways to optimize organic eating on a budget, whilst making every food dollar work harder for you! Here are ten easy ways to optimize organic eating on a budget all year round:

1. Get Savvy With Your Staples

You may not realise just how good your grocery items are at multi-tasking! Check out a few of our favourite versatile ingredients:

Oats. As a relatively cheap organic commodity, oats can also be used in many ways and make a great pantry staple. Add them to rissoles, lentil burgers and most sweet baking recipes that call for flour. They also serve as a natural exfoliant for your face - simply mix with a little raw honey and water!

Vinegar. In addition to its many culinary uses, a quality organic vinegar can form the base of many salad dressings, make a great chemical free cleaning aid and act as a natural skin toner. 

Rice. This little grain can help to spread healthy organic meals further at low cost. Try mixing rice with more expensive grains like quinoa and millet - that way you can still enjoy these premium grains on a regular basis but without the full financial outlay. 

2. Be A Grocery Geek

As organic food becomes more mainstream, health food stores are wisening to marketing trends. As such, you’ll notice that many organic food retailers now offer weekly specials, as per a Supermarket business model. Stay tuned for their upcoming specials. This way you can accordingly plan your weekly meals around items on special. 

3. Plan, Plan And Plan Some More

The more you plan, the more you save! Decide what meals and snacks you would like for the week in advance and write a shopping list that matches these needs precisely. This cuts down on compulsive purchases that you don’t end up using. Try to plan recipes that make full use of your food purchases. For example, if you need to use only half a jar of food e.g. coconut milk in one recipe, can you use the leftovers for another meal? 

4. Love Up Your Legumes

Legumes offer an absolute bounty of nutritious goodness and are very cheap to boot! With experts clamouring for us to moderate our red meat intake, lentils can make a wonderful mince substitute in traditional bolognese and lasagne dishes. You can also add legumes to soups, curries and casseroles as a cheap and convenient way to make your meal go further. 

5. Store Your Produce Correctly 

Shockingly, almost one third off all food that we produce worldwide is wasted (http://www.worldfooddayusa.org/food_waste_the_facts). Therefore, if you can learn to store perishable produce correctly, you can potentially save a lot of money and help to reduce this alarming worldwide collective of food wastage. Here are a few ideas to protect your produce in the fridge:

Keep Away Moisture. Excess moisture around your produce invites spoilage into your fridge. Pat all produce dry before stowing it away. It can also help to line your vegetable crispers with dry towels to help absorb some of the circulating moisture. 

Air Flow.
 If produce is crammed too tightly together, temperature control and fresh air circulation cannot operate properly. This results in slimy vegetable spoilage that is easily preventable by spacing out your fruit and veggies so that they have proper ventilation. 

Keep Your Friendly Veg Together.
Even after they are picked, fruit and veggies emit natural gases. Some of these gases can mix and accelerate spoilage in your produce. For example, apples and carrots should be stored in separate drawers. Otherwise, your carrots will taste soapy! Potatoes and onions should also be stored separately. 

6. Farmers’ Markets

Connecting with your local growers and buying fresh, local produce is not only cheaper but also offers a bounty of health benefits. Produce from Farmers’ Markets tends to be seasonal and freshly picked, which means you are eating food at its peak nutritional quality. And whilst you’re saving money on your Grocery Bill, you are also supporting the local economy. Make friends with your local farmers today, you may even get a few freebie extras :-) 

7. Buy In Bulk With Family And Friends

As a general rule, food costs less per volume the more that you buy. Many organic retailers will provide additional discounts for purchasing in bulk. To spread the initial outlay of buying large quantities, why not chip in together with loved ones? This has the added environmental advantage of lessening food waste. 

8. Waste Not, Want Not 

Tap into your creative power and learn how to optimise the full lifecycle of common foods. Repurposing food has the twofold benefit of reducing your food bill and cutting down your carbon footprint. Some of our favourite tips include:

  • Reserve your veggie juice pulp and use it later in patties, casseroles and soups. 
  • Dehydrate leftover fruit that is too ripe to enjoy eating any longer. 
  • Make a ‘Leftovers Frittata’ using all your remaining veggies the night before you shop. If you don’t eat eggs, bind your frittata with besan flour and water. 

9. Be Selective With Fancy Frills

Learning to enjoy food in its simple, beautiful state as Mother Nature intended can make organic food very affordable. Staple ingredients such as produce, grains and legumes tend to be more comparable in cost to conventional food. Conversely, organic condiments and other luxury items can start to creep up a little more in cost. Perhaps prioritise one or two special organic treats that you would like to enjoy then stick to basic but naturally beautiful staples for the rest of your budget. Your taste buds will adjust to eating clean and simple.

10. Supplement By Growing Your Own

Wherever you can find a patch of sunlight, there is an opportunity to grow your own food! Many veggie planter boxes are available on the market to suit just about any home, no matter how big or small. Leafy greens and herbs are particularly easy to grow with only a little TLC. Over the course of a year, these can make a big difference towards your overall Grocery Budget. 

Tue, 29 Dec 2015 13:31:43 +0000
<![CDATA[5 REASONS TO DRINK HERBAL TEA]]>http://natura-corner.com/blog/5-reasons-to-drink-herbal-tea/ 5 Reasons To Drink Herbal Tea

Herbal teas, also known as tisanes and infusions, are a nutritious alternative to traditional black tea or coffee. Here are five reasons why herbal teas should find their way into your tea drinking ritual:

1. Nutrition

Herbal teas are made from plants – vibrant, nutritious plants!  When hot water hits the flowers, leaves, roots or fruits in your herbal tea, vitamins and minerals are released from 
the herbs.  Different herbal teas have various nutritional qualities; some of the most nutritive herbs to drink as a tea are chamomile, hibiscus, nettle leaf and rosehip.

2. Therapeutic benefit

Looking for an easy home herbal remedy?  Herbal tea may be just what you’re looking for.  Herbs used in Western Herbal Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine can be taken therapeutically as a tea to ease symptoms.  For example, ginger tea has long been used to help ease nausea, and peppermint tea is a great head-clearer if you are congested with a head cold.

3.  Natural energy

The vast majority of herbs used in herbal teas are caffeine-free.  Many herbs contain natural energy-promoting agents that won’t leave you with a caffeine crash.  Licorice root herbal tea supports your adrenals to give a nice, nourishing boost of energy, and ginseng tea helps your body adapt to stress in a natural way.

4. Time to chill

Many of us lead such busy lives, it’s hard to switch off.  The importance of getting good, restful sleep is fundamental to good health, and many herbal teas can help calm the nervous system.  Passionflower tea is a great addition to your wind-down ritual, settling your busy brain and preparing the body for sleep.  Lemon balm tea is also a great tonic for the nervous system, calming the mind and lifting the spirit.

5. Nourishing your spirit

The ceremony and ritual around preparing herbal tea allow you to take time out.  Time to breathe, time to daydream, time for you.  While you are brewing your herbal tea, I encourage you to take a moment to meditate.  Breathe in the steam from your tea cup, appreciate the colour of your tea and take the time to enjoy the taste of your tea before moving on with your day.  Tea time is a sacred time for you.

Tue, 29 Dec 2015 13:31:43 +0000
<![CDATA[10 TIPS FOR SURVIVING A COLD]]>http://natura-corner.com/blog/10-tips-for-surviving-a-cold/ 10 Tips For Surviving A Cold

As we are ever so close to the Winter months, many of us have been topping up our intake of immune boosters, to try to prevent a cold or flu.

Sometimes, even with preventative methods in place, viruses or bacterias can still work their way through to our immune system, and we succumb to coughs or colds anyway!

If you are overworked, stressed, under slept, dehydrated etc, you may be more susceptible to these symptoms. Oftentimes you can't put your finger on the reason. This is my situation right now.

So Here Are My 10 Favourite Fall Cold Survival Tips


Hydration is vital at all times of course, but during a cold, it can be extra helpful. Up your water intake, to keep hydrated in case of a high temperature, while flushing toxins from your system. Drinking water will also help to soften & break down any mucus that has built up.


We grow mint in our garden, and together with coconut oil, we create our own vapor rub, which I find to be hugely effective. Rubbed on the chest or feet this natural, simple balm can provide relief and relaxation by opening the airways, promoting a more restful night’s sleep. Which leads me to.....


Getting to bed early while under the weather can speed up the convalescence no end! Close the book, turn off the tv, the laptop, the light and snuggle down for the night!


We all know honey helps colds, but this wouldn't be a great list if it went without a mention an old faithful! Honey soothes an irritated throat, while also being a well known natural antibiotic. Taken by the spoonful or added to teas, hot nut milks or smoothies, honey is an easy one to incorporate into your wellness diet.


You may not have much of an appetite when suffering from a cold, so fruit is a perfect way snack yourself well. When my children have a cold, I set out copious amounts of an array of fruit to snack on throughout the day. This gives the body a massive injection of vitamins, which will support the body in fighting off viruses.


natural yogurt with live cultures will support your immune system as it clears bacterias from your body. Topped with berries or nuts, accompanying granola or added to smoothies, Probiotic yogurt is a must have in your survival kit!


Jam packed full of antioxidants, berries assist the body in removing toxins. As with fruits, berries are easy to snack on, or in addition to other dishes.

8. TEA

As mentioned above, we grow our own mint. Among other foods and plants, we grow the Chamomile flower. Both mint leaves and chamomile leaves can be washed, brewed in hot water over a hob for several mins, strained into a cup and sweetened with honey if necessary. You can buy these leaves dried from your local health store if you don't grow them.


Garlic is another food highly regarded for its antibiotic properties. Personally, I take garlic raw. Crushing, then chopping, the clove, I swallow it down with water, for quick absorption.


As stated above, appetite may be waning while experiencing the symptoms of a cold, and smoothies are a perfect solution. You can have several smoothies throughout the day, with different recipes for each, giving your immune the biggest boost possible. You can incorporate most of the previous suggestions into your smoothies recipes, making it a great all rounder.

Hopefully my personal tips will help you push through a cold in record time!

Tue, 29 Dec 2015 13:31:43 +0000
<![CDATA[5 HEALTH BENEFITS OF OREGANO OIL]]>http://natura-corner.com/blog/5-health-benefits-of-oregano-oil/ 5 Health Benefits Of Oregano Oil

It’s that time of the year that our bodies need a little extra TLC. There are a number of measures we can be taking to ensure our immune system remains robust throughout the season, but there’s one little herb that has gone unnoticed until now. Thanks to The Chalkboard Mag the little super-herb, Oregano is in the spotlight! 

Surprisingly, this oil isn’t a part of most folks’ health regimens yet, but we’re breaking down how and why you should definitely be adding this super-herb to your routine. Oregano oil has been used to fight infections, ward off bacteria, viruses, and overall, is a potent immunity booster. It’s list of potential uses and remedies are endless, but we’ve listed nine below to get you started.

TRY IT: We recommended seeing a qualified aromatherapist to assist with adding essential oils in your daily routine. Not to be confused with your typical garden variety of pizza-ready herbs, oil of oregano is extracted from the flowers and leaves of the Origanum vulgare and Thymus capitatus species. Unfortunately, many brands sold in grocery stores are not made from this variety and many have little to no therapeutic value. Be sure you source from a reputable brand such as Wild Oil of Oregano, one of our favorites.

    Oil of oregano contains high levels of antioxidants, helping to prevent and reduce cellular damage, as well as reduce overall inflammation, and even inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

    Oregano is a potent antihistamine that has been shown to reduce the symptoms of seasonal and environmental allergies, sensitivities, as well as asthma.

    Oil of oregano can be used externally to relieve pain and muscle soreness, and has been used to relieve muscle and joint pain related to rheumatoid arthritis. The warming properties of the oil are likely to contribute to these soothing effects. Be sure to mix the oil with a base oil before applying to the skin, as the oil itself can cause skin irritation.

    Oregano oil can help to stimulate the production of bile and digestive juices, helping to enhance and improve overall digestion and assimilation of nutrients.

    Carvacrol, one of the potent compounds found in oil of oregano, is particularly effective against bacterial infections, and more responsive than other herbs such as goldenseal or echinacea in boosting the body’s immunity. It is also a powerful remedy for candida and yeast infections, especially those that are resistant to anti-fungal drugs such as Diflucan. Not only can it prevent food-borne illnesses caused by pathogens such as salmonella and E. coli, but may actually help to relieve food poisoning symptoms as well. Thymol, a natural fungicide with antiseptic and antiviral properties helps boost the immune system, fight and prevent colds and flu, and promote recovery.
Want to learn more about this powerful little herb? Keep reading the full list over at The Chalkboard Mag.

FINAL TIP: Oil of oregano is not recommended for pregnant or nursing women due to the increased blood circulation effect it can have within the uterus. Be sure to check with your doctor if you have any concerns about your health and using oregano oil.
Tue, 29 Dec 2015 13:31:43 +0000
<![CDATA[10 NEED-TO-KNOW HEALTH BENEFITS OF GINGER]]>http://natura-corner.com/blog/10-Need-To-Know-health-benefits-of-ginger/ 10 Need-To-Know Health Benefits Of Ginger

Ginger is packed full of macro and micronutrients, fatty acids and amino acids. It is even classified as one of the world's healthiest spices according to the The World's Healthiest Foods

There are so many reasons to incorporate ginger into our everyday eating patterns. Not only does it bring a distinct aroma of flavour to our foods but brings many health benefits along with it.

Here are 10 you simply need-to-know:

1. Aids Digestion 

By increasing digestive fluids and saliva, ginger helps to increase the stomach's gastric motility. Allowing it to aid in digestive issues.

2. Assists With Inflammation 

Ginger contains anti-inflammatory properties which can help relieve symptoms of arthritis, osteoarthritis and rheumatism. 

3. Calms Nausea

Ginger helps to calm motion sickness, prevent morning sickness and is also recommended to those experiencing chemotherapy-induced nausea. 

4. Assists In The Repercussions Of Diabetes 

Ginger is naturally low in GI and helps to assist in the implications of diabetes by reducing levels of serum glucose and maintaining blood sugar levels. It also helps to lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol. 

5. Herbal Medicine for Alzheimer's Disease

In traditional Chinese Medicine, herbs and spices that contain high levels of phytochemicals such as ginger are used as a preventative for Alzheimer free aging. 

6. Antihistamine and Decongestant

Ginger helps to decongest cold and flu-like symptoms while relieving headaches and sore throats. 

7. Assists in Weight-loss

Ginger can act as a fat burner by maintaining satiety, and make you feel full for longer. 

8. Treats Heartburn 

Ginger inhibits acid reflux, helping to soothe the effects of heartburn, better than some medications. 

9. Improves Nutrient Absorption

Ginger helps to activate the enzymes in the body that assimilate essential nutrient absorption. 

10. Reduces Flatulence

Due to ginger’s ability aid in digestion, it also alleviates the symptoms of flatulence. 

Another fantastic thing about ginger, apart from benefiting our health, of course, is the flavor it brings to our foods. Whether it be sweet or savoury, there is always a great way and great reason to maintain ginger into our diets!

Tue, 29 Dec 2015 13:31:43 +0000
<![CDATA[TOP 10 BENEFITS OF WHEATGRASS]]>http://natura-corner.com/blog/top-10-benefits-of-wheatgrass/ Top 10 Benefits of Wheatgrass

Wheatgrass is one of Natures purest of elixirs. As the name implies, it is part of the wheat family, however, it does not contain gluten. This is because wheatgrass has been sprouted and no longer carries gluten or other allergic agents. That means that it’s benefits can be enjoyed by celiacs and other gluten intolerance sufferers alike. 

Often consumed freshly cut and juiced for optimal absorption and instant energy, wheatgrass is an amazing source of Vitamin A & C, amino acids like glutathione and is also made up of 70% chlorophyll. It has the ability to increase your red blood cell count all while cleansing the blood and organs and relieve gastro issues. This little green wheat is an amazing purifier, with its benefits being able to be felt and seen internal as well through that natural glow that comes with a cleansed well functioning body. 

Here are 10 reasons why wheatgrass should become an essential part of your diet:

1. It’s A Superfood!

Oh, the ever-mighty Superfood. The natural world's answer to Superman. Instead of fighting crime however, they are fighting against other enemies trying to combat our bodies like harmful bacterias, cholesterol, weak immunity and under active thyroids.  Their size often seems small when compared to what their nutritional benefits are for your body and overall health but just like the underdog in any movie, they should never be underestimated. Wheatgrass, in particular, is powerhouse little sprout packed full of Vitamins A, B, C, & E as well as amino acids and is made up of a whopping 70% chlorophyll. 

2. Purifying Properties 

Wheatgrass has the amazing ability to help purify the body, removing toxins, heavy metals and cancer-causing agents from the liver and bloodstream. 

3. Gets ‘Things’ Moving

Wheatgrass enemas are considered one of the better forms of colonics, giving your body the ability to immediately absorb and retain all of the wonderful vitamins and nutrients it possesses. It has been used to relieve gastro-related issues because of its natural ability to promote healthy blood and purify the body.

4. It’ll Speed Up That Thyroid!

Wheatgrass stimulates the thyroid gland which helps boost your body’s metabolism and ability to lose weight. 

5. Lowers Cholesterol In High Fat Diets 

In a 2010 study, results showed that when wheatgrass was introduced to a high-fat diet, it had a significant reduction in bad cholesterol as well as a positive improvement in good cholesterol (HDL). It also dilates the blood pathways which reduces blood pressure. The study also showed a significant rise in the appearance of Vitamin C and glutathione. Glutathione is one of our bodies most powerful antioxidants and is concentrated mostly in the liver, making it an essential part of the body's natural detoxifying processes. 

6. Easy To Take! 

Taking a shot of ‘grass’ is not appealing for most, especially if this is your first go at testing out the benefits of wheatgrass. Luckily, it has become a widely used superfood and can be consumed through a variety of methods. Fresh, powdered or in capsule form; there is an easy and convenient method for everyone. However, it is proven that having wheatgrass freshly juiced within 15 minutes is the best way to receive all of its amazing benefits. 

7. It’s Benefits Are Still Being Discovered

 More and more research is being done into linking the benefits of wheatgrass and its ability to prevent certain types of cancer, as well as help, improve the wellbeing of cancer sufferers. Studies done on the benefits of chlorophyll derivatives have linked this nutrient to have beneficial effects in liver, colon, stomach and gastrointestinal cancer cases. Being that wheatgrass is made up of 70% chlorophyll, more studies are being done to better understand this superfood and the optimal form to consume it to help in these cases.

8. Build Up Your Immunity Against Cold & Flu 

With more Vitamin C than oranges and two times the amount of Vitamin A than carrots, adding wheatgrass into your diet during those bitter winter months will help as an extra fighter against the common cold, flu as well as preventing your body from contacting more serious threads of the same viruses such as bronchitis.  A 2oz shot packs all these benefits and is a natural alternative to getting a flu shot. Be sure not to overdo however it as some people have found that over-consumption of fresh wheatgrass has made them feel nauseous. 

9. A Natural Energizer 

Having a 2oz shot of wheatgrass before exercise or soon after any form of physical activity can help with your endurance whilst performance high energy level activities. This is because of  wheatgrasses ability to supply red blood cells to the whole body, which in turnoxygenates every cell and in turn, the body. This is what gives you a boost of energy and also helps fight against the environment around you such as smog.

10. It Can Help Purify the Air Around You!

Because of wheatgrasses ability to promote oxygenation within the body, it is also able to do so with the air around you. Place a tray of wheatgrass beside your bed to help promote a better night's sleep or have a tray at your desk to help purify that recycled office air, helping to keep you more alert.

Have You Felt The Health Benefits Of Wheatgrass? 

Tue, 29 Dec 2015 13:31:43 +0000
<![CDATA[5 TIPS FOR A HEALTHY HALLOWS EVE!]]>http://natura-corner.com/blog/5-tips-for-a-healthy-hallows-eve/ 5 Tips For A Healthy Hallows Eve!

All Hallows Eve is nearly upon us and you know what that means don’t you? Your streets will be filled with mini goblins, fairy princess and superheroes of all sorts! Your pillowcases and reusable shopping bags will be converted into carrying cases for your children’s Trick-or-Treating adventures and in turn, your house will be overflowing with refined sugars, packets of chips and a seemingly endless supply of mini chocolate bars in every variety. 

It’s the highlight of the year for anyone under the age of 15 (as well as some parents with an overactive sweet tooth) and is the day dreaded by parents who fear to deal with the sugar highs and the sugar lows of their offspring. It is, however, all in good fun and that’s exactly the attitude we should all be going into it with! There’s no need to be spooked out by sugary treats entering your home and fear, not the effects they may have on your mini monsters! Like all else in life, it’s all about moderation..and a tad bit of harmless conniving. Here are a few helpful tips to ensure everyone in your family has a happy and healthy Halloween!

1. Bribing Isn’t Always Such A Bad Thing…

It is becoming more and more popular for parents to offer up more sought after treats in exchange for that hard-earned candy. Maybe they’ve had their eye on the latest LEGO craze or perhaps a night out with some of their friends to the movies is what they’re really craving? Whatever you may feel is a more valuable experience worth swapping out for some of their, it could be well worth it if it means avoiding having your child binging on a sugar overload.

2. Fill Them Up, Buttercup!

I don’t mean to literally fill them up with buttercups, come now. Trick or Treating, however, is a big night out for our little monsters, minions & witches and in many parts of the country, it may mean accessorizing their princess costumes with a winter jacket or scarf and mitts! Another great way to send them out prepared for the night’s festivities is with a full belly! Feeding them a meal that’s both healthy and hearty will help to keep their bellies full for the night and help keep snacking to a minimum. This also means a more restful; sugar high free nights sleep for the both of you!

3. Limit their exposure!

In this day in age, it seems near impossible right? Well how about introducing a new tradition to your Halloween Night this year?! Head out Trick or Treating as usual, but why not limit it to an hour or to only half the neighborhood? The kids still get to dress up, join in on the festivities and you get to limit how much candy, chips, and chocolate is making its way back into the house. One way to lure them away from the doorbells and cauldrons full of goodies is to turn the second half of the evening into an event! Once they’ve collected their sweets, announce it’s time to return home for a movie night! Have some healthy yet festive snacks on hand for them and while they watch Hocus Pocus, you can go through their loot, sorting out the bad from…the not so bad sweets, letting them pick our their favorites as well to ensure they don’t feel like you’re taking away all their hard earned loot.

4. Be Choosy

For many children, Halloween is the event of the year, the day they look forward almost more than Christmas and that child-like excitement isn’t something we want to squash. However as parents, you’ve worked so hard to introduce a healthy, well-balanced lifestyle to your children and it’s understandable to not want all that hard work to go to waste for the sake of one nights candy haul. A trick to being able to keep an eye on what sort of sweets your sweeties will be eating is to divide them up into categories: chips, chocolate, candies and misc. Once you’ve sorted through the goods, discard the ones with the most food coloring, the unwrapped candies from the stranger down the road and any others you may not deem suitable for your child. Like anything else indulgent in life, sweets should be consumed in moderation so putting a limit as to how much they can have per day will help you keep their sugar highs in check. Lead by example as well by limiting how much you dip into the candy jar as well!

5. Be The Change You Wish To See In Your Neighborhood!

Instead of hopping on the High Fructose bandwagon, why not source out some healthier options to give out to your Trick- or – Treaters? Your local health food shops may have some sugar free alternatives, mini packs of trail mix or some bottles of water to keep them hydrated while they’re out taking over the town! Or maybe even go candy-less? Why not raid your local dollar store for some bulk temporary tattoos or sticker sets?!
Whatever you and your family do to practice a healthier Halloween, just remember that with anything new and shiny, most children’s interest will fade after a week or so and life and eating habits will be back to normal for everyone within a couple of weeks. Enjoying our indulgences in moderation is something we all practice and Halloween is no exception! Enjoy the mini treats and balance it out with some of our healthy breakfasts the morning after! Enjoy yourselves and have a Happy Halloween!!

What are some of your families tricks for a healthier Halloween?

What meal do you make for your family before the Trick – or – Treating commences?

Tue, 29 Dec 2015 13:31:43 +0000
<![CDATA[10 POWERFUL HEALTH BENEFITS OF EATING AVOCADO]]>http://natura-corner.com/blog/10-powerful-health-benefits-of-eating-avocado/ 10 Powerful Health Benefits Of Eating Avocado

Health professionals, yogis, and green eating enthusiasts alike have long hailed the humble avocado for being a superstar when it comes to benefiting your health. Its benefits read like a rap sheet of antioxidants, nutrient rich vitamins and minerals, all aiding in the overall health of your skin and body. Health and Natural Beauty Guru David ’Avocado’ Wolfe has even self-named himself after the ruggedly wrapped fruit. We’ve all heard through the grapevine that fat is back and that avocados are one of the good guys but do you really know why?

Read on to understand just how powerful this rough and sometimes misunderstood fruit really is. One can only say that its exterior is so rough so as to keep all of its luscious, mineral and vitamin rich benefits safely wrapped up just for you.

1. Say it with me, Fat is GOOD! Or should I say good fats are good. Let me explain...

Avocados alias as ‘Nature's Butter’ has turned it into a slightly misunderstood little fruit. Unlike vegetable fats (think canola), avocados are rich in monosaturated fats, which are great for heart health, and in aiding in the absorption of antioxidants. So contrary to fatty beliefs, this fat is a great one to have as part of a balanced diet, especially for those with high cholesterol or those looking to shed a couple pounds. 

2. Rich in Nutrients & Low in Sugar

These creamy little bundles are packed with protein, high in fiber (6-7grams per half fruit) and incredibly versatile! What does this mean for you? It means that swapping out that mayo, cheese or butter on your sandwich for just 1⁄2 an avocado will help fill you up for longer as well as give your brain and body the energy to power through your day

3. Don’t Forget The Seed!

Did you know that 70% of the antioxidants in an avocado are actually in its flesh and seed?! An often overlooked part of the fruit, the antioxidants in the seed play a large part in helping to prevent heart disease and aid in the lowering of cholesterol. The seed is also great to use if trying to naturally relieve constipation or help ease diarrhea because of how rich in fiber it is.
Now this is not to discredit all the amazing nutrients that are packed in the flesh but if you are looking to reach optimal health and full benefits of the avocado, here are a couple ways in which you can consume the seed and all of it’s added advantages.

  • After slicing open your avocado, place the seed in a bag and hammer it down with a heavy object (olive oil bottle, rolling pin) When its broken down enough, sprinkle it in with your smoothie mix and blitz it all together. 
  • If you have a heavy -duty juicer, you can pass it through it whole along will your choice of fruit and veggies.


4. Incredible Versatility

All right now, it’s time to let your culinary imagination run free! Avocados are for so much more than just your favorite guacamole recipe. With such a creamy texture and neutral taste, avocados are great to substitute into any baking recipe that calls for butter or shortening. It can be whipped up into a mousse or blitzed into a salad dressing or pasta sauce. No matter your tastes or dietary restrictions, there is a place for avocados in your meals. The new Food Matters Recipe Book has some great recipe ideas on how to incorporate this green super star on to your dinner table.

5. Dish Free Snacking!

If you avoid dirtying dishes like you avoid refined sugars then avocados are your new best friends! Keep it simple with a drizzle of olive oil, lemon juice, and some fresh cracked pepper. For Avo connoisseurs, work it into your breakfast by cracking an egg into the seedless side and baking it in the oven for a few minutes. Drizzle a little chili ginger chia jam over top for some added zing!

6. Baby Health

Avocados are a rich in potassium, B vitamins, fiber as well as antioxidants. They are also rich in folate, a nutrient that promotes healthy cell and tissue development, which is especially important in the development stages of pregnancy as well as infancy. Did you know that avocados also naturally boost libidos in both men and women? The Aztecs translation for an avocado tree is “ testicle tree”. So whether you’re trying or have already succeeded in getting pregnant, the benefits of avocados help you from start to finish.

7. Long- Term Health Benefits

It’s already been mentioned what a power-house of antioxidants, minerals and vitamins avocados are. One of the main antioxidants found in avocados, glutathione (say that 3 times fast) is a master at replenishing and recycling other antioxidants into the body, which helps to strengthen your immune system. Having a healthy immune system gives your body the strength and ability to fight off those cancer causing free radicals as well as a host of other microbes that can lead to serious illnesses. 

8. Avocados Love Everyone

No matter your lifestyle, there is a place for avocados in your well-balanced diet. Avocados are a great and readily available source of protein & monosaturated fats for vegans and vegetarians as well as helping to keep cholesterol levels in check for the lovers of meats and cheeses. Whether you’re raw, paleo or a free range carnivore, avocados have what your body needs.

9. Improve your Eye Health

Avocado contains 81mg of the antioxidants lutein & zeaxanthin, which specialize in protecting your eyes from stress damage, cataracts, and macular degeneration. So mix a bit of an avocado through your rice or toss it in a salad, your eyes will thank you for it! 

10. Radiant Skin & Hair

Incredibly nourishing for your skin and quickly absorbed, avocado gets into the inner sebum layers of the skin, giving moisture to dry skin quickly and also helping to lock in that moisture. Great for people with sensitive, dry as well as oily skin. When mixed with citrus juices, the balance between the acidity in the citrus and the nourishing effects of the avocado oil help to matte the outer layer of the skin while still giving the necessary vitamins and minerals to give you that glowing complexion we’re all chasing. It’s also a good source of vitamin E, which is an antioxidant that protects against free radicals, a big benefit for both the skin and hair. Here's a natural face mask for you to try! 

No matter how you serve it, avocado is a fruit packed with potent health benefits! 

How Do You Have Your Avocado?

Tue, 29 Dec 2015 13:31:43 +0000
<![CDATA[ ARE YOU OVER-CAFFEINATED?]]>http://natura-corner.com/blog/are-you-over-caffeinated/ Are You Over-Caffeinated?

Coffee has a cult following worldwide, photos of lattes fill Instagram every Sunday morning, and coffee dates are the basis of most friendly catch-ups — but it is time to get real about the effect caffeine has on your health. 

Many clients sit down and tell me that they absolutely can not get out of the door in the morning unless they have had a coffee, or that there is no way that they can stay awake in their mid-morning meeting unless they have had their daily triple shot. Then there are others that tell me they don't drink any coffee but have two diet energy drinks and a bar of dark chocolate each day, they tell me that because it’s a diet drink or dark chocolate it must be healthy, right? 


Too many people are surviving on caffeine, rather than thriving with out it. Caffeine is a stimulant, it is found in coffee, energy drinks, tea, soft drinks and chocolate, it is the most commonly used drug in the world. One of the main concerns of consuming coffee regularly is the effect it has on sleep. Caffeine binds to the adenosine receptors in the brain, this prevents adenosine from causing the chemical cascade that tells the brain to initiate sleep or rest. It takes the body 5-6 hours to process caffeine and excrete it from the body; however, trans-fats, the contraceptive pill, medication, and poor liver healthy can increase this clearance time — extending the time caffeine circulates int he blood stream for.

When caffeine is present in the blood stream it is nearly impossible for the brain to produce melatonin - our sleep hormone. The consumption of caffeinated products is one of the main reasons people struggle to fall asleep early enough to get enough sleep before they have to wake up again. If a person is having a morning coffee, a mid-afternoon coffee, and then some dark chocolate after dinner, they are topping up the caffeine in their body every few hours — this means that come bed time their blood caffeine level will still be too high, making sleep difficult. 

Try removing caffeine for 4 weeks and notice the difference it makes to your ability to fall asleep and quality of sleep, it may surprise you. The blocking of adenosine receptors in the brain also causes the brain to become ‘excited’. This results in a jittery, anxious feeling in people. Some people experience a feeling of not being able to get their breath past their 
heart. For a lot of people simply removing caffeine resolves this problem. 

Caffeine also causes the release of adrenaline, which is our ‘fight or flight’ hormone, it is produced when the body believes we are in danger. Adrenaline causes glucose to be released from the muscles and into the bloodstream, which triggers the production of insulin — one of our main fat storage hormones. Frequent caffeine induced insulin  production is a concern for anyone who has weight and/or blood sugar control issues. 

Caffeine also triggers the release of  cortisol. Cortisol is produced by the adrenal glands, it is labeled the ‘stress hormone.’ Cortisol levels naturally increases at different times of the day, for example — in the morning levels increase to help us wake up. Cortisol also increases when the body is under stress or experiencing a stressful event. This is a protective mechanism by he body to help it handle the stress. However, caffeine and our busy lifestyles increase cortisol levels unnaturally. Long-term elevated stress levels can lead to weight gain, diabetes, digestive issues, and poor immune function. If cortisol is high for too long it can eventually lead to adrenal fatigue, or what is known as ‘burnout’.

If you are struggling to function without having a coffee this is a sign that your adrenal glands might not be producing enough cortisol themselves, so removing stimulants from your diet and looking into getting some help from a qualified practitioner would be advised. 

Caffeine needs to be detoxified by the liver, however, the liver is also busy detoxifying many other substances. Caffeine, trans fats, alcohol, nicotine, food additives, and pesticides all need to be processed by the liver and are often prioritised over the hormones and cholesterol that the liver also needs to detoxify. When this happens unhealthy levels of hormones or cholesterol can build up in the blood. An overloaded liver almost always plays a part in high cholesterol levels and sex hormone-related problems such as; hormonal acne, painful periods, PMS, and polycystic ovary syndrome. 

Caffeine also reduces the absorption of iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, potassium, and some B vitamins. While this isn't a big problem if you only consume caffeine every so often, it is a problem if you have a daily coffee habit. Iron deficiency affects energy levels and healing while long-term calcium and potassium malabsorption leads to thinning and easily fractured bones. Low magnesium is responsible for poor muscle function and recovery — often you will notice cramps if this is a problem. If you consume caffeine make sure to take any supplements and hour away from the caffeine. 

If you are suffering from hormonal issues, poor sleep, anxiety or fatigue it is time to consider the amount of caffeine in your diet. Try removing caffeine for 4 weeks and see how this makes a difference to your health. Coffee and black tea can be replaced with herbal tea, green juice, or water flavoured with mint, berries or cinnamon, and ensure that cacao or chocolate is consumed early in the day in small amounts.

Do You Think You Are Feeling Over-Caffineted? 

Tue, 29 Dec 2015 13:31:43 +0000
<![CDATA[20 FOOD FACTS THAT WILL SHOCK YOU!]]>http://natura-corner.com/blog/20-food-facts-that-will-shock-you/ 20 Food Facts That Will Shock You!

Man-kind... We have become amazing food scientist, creating products that 100 years ago we would have never dreamed about. But have we taken it too far by messing with Mother Nature and joining together ingredients, chemical cocktails and additives that are not made for our bodies.


Have you ever been mind blown by your lunch, shocked by your smoothie or bewildered by your paleo snack bar? No, us neither, but you're about to be shocked by these food facts we have discovered. 


Warning: May cause you to make healthier choices. 


Did you know…

1. Pringles once had a lawsuit, trying to prove they WEREN’T really potato chips. Wait what? That’s right. Even though the labelling clearly states ‘potato crisps’ - Procter and Gamble tried to argue that Pringles were not really made out of potato (rather a cocktail of chemicals) to try an be exempt from taxes. It worked for a while, until they finally got stung with $160 million in taxes to be paid. 

2. The tea bag was invented by accident in New York by tea merchant Thomas Sullivan who used to send tea samples in small silk bags. Confused by what to do with the tiny bags, the customers used to just dunk them straight into their cup of hot water. 

3. Store bought 100% ‘real’ orange juice, is 100% ‘not real’ orange juice. OJ manufacturers remove oxygen from the juice to make it last longer, which in turn removes all the flavor and natural scents of the fruit. So to make it taste like a freshly squeezed orange, they hire flavor and fragrance companies, the same ones that perfume companies use, to make it palatable again.


4. Ripe cranberries will bounce like rubber balls! If you’re looking for the perfect ripe cranberries, throw them on the floor (preferably a clean one) or kitchen bench and watch them bounce. We don’t recommend trying this one at the grocery store.


5. Central Appalachia’s tooth decay problem is referred to as ‘Mountain Dew mouth’, due to the beverage’s popularity in the region. Unfortunately it’s not only a problem in Central Appalachia, it’s happening all over the world. Meet Larry from Kentucky in the new “That Sugar Film” documentary.


6. Chocolate was once used as a currency. According to a 16th Century Aztec document, 100 cacao beans could buy you a good turkey hen.


7. Apples belong to the rose family, as do peaches and plums.


8. About 70% of the world’s olive oil sold is adulterated and not actually pure olive oil. In fact in 2008, Italian police conducted “Operation Golden Oil” to conduct a lengthy investigation on all the farmers and producers falsely claiming their oil was 100% pure.


9. Millions of people across the world are consuming beaver butt without even knowing it.Castoreum, which is used in vanilla flavoring in candies, baked goods etc is actually a secretion from the anal glands of beavers. Vanilla cupcakes anyone?


10. The struggle with sugar cravings may start from birth. Scientific evidence from the University of Washington suggests that we are hardwired from birth to crave sweetness.


11. The red food coloring carmine, used in Skittles and other candies, is actually derived from boiling cochineal bugs (a type of beetle). You might want to think twice about thatStarbucks Strawberry Frappuccino. Perhaps they should consider changing their name to Starbuggs.


12. The softening agent L-cysteine, used in some bread, is made from human hair and duck feathers. Would people purchase their bread if they listed those ingredients?


13 . During World War II when a soldier was wounded and lost a lot of blood, if plasma was unavailable for them they would be given a coconut water transfusion instead as the electrolyte balance closely mimics that of human blood and would keep them alive. Another great reason besides excellent hydration that we should pack a few liters of this liquid gold when we go camping!


14. McDonalds sells more than 75 burgers every second, of every day.


15. Ranch dressing contains titanium dioxide, which is used to make it appear whiter. This is the same ingredient is used in sunscreen and paint for the same effect. Would you like a side of sunscreen salad dressing?


16 . Ketchup was considered medicine around 1853 to cure illnesses such as jaundice, diarrhea and indigestion. Unfortunately not long after it was discovered a lot of these ‘tomato pills’ were fraudulent and were in fact laxatives. Soon after the ketchup medicine market collapsed.


17. Fruit flavored snacks like gummy bears and fruit chews are made with carnauba wax - the same wax that is used on cars, surfboards and dental floss. Plus side? Your teeth will shine.


18. Peanuts aren’t nuts, they’re legumes. They are in the same family as peas and beans.


19. Apples float in water because 25% of their volume is made up of air. Fun little fact to tell next time you go bobbing for apples!


20. There are 7,500 varieties of apples grown around the world. If you were to eat a variety a day, it would take you over 20 years to take a bite of them all.

Did We Blow Your Mind? What Other Food Facts Could You Add To The List? 

Tue, 29 Dec 2015 13:31:43 +0000
<![CDATA[Health Benefits of Coconut Oil]]>http://natura-corner.com/blog/health-benefits-of-coconut-oil/ Coconut oil has a multitude of health benefits, which include but are not limited to skin care, hair care, improving digestion and immunity against a host of infections and diseases. Let us see which of these benefits you are aware of.

Coconut oil is used extensively in tropical countries especially India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Philippines etc., which have a good production of coconut oil. At one time, the oil was also popular in western countries like the United States and Canada, but there was a strong propaganda campaign in the 1970s spread by the corn oil and soy oil industry against coconut oil. Coconut oil was considered harmful for the human body due to its high saturated fat content until the last decade (2000s) when people began to question the claims of the propaganda. Let’s look into some more details of how coconut oil works in our body.

Composition of Coconut Oil

More than 90% of coconut oil consists of saturated fats (Don’t panic! It’s not as bad as it sounds, read to the end of this review and your opinion may change), along with traces of a few unsaturated fatty acids, such as monounsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Virgin coconut oil is no different from this.

Saturated fatty acids: Most of them are medium chain triglycerides, which are supposed to assimilate well in the body’s systems.

  • Lauric acid is the chief contributor, representing more than 40% of the total, followed by capric acid, caprylic acid, myristic acid and palmitic. The human body converts lauric acid into monolaurin. Lauric acid is helpful in dealing with viruses and diseases.
  • Capric acid reacts with certain enzymes secreted by other bacteria, which subsequently convert it into a powerful antimicrobial agent, monocaprin.
  • Caprylic acid, caproic acid and myristic acid are rich in antimicrobial and antifungal properties

Unsaturated fatty acids: Polyunsaturated fatty acids- linoleic acid, monounsaturated fatty acids- Oleic acid

Poly-phenols: Coconut contains Gallic acid, which is also known as phenolic acid. These polyphenols are responsible for the fragrance and the taste of coconut oil and Virgin Coconut Oil is rich in these polyphenols.

Derivatives of fatty acid: Betaines, ethanolamide, ethoxylates, fatty esters, fatty polysorbates, monoglycerides and polyol esters.

Derivatives of fatty alcohols: Fatty chlorides, fatty alcohol sulphate and fatty alcohol ether sulphate

Vitamins and Minerals: Vitamin E, vitamin K and minerals such as iron.

CoconutHealth Benefits of Coconut Oil

There are various health benefits of coconut oil. Although its exact mechanism of action was unknown, it has been extensively used in Ayurveda, the traditional Indian medicinal system. The Coconut Research Center has compiled a list of potential benefits of coconut oil in both traditional and modern medicine.

Skin care: Coconut oil is excellent massage oil that acts as an effective moisturizer on all types of skin, including dry skin. Unlike mineral oil, there is no chance of having any adverse side effects on the skin from the application of coconut oil. Therefore, it is a safe solution for preventing dryness and flaking of skin. It also delays the appearance of wrinkles and sagging of skin, which normally accompany aging.

Coconut oil helps in preventing degenerative diseases premature aging due to its well-known antioxidant properties. It also helps in treating various skin problems including psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema and other skin infections. For that exact reason, coconut oil forms the base ingredient of various body care products like soaps, lotions, and creams that are used for skin care.

Hair care: Coconut oil helps in healthy growth of hair and gives your hair a shiny quality. It is also highly effective in reducing protein loss, which can lead to various unattractive or unhealthy qualities in your hair. Coconut is used as hair care oil and is used in manufacturing various conditioners and dandruff relief creams. It is normally applied topically for hair care.

Coconut oil is extensively used in the Indian sub-continent for hair care. It is an excellent conditioner and helps the re-growth process of damaged hair. It also provides the essential proteins required for nourishing and healing damaged hair. Research studies indicate that coconut oil provides better protection to hair from damage caused by hygral fatigue.

By regularly massaging your head with coconut oil, you can ensure that your scalp is free of dandruff, even if your scalp is chronically dry. It also helps in keeping your hair and scalp free from lice and lice eggs.

Heart diseases: There is a misconception spread among many people that coconut oil is not good for heart health. This is because it contains a large quantity of saturated fats. In reality, it is beneficial for the heart. It contains about 50% lauric acid, which helps in actively preventing various heart problems like high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure. Coconut oil does not lead to increase in LDL levels, and it reduces the incidence of injury and damage to arteries and therefore helps in preventing atherosclerosis. Studysuggests that intake of coconut oil may help to maintain healthy lipid profiles in pre-menopausal women.

Weight loss: Coconut oil is very useful for weight loss. It contains short and medium-chain fatty acids that help in taking off excessive weight. Research suggests that coconut oil helps to reduce abdominal obesity in women. It is also easy to digest and it helps in healthy functioning of the thyroid and endocrine system. Further, it increases the body’s metabolic rate by removing stress on the pancreas, thereby burning more energy and helping obese and overweight people lose the weight. Hence, people living in tropical coastal areas, who use coconut oil every day as their primary cooking oil, are normally not fat, obese or overweight.

Immunity: Coconut oil strengthens the immune system because it contains antimicrobial lipids, lauric acid, capric acid and caprylic acid, which have antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties. The human body converts lauric acid into monolaurin which research has supported as an effective way to deal with viruses and bacteria that cause diseases like herpes, influenza, cytomegalovirus, and even HIV. Coconut oil helps in fighting harmful bacteria like listeria monocytogenes and helicobacter pylori, and harmful protozoa such as giardia lamblia.

Digestion: Internal functions of coconut oil occur primarily due to it being used as cooking oil. It helps to improve the digestive system and thus prevents various stomach and digestion-related problems including irritable bowel syndrome. The saturated fats present in coconut oil have antimicrobial properties and help in dealing with various bacteria, fungi, and parasites that can cause indigestion. It also helps in the absorption of other nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and amino acids.

Candida: Candida, also known as Systemic Candidiasis, is a tragic disease caused from excessive and uncontrolled growth of yeast called Candida Albicans in the stomach. Coconut provides relief from the inflammation caused by candida, both externally and internally. Its high moisture retaining capacity keeps the skin from cracking or peeling off. Capric acid, Caprylic acid, caproic acid, myristic acid and lauric acid found in coconut oil help in eliminating Candida albicans.

Further, unlike other pharmaceutical treatments for candida, the effects of coconut oil is gradual and not drastic or sudden, which gives the patient an appropriate amount of time to get used to the withdrawal symptoms or Herxheimer Reactions (the name given to the symptoms accompanying body’s rejection of toxins generated during elimination of these fungi). But, in the treatment of this condition, people should systematically and gradually increase their dosages of coconut oil and shouldn’t initially start with a large quantity.

Coconut Oil Info

Healing and Infections: When applied to infected areas, coconut oil forms a chemical layer that protects the infected body part from external dust, air, fungi, bacteria and viruses. Coconut oil is highly effective on bruises because it speeds up the healing process of damaged tissues.

According to the Coconut Research Center, coconut oil kills the viruses that cause influenza, measles, hepatitis, herpes, SARS, and other serious health risks. It also kills bacteria that cause ulcers, throat infections, urinary tract infections, pneumonia, and gonorrhoea. Finally, coconut oil is also effective in the elimination of fungi and yeast that cause ringworm, athlete’s foot, thrush, and diaper rash.

Other Benefits

Coconut oil is strongly recommended for a number of other benefits that are explained below. Using coconut oils has been shown to mildly help the following:

Liver: The presence of medium chain triglycerides and fatty acids helps in preventing liver diseases because those substances are easily converted into energy when they reach the liver, thus reducing the work load of the liver and also preventing accumulation of fat.

Kidney: It helps in preventing kidney and gall bladder diseases. It also helps to dissolve kidney stones.

Pancreatitis: Coconut oil is also believed to be useful in treating pancreatitis.

Stress relief: Coconut oil is very soothing and hence it helps in removing stress. Applying it to the head, followed by a gentle massage, helps to eliminate mental fatigue. According to research virgin coconut oil gives relief from stress and has antioxidant properties.

Diabetes: Coconut oil helps in controlling blood sugar, and improves the secretion of insulin. It also promotes the effective utilization of blood glucose, thereby preventing and treating diabetes.

Bones: As mentioned earlier, coconut oil improves the ability of our body to absorb important minerals. These include calcium and magnesium, which are necessary for the development of bones. Thus, it is very useful to women who are prone to osteoporosis after middle age.

Dental care: Calcium is an important component of our teeth. Since coconut oil facilitates absorption ofcalcium by the body, it helps in developing strong teeth. It also stops tooth decay. Recent research suggests that coconut oil is beneficial in reducing plaque formation and plaque induced gingivitis.

HIV and cancer: It is believed that coconut oil plays an instrumental role in reducing a person’s viral susceptibility for HIV and cancer patients. Preliminary research has shown an indication of this effect of coconut oil on reducing the viral load of HIV patients.

Coconut oil is often used by athletes, body builders and by those who are dieting. The reason behind this being that it contains less calories than other oils, its fat content is easily converted into energy, and it does not lead to accumulation of fat in the heart and arteries. Coconut oil helps boost energy and endurance, and generally enhances the performance of athletes.

Coconut oil and Alzheimer’s disease: The research conducted by Dr. Newport states that coconut oil is useful in treating Alzheimer’s disease. Apart from this there is no scientific evidence or traditional knowledge of coconut oil being used for treating Alzheimer’s. In fact, it is not traditionally thought that coconut oil helps in boosting the function of the brain in any form.

Coconut oil as Carrier Oil

Carrier oils are those oils, which easily penetrate or absorb into the skin and thus facilitate seepage or absorption of other oils (such as essential oils) and herbal extracts through the skin when mixed into it. Coconut oil is easily absorbed through the skin’s pores and thus is used as carrier oil. Furthermore, being one of the most stable oils, it doesn’t go rancid, nor does it let the other oils, herbal extracts, or medicines spoil inside of it. Coconut oil does not alter the properties of the oils and herbs mixed within it. It also protects the herbs and oils from microbial or fungal interactions. Coconut oil is expensive in several countries; however, in tropical countries its cost is low enough to make it affordable as carrier oil.

Varieties of Coconut Oil

There are primarily 6 varieties of coconut oil that you will find on the market.

Pure Coconut Oil: It is extracted from dried coconut kernels, which are also called copra. It is crude, unrefined and without any additives. It is mainly extracted by compression of copra in a mill, either driven by bullocks or by power. However, the variety extracted by bullock driven oil mills is preferred. Pure coconut oil has multiple uses such as edible oil, massaging oil, hair oil, cosmetic usage, as well as medicinal and industrial use.

Refined Coconut Oil: This is sometimes also called the RBD coconut oil, which is an abbreviated form for refined, bleached & deodorized coconut oil. As the name suggests, this type is obtained by mechanically and chemically refining, bleaching and deodorizing the crude oil, to make it thin, colorless, odorless and without any type of particle (such as proteins) suspended in it. What we then get is only pure saturated fats.

Virgin Coconut Oil: It is derived from the milk obtained from fresh coconut meat, and not from copra, by processes like fermentation, centrifugal separation and enzyme action. Care is taken to use no or as little heat as possible in the extraction of this oil. Produced in this way, the oil tastes and smells the best and is laden with antioxidants and medium chain fatty acids. It also has remarkable anti-microbial properties. This is one of the most respected and trusted varieties of coconut oil.

Organic Coconut Oil: This oil is extracted from coconuts obtained from coconut palms raised only on organic manure and no synthetic fertilizers or insecticides. The production of organic coconut oil is also completed without involving any chemical in its extraction or processing. Organic coconut oil forms an integral part of a number of organic cosmetic products such as organic soaps, organic skin creams and lotions. Some of the organic programs and authorities that certify organic coconut oil include Global Organic Textile Standards (GOTS), USDA National Organic Program (NOP), European Organic Regulations (EU 2092/91), Export Certificates for Japan (JAS Equivalent) and Indian National Programme for Organic Production (NPOP).

Organic Virgin Coconut Oil: This type of oil is basically the virgin oil produced from the organic coconuts, in an organic way. This is perhaps the best and purest form of coconut oil one can imagine, but it is rare.

Extra Virgin Coconut Oil: Among all the varieties of coconut oil, this is the most challenged and controversial variety, as its very existence is doubtful and the name hardly makes any sense. Furthermore, there are no set standards for virginity of coconut oil. Moreover, reputed firms and governmental bodies are hesitant to say anything on the matter, and are not selling it. Basically, further research is definitely required.

Coconut oil extraction

Cold pressing is one of the preferred methods for the extraction of coconut oil. The quality of the oil depends a lot on the method of its extraction. Basically, there are two main methods of extraction of oil from coconuts. The first is cold pressing of copra (dried coconut kernels) and the second is boiling of fresh coconut milk. Since boiling or heating destroys many nutrients and valuable components, coconut oil obtained this way is not considered as good as that obtained by cold pressing, since cold pressing retains much of oil’s goodness. Machine pressing and bullock/manual pressing are two methods of cold pressing.

Machine pressing: Cold pressing is done with the help of an electrically or diesel engine driven oil mill. Most of cold pressed oil used in the world is obtained this way.

Bullock/manual pressing: The oil obtained this way has a better taste and fragrance and is more expensive. Since the production is smaller, it consumes more time and energy, and wastage is higher.

Buying Coconut Oil

First of all, you need to decide why you need coconut oil and where you are going to use it. Your choice should be based on your need, like whether you want it for edible purposes or as a carrier oil to be used in aromatherapy, for massaging, for weight loss, or for medicinal purposes. Below is a list of such purposes and the type of coconut oil to buy.

Purpose————–Preferable Type to Buy


Weight Loss———–Virgin

As a Carrier Oil——-Virgin, Fractionated

Good Health———-Virgin, Organic

Massaging————-Pure, Refined

Hair——————–Pure, Refined

Medicinal uses——–Virgin, Virgin Organic

Furthermore, before you buy coconut oil, you should keep in mind that for edible and therapeutic uses, refined coconut oil is the best as it is hygienic and clean. Unrefined oil is good for external applications like hair care and skin care.

How to use and store coconut oil?

Unlike most other oils, coconut oil has a high melting point – about 24 to 25 degrees Celsius or 76-78 Fahrenheit. Therefore it is solid at room temperature and melts only when the temperature rises considerably. Coconut oil is often in this form, and obviously, don’t keep it in your refrigerator.

If you are using coconut oil for topical purposes, especially hair care, just melt the oil (if it is solid) by keeping the bottle in the sun or soaking it in warm water. You can also take some oil out and put it in a small bowl and heat the bowl over a flame (don’t use a microwave). Then, take the oil on your palm and apply it to your hair. If you want to use it for internal consumption, simply replace butter or vegetable oils with coconut oil in your recipes. Remember, you don’t need to completely switch to coconut oil, because then you will lose the other benefits of more traditional oils and dairy products.

In colder countries, coconut oil comes in good, broad containers. However, if you get it in a pack (tetra-pack or plastic pouch), after opening the pack, be sure to keep the oil in containers with tight lid and broad mouth so that you can scoop it out with a spoon if it solidifies. Keeping it sealed or lidded is necessary because there are other admirers of coconut oil (ants, cockroaches, other insects and rodents just love it!).

I don’t like the taste of coconut oil. What should I do?: Try using it in a variety of different recipes. However, if you get nauseated after eating coconut oil, don’t force yourself to eat it. As can happen with any food item, your body may be allergic to coconut oil and it is best not to consume it.

Where to buy from?: Pure and refined coconut oils are easily available in most grocery stores, especially in tropical countries. For other varieties, you may need to search in larger department stores or drug stores. In countries which do not produce coconut oil, like the US, Canada, and most of Europe, you will need to visit big grocers or grocery stores in localities which have higher populations of people from India, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Philippines, and coastal Africa. Obviously, you can order it online as well and have it delivered wherever you live.

Which brand to buy?: When you are buying coconut oil in packs, go for the reliable and reputable brands. Read the contents carefully and check the manufacturing date (although it has a long shelf life, fresher is still better).

How much to pay?: The price of coconut oil depends on many factors such as its availability (cheaper where it is produced and more costly in other places, and it is even more expensive when ordered via phone, Internet etc.). The price is also affected by demand, variety (the refined one costs the least, followed by the fractionated, the virgin, the organic and the organic virgin coconut oils), brand, and quantity (buying in bulk costs a little less).

How much to buy? Buy only as much you can consume in few months, because despite the fact that coconut oil does not go rancid for a long time, it is not wise to store it unnecessarily. You will get better results with fresh coconut oil.

Hope this will be of some help to you. Got any suggestions? Your comments are welcome! You may also share this information with your friends. Thanks!

Tue, 29 Dec 2015 13:31:43 +0000
<![CDATA[15 Tips for Healthy Eyes]]>http://natura-corner.com/blog/15-tips-for-healthy-eyes/ Some of the best tips for keeping your eyes healthy include regularly seeing an eye doctor, exercise regularly, protect your eyes from UV radiation, use saline when necessary, reduce your computer time, quit smoking, and alter your diet to include kale, oranges, spinach, fish, nuts, and oysters.

Eye Health

One of the most important and fragile parts of our existence rests squarely in the middle of our face – the eyes! Not only do the vast majority of people rely on their eyes as their primary sense, but the eyes themselves are far more vulnerable to damage than other sense organs. The human eye is one of the most complex evolutionary advancements of our species, but it is far less protected than the eyes of other creatures. Composed of the cornea and the sclera, connected by the limbus, these tissues are directly exposed to the elements whenever our eyes are open, and even small injuries to the eye can cause irreparable damage and permanent alteration of your vision.


Despite knowing all of that, people are careless with their eyes, assuming that an occasional check-up or a new prescription is all they need to protect this vital sense. Furthermore, the eye can easily become infected by outside pathogens, due to its exposed nature, so you must be vigilant in washing your hands and ensuring that your eyes don’t come in contact with foreign materials. Finally, to cap everything off, the eye naturally degrades over time, like most of our other organs, resulting in cataracts and macular degeneration, among other symptoms that make vision a struggle. Fortunately, by following proper behavioral guidelines and shaping your diet properly, you can protect your eyes every day! Now, let’s take a closer look at these 15 tips for healthy eyes.

15 Tips for Healthy Eyes

  1. Quit Smoking – There are many ways that smoking can endanger your health, and one of the major effects is on the human eye! The increased levels of carcinogens in the bodies of smokers contributes to greater cell breakdown and increased risk of free radicals and cancerous cells. Furthermore, studies have linked smoking to a higher prevalence of macular degeneration and uveitis.
  2. Change Your Contact Case – If you have glasses or contacts, ensure that you keep them clean! regularly change the solution in your contact case, wipe down your glasses, and change contacts as directed. These are places that are ideal for the development of bacteria or other foreign substances you don’t want to put into your eye! Also, keep your hands clean whenever putting in and taking our your lenses.
  3. Exercise More – Although the direct correlation hasn’t been explained, studies have shown that regular exercise can prevent the development of macular degeneration. The renewal of energy and the general metabolic boost of exercise can flood the body with beneficial hormones and increase healing and repair, even in the eyes!
  4. Oranges – Oranges and orange juice are quoted as being the ultimate source of vitamin C, and while you can get this vitamin in plenty of other places, oranges might be the easiest to access. Along with boosting the immune system, the ascorbic acid in oranges also functions as an antioxidant and protects vision from cataracts and macular degeneration.
  5. See An Eye Doctor Regularly – The best way to ensure eye health is to speak directly to a vision specialist. You should regularly get your eyes checked to ensure that your vision is not diminishing, that your prescription is still accurate, and that your eyes are generally healthy. There are many treatments and approached to improve eye health, but you won’t know until you visit a professional!
  6. Oysters – People think of oysters as aphrodisiacs, but they do far more than that! Oysters are a rich source of zinc, which our eyes require to strengthen vision, particularly at night. That mineral also slows down the development of cataracts. Red meat, poultry, and milk are other sources of this important mineral, but oysters have a particularly high concentration.
  7. Take a Break from the Computer – In our modern world, we spend a lot of time in front of screens – from smartphones and tablets to computers and televisions – but we must be careful about how our eyes are being affected. Continuous screen time can cause us to blink far less frequently, but blinking is how our eyes stay moist and protected from outside irritants. Therefore, tear your eyes away from the screen and blink a bit… your eyes will thank you!
  8. Kale – Green leafy vegetables are excellent ways to protect eye health. Kale is rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, two powerful antioxidants that can prevent age-related macular degeneration and slow the development of cataracts.
  9. Carrots – One of the nutrients commonly connected to eye health and vision improvement is beta carotene, and as the name slightly implies, a great source of this nutrient is… carrots! If you add these crunchy vegetables to your diet, you’ll be booting your antioxidant content with carotenoids. These powerful compounds neutralize free radicals and protects the eye from macular degeneration and many other vision-related issues.
  10. Have Saline on Hand – Our natural reaction when something gets in our eye is to rub and wipe at the affected eye until we tear up and hopefully flush the foreign substance out. Unfortunately, this can damage the cornea and impair vision. A better solution is to have saline drops on hand, and to use them when we feel something foreign in the eye, when the eye is dry, or when we are feeling eye strain. This is a more effective and less aggressive way to treat a problem with the eye.
  11. Fish – It’s a common misconception that all fatty acids are bad for the body; in fact, some types of fatty acids are considered “good cholesterol” and are needed by the body to function properly. When it comes to the eyes, fatty acids improve retinal function, reduce dryness in the eyes, and is important for initial development of vision function. Oily fish like salmon and tuna are packed with beneficial fatty acids, and you can also get these benefits from fish oil supplements.
  12. Avoid UV Radiation – Excessive UV radiation can do direct damage to the mechanisms of the eyes, namely the rods and cones. By wearing sunglasses (with UV protection) when you’re outside, you will reduce the strain on your eyes, protect them from UV damage, and also lower your chances of headaches and stress.
  13. Nuts – Vitamin E is an important weapon in the fight against macular degeneration and cataracts, so adding foods that are packed with this essential vitamin is wise. Nuts and seeds are great sources of vitamin E, particularly peanut butter, wheat germ, and hazelnuts. Who says protecting your eyes can’t also be delicious?
  14. Eggs – Beta carotene often gets the attention when discussing vision health, particularly in relation to chomping on carrots, but there are other important organic compounds that factor into eye health. Lutein and zeaxanthin, for example, both of which are found in eggs, also play an important antioxidant role in the eyes, protecting against macular degeneration and cataract development.
  15. Be Aware When Traveling – Any change from our typical environment can affect our health and comfort levels. When traveling, for instance, different humidities, allergens, sunlight levels, and activities can put your eyes at risk. Even flying in an airplane with recycled, dry air can affect your eyes. Always be sure to take your eyes into consideration when you travel – pack those eye drops, sunglasses, and any other eye accessory that you may need!
Tue, 29 Dec 2015 13:31:43 +0000
<![CDATA[Health Benefits of Red Clover]]>http://natura-corner.com/blog/red-clover/ Some of the most interesting health benefits of red clover include its ability to treat estrogen imbalances, lower cholesterol, stimulate urination, boost circulation, strengthen bones, protect the immune system, reduce hypertension, and aid the cardiovascular system.

Red Clover

Bearing the scientific name Trifolium pratense, red clover is a small, short-lived perennial herbaceous plant that flowers in across Europe and western Asia, as well as some parts of Africa. The flowers are small and pinkish-purple, and due to their rapid growth rate and high nutritional value, they are often used as fodder for animals. However, it has been traditionally been used in parts of Europe and Asia for the treatment of many health conditions. It has typically been consumed in the form of a tea, and has grown in popularity in recent years once the many health benefits connected to the herb were discovered.


Between the phytoesterols, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory compounds found in the leaves and flowers, a very powerful extract can be prepared from red clover. Medicinal amounts of red clover are considered safe, but it is important not to consume too much, as it can be toxic. You can use the dried leaves to brew a delicious, sweet tea, and can have a number of powerful effects on the body. The raw greens of the plant can also be consumed, and are packed with nutritious elements. However you choose to consume red clover, it can affect many parts of the body. Speaking of, let’s take a closer look at the many health benefits of red clover.

Health Benefits of Red Clover

Hypertension: Some of the unique properties of red clover include its ability to reduce inflammation throughout the body, particularly in the cardiovascular system. Studies have linked the use of red clover tea to a significant reduction in the tension of arteries and blood vessels, therefore reducing blood pressure. This can help to prevent coronary heart disease and a variety of other cardiovascular conditions.

Immune System: If you consume the greens of red clover, you are much more likely to get a high dose of vitamin C than if you consume the tea. Vitamin C is a powerful immune system booster, and can help to stimulate the production of white blood cells. Furthermore, if you consume the leaves in the form of tea, then you can get a healthy dose of antioxidants. Antioxidants can neutralize free radicals, which cause degenerative diseases and cell mutation. The overall immune boost of red clover includes preventing infections, both viral and bacterial.

Menstruation and Menopause: The hormonal impacts of red clover are significant, particularly for women. The isoflavones found in red clover mimic estrogen, so for those women who may struggle tomaintain estrogen levels, red clover can help to balance their hormonal shifts and prevent mood swings, as well as reduce breast pain. This applies for women undergoing PMS as well as menopause, as both of these times can cause dangerous or unpredictable fluctuations in hormone levels.

Cancer Prevention: Red clover is not only useful for women, however, and in terms of cancer prevention, it is extremely important for men. Prostate cancer is one of the most dangerous forms of cancer for men, and some of the compounds found in red clover can block certain enzymes that could cause prostate growth. Although some forms of prostate enlargement are benign, a reduction in prostate size is always a good things for long-term male health.

Cholesterol-Lowering Properties: If you struggle to maintain healthy cholesterol levels, you significantly increase your chances of heart attacks and strokes as a result of atherosclerosis. Therefore, anything that canlower cholesterol levels is valuable, and research has shown that LDL cholesterol levels can be reduced by adding red clover. Furthermore, coumarins found in red clover have been shown to keep blood flowing smoothly and stimulating healthy circulation, further preventing high blood pressure and cardiovascular distress.

Detoxify the Body: If you want to find a quick way to detoxify your body and clear your system of excess toxins and salts, nothing works better than a diuretic. Red clover has been connected to increasing urination, thereby helping release excess water, toxins, and even fat from the body.

A Final Word of Warning: Although the majority of reports concerning red clover are positive, some people do experience certain side effects, including nausea, muscle aches, headaches, and heavy periods in some women. Also, if you are being medicated for any hormone-related or cancer conditions, be sure to speak with a medical professional before adding red clover to your health regimen.

Tue, 29 Dec 2015 13:31:43 +0000
<![CDATA[Health Benefits of Calendula]]>http://natura-corner.com/blog/health-benefits-calendula/ Some of the most impressive health benefits of calendula include its ability to speed healing, protect oral health, improve the appearance of the skin, boost vision, lower inflammation, reduce the risk of certain cancers, and eliminate cramps.


You may not recognize the name calendula, but perhaps you have heard of marigolds, which is the broad classification of the flowering plants found within this genus. Calendula officianalis is the most common species within the genus, but all possess certain compounds and substances that make them a valuable part of herbal health in certain parts of the world. You may hear the name marigold in reference to a different genus, but Calendula specifically refers to 15-20 different species of pot marigold found throughout Western Europe, the Mediterranean region, and parts of southern Asia.calendula

In terms of the parts of these small, yellow-flowered plants that are consumed, the petals are edible and have traditionally been used in soups and stews and salads, while a powerful chemical extract can be removed from the stems and leaves of calendula plants. This extract is rich in a variety of organic compounds, including glycosides, saponins, and other powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds. Now, let’s take a closer peek at the diverse health benefits of calendula.

Health Benefits of Calendula

Healing Properties: One of the best reasons to keep calendula handy is due to its healing abilities. If you apply calendula flower oil to your cuts, scrapes, bruises, and insect bites, you can quickly speed the healing process, partially due to the anti-inflammatory properties of the oil, in addition to the unique antioxidant compounds found in this miraculous plant. By protecting against infections, calendula oil keeps wounds and scrapes safe, allowing them to rapidly heal.

Oral Health: There are also certain antibacterial properties of calendula that have made it very popular in recent years. You will often find calendula on the ingredients list of various herbal health and hygiene products, including toothpastes, mouthwashes, soaps, and shampoos. In terms of oral health, toothpastes and mouthwashes that contain calendula are very effective in killing bacteria that cause everything from gingivitis to cavities.

Improve the Appearance of Skin: Aside from stimulating healing, calendula oil can significantly boost the appearance of your skin. It can affect blood flow to the skin cells, provide antioxidant protection that reduces the appearance of wrinkles and ages spots, and even the visibility of scars. If you want smooth, even-toned skin that glows with youthful vitality, consider adding some organic products that contain calendula or consume calendula in another form, such as tea.

Vision Health: Research has shown that calendula contains certain antioxidant compounds that directly impact your vision. Beta-carotene is essential for the health and functioning of your eyes, and calendula is a wonderful source of this compound. You can prevent macular degeneration and the development of cataracts in this way.

Inflammation: Regardless of where you inflammation is occurring, calendula can significantly reduce the discomfort. If you are suffering from a cough or congestion, calendula tea can be a wonderful remedy. If your joints are hurting from arthritis or gout, add some calendula oil to a skin balm and enjoy a rapid reduction in pain. Finally, if your stomach is upset, calendula can help normalize your gastrointestinal system and eliminate any inflammation that may be causing discomfort.

Cancer Prevention: Calendula oil has certain anti-tumor properties that make it very valuable in new cancer research exploring natural solutions to this global epidemic. Cancer remains one of the great mysteries of our species in terms of collective health, and compounds like those found in calendula offer an interesting new angle on this critical issue. It certainly can’t hurt to try!

Cramping: There are also some anti-spasmodic properties of calendula that are also taken advantage of by many people. If you suffer from a nervous system disorder, have painful cramping in relation to menstruation, or some other type of spasmodic condition, adding calendula to your diet may be a wise choice.

A Final Word of Warning: Some people have shown allergic reactions to the use of calendula oil, particularly in high doses and concentrations. However, if you consult a trained herbalist or medical professional before adding calendula to your health regiment, you should be able to avoid any major side effects.

Tue, 29 Dec 2015 13:31:43 +0000
<![CDATA[Health Benefits of Willow Bark]]>http://natura-corner.com/blog/health-benefits-of-willow-bark/ Some of the most useful health benefits of willow bark include its ability to reduce fevers, eliminate pain, lower inflammation, treat migraines, soothe the stomach, heal the skin, help with weight loss, and protect oral health.

Willow Bark

Willow bark, as the name implies, is the bark of a willow tree, and is most commonly derived from the bark of the white willow tree, which has the scientific name Salix alba. This tree is native to Europe and Central Asia, and has been in use as a medicinal element for nearly 5,000 years. The benefits of willow bark are numerous, and well studied, which is why it remains such a popular and trusted alternative medicine for a variety of afflictions. White willow trees have an inner and outer bark, which have different concentrations of compounds, making them better for certain ailments. For this reason, always trust a trained herbalist or alternative medical practitioner for willow bark supplements or powder.


Willow trees are a very hardy and successful species in most of its growth regions, and while the demand is high for willow bark, the small amount required hasn’t resulted in any dangerous overharvesting. You can consume willow bark in the form of a tea by steeping chopped bark, but not the powdered form. You can also take capsules of willow bark, as well as topical tinctures and decoctions. The high concentration of unique chemicals, such as various tannins and salicin, have a strong impact on the body and result in significant health benefits if prepared and administered properly. Now, let’s take a closer look at the many impressive health benefits of willow bark.

Health Benefits of Willow Bark

Pain Relief: Due to its rich blend of antioxidants and organic compounds, willow bark functions as a verysuccessful analgesic. For thousands of years, willow bark has been traditionally used to relieve pain from injuries and illness, with great success. In fact, more than 2,500 years ago, the earliest recorded use of an herb was of willow bark, in Chinese traditional medicine. Although willow bark was mentioned in older texts dating back to the Egyptians, this was the first documented use of willow bark – for pain relief!

Anti-Inflammatory: Inflammation takes on many different forms within our body. If you are looking to eliminate the inflammation in your respiratory tracts, gastrointestinal system, or joints, then willow bark can quickly soothe your symptoms. If you prepare a decoction or a tea of willow bark, you will feel the inflammation and topical pain from arthritis, irritable bowel syndrome, gout, and other conditions disappear.

Fever Reducer: One of the most important anti-inflammatory properties of willow bark is in the reduction of fevers. Fevers are a symptom of an infection in the body, but reducing a fever or “breaking” it is important to speed up the healing process and get the organ systems working normally again. Willow bark has been used to treat fevers for thousands of years.

Menstrual Discomfort: For many women who suffer from abnormally heavy periods or severe menstrual symptoms, taking a small glass of willow bark can do wonders for everything from period pains and cramping to mood swings and unnecessary stress hormones in the body. Its relaxing characteristics are particularly good in these circumstances, as they can help to re-balance hormones in a woman’s body.

Settle the Stomach: The high content of tannins can help soothe the stomach and prevent gastrointestinal distress during other illnesses or periods of a weakened immune system. While willow bark can be slow-acting, its effects can be long-lasting, making it an effective herbal remedy to occasionally add to your health regiment, but it should not be consumed daily unless advised by a doctor or trained herbalist.

Weight Loss Efforts: Many people turn to willow bark to enhance their weight loss efforts, namely because the herb combines so well with other fat-burning and metabolism-boosting substances. It can intensify the effects of these herbs in a healthy way, thereby increasing their efficacy and improving your results even further.

Skin Health: The appearance of the skin is very important for many people, and the high content of antioxidant compounds found in willow bark can have a major impact on the health of the skin. Whether applied topically or consumed, willow bark can increase blood flow to the skin due to its antioxidants, while also reducing the appearance of wrinkles and age marks. Furthermore, it can eliminate inflammation in the skin and ease the pain of insect bites and irritation.

Migraines: If you suffer from chronic headaches and migraines, you might be able to benefit significantly from the pain-relieving qualities of willow bark. It can help eliminate migraines by lowering the blood pressure in the small capillaries and blood vessels in the head, easing pressure and relieving those painful, debilitating symptoms. It can also be used as a preventative method for regular headaches.

A Final Word of Warning: There is no need to take willow bark on a regular basis, as high doses can greatly increase your chances of experiencing side effects. Furthermore, you should only add willow bark to your health regiment after speaking with your physician. Some of the side effects of willow bark include upset stomachs, itchiness and rashes, particularly with people who are allergic to other analgesics, such as aspirin. If you have blood or kidney disorders, be particularly careful before using willow bark, as it can exacerbate these conditions if not administered properly.

Tue, 29 Dec 2015 13:31:43 +0000
<![CDATA[Health Benefits of Lovage]]>http://natura-corner.com/blog/health-benefits-lovage/ Some of the most important health benefits of lovage include its ability to improve the health of the skin, boost immune health, improve respiration, protect the kidneys, soothes digestion, prevents allergic reactions, lower inflammation, and help with menstruation.


Lovage may be the only member of the Levisticum genus, but this leafy perennial plant is extremely valuable in cultures around the world. There is even a bit of mystery involved in this plant, which has the scientific nameLevisticum officinale, as scholars and botanists still debate hotly over its origins, between the Mediterranean region and southwest Asia. It has long been used in Europe and is highly sought after for its leaves, roots, and seeds.


Depending on the intended use, various parts of lovage can be used in salads, soups and broths, as a spice, or even as a flavoring ingredient in beverages and alcohol. Thehigh concentration of coumarins, limonene, camphor, and eugenols contribute to the impressive health benefits associated with this herb, and while it is not widely used around the world, it is particularly favored in Europe and Asia. Now, let’s take a closer look at some of the health benefits of lovage.

Health Benefits of Lovage

Anti-allergenic: many of the health benefits of lovage relate to its anti-inflammatory and soothing nature, and the same is true for soothing the effects of allergens. Furthermore, lovage contains significant amounts of quercetin, which is a natural inhibitor of histamines. This will reduce the allergic response of your body, eliminating itchy eyes, runny noses, and other more serious allergic reactions.

Good for the Skin: The soothing properties of lovage also extend to the skin. When the leaves are applied directly to the skin, or a salve is made, it can be very effective for reducing the symptoms of psoriasis and acne, leading to smoother, better-looking skin. The antioxidants found in lovage can also help to prevent wrinkles in some cases and increase blood flow to the surface of the skin, improving tone and appearance.

Respiration Booster: If you are suffering from a respiratory ailment, lovage can act as an expectorant to clear out excess phlegm and mucus in your tracts. Furthermore, eucalyptol, one of the primary soothing agents found in lovage, can reduce irritation and inflammation in the lungs, promoting more rapid healing.

Antibacterial Effects: Studies have shown that lovage has a significant effect on various microbes and foreign agents that can cause illness within the body. Although research is still ongoing, studies have found positive associations between lovage intake and a reduction in E. coli, Salmonella, and other dangerous infections.

Digestive Processes: The anti-inflammatory nature of lovage makes it ideal for soothing upset stomachs and returning your gastrointestinal system to a neutral state. It can help to reduce bloating and excess gas by reducing irritation in your bowels and promoting healthy, normal movement in your colon.

Menstrual Relief: When taken at the beginning of a menstrual period, lovage can act to soothe many of the most severe side effects of menstruation, including cramps and bloating. There is also high nutrient density in lovage, making it effective in keeping your energy and mood high during that more stressful part of the month.

Arthritis Relief: The natural anti-inflammatory nature of lovage makes it the perfect remedy for those suffering from conditions like gout, arthritis, and hemorrhoids. If you suffer from painful inflammation anywhere in your body, consume some lovage leaves or add some lovage herb to your next dish – you might be surprised at the relief!

Kidney Health: Although the exact mechanism isn’t completely understood, lovage has been linked to improving kidney health. Lovage acts as a strange type of diuretic, known as an aquaretic, which stimulates urination, but doesn’t lead to a loss of electrolytes. This is a much healthier form of urination if you are trying to detoxify your body without risk of dehydration, thereby boosting the health of your kidneys.

A Final Word of Warning: There is only one consistent report of negative reactions from lovage, and it is a rather strange one. Some people have reported increased photosensitivity after regularly consuming lovage. For that reason, we would only recommend consuming a moderate amount if it becomes a regular part of your herbal regimen.

Tue, 29 Dec 2015 13:31:43 +0000
<![CDATA[Health Benefits of Horsetail]]>http://natura-corner.com/blog/health-benefits-horsetail/ Some of the most impressive benefits of horsetail include its ability to prevent certain types of cancer, boost immunity, reduce inflammation, increase cognitive function, relieve respiratory issues, soothe the skin, protect bones, promote oral health, detoxify the body, treat diabetes, and aid in hair care.


It’s not that often that you come across a living fossil, but in effect, that is precisely what horsetail is. This is, of course, the common name of Equisetum, which is the last remaining species from the genus of that name. The remaining members of that genus have gone extinct, so this is truly a blast from the past, and has some unique characteristics to go with that great backstory. They are defined by a singular vascular shoot that forms the main stem and the leaves are largely non-photosynthetic. Furthermore, they reproduce via spores, not seeds – a very unusual quality for a plant. Historical records include mentions of horsetail being used for myriad health issues dating back to Greek and Roman times.horsetail

Like some other rare and valuable plants on our planet, horsetail is able to absorb and store valuable and rare minerals that our bodies require. This means that when horsetail is consumed, those minerals and unique organic compounds are passed on to us, resulting in a wide variety of health benefits. Some of the active ingredients that make horsetail to potent include antioxidant compounds, silica, and other phytochemicals that can have dramatic effects on the body. You can consume horsetail as a supplement, in capsule form, or it can be brewed directly into a tea, but this is a powerful compound and only needs to be used moderately. Now, let’s take a closer look at the miraculous, ancient health benefits of the horsetail.

Health Benefits of Horsetail

Cancer Prevention: One of the most exciting areas of research concerning horsetail has related to cancer, as the antioxidants found in horsetail extract show significant effects against free radicals, the dangerous byproducts of cellular respiration that can cause inflammation, pain, wear on the organs, and degenerative diseases. The presence of antioxidants also prevents free radicals from causing healthy cells to mutate into cancerous ones. This research is in its early stages, but the results thus far are promising.

Immune Support: Some of the other properties of horsetail include antibacterial and antiseptic, meaning that the extract can protect against the invasion of foreign pathogens and substances that can compromise ourimmune system. This is particularly effective when you have been wounded or are recovering from an illness, as infections can be much more severe when they attack an already weakened immune system.

Inflammation Relief: If you regularly experience painful swelling and inflammation in parts of your body, whether due to injury, arthritis, gout, or any other condition, adding horsetail tea or supplements to your health regiment can be of great use. The analgesic and anti-inflammatory compounds found in horsetail can quickly alleviate those symptoms and get you back on your feet.

Protect the Bones: Silicon is one of the rarest minerals needed by our body and there are very few accessible sources of it in our diet, which is why you so often find it in supplement form. However, horsetail has naturally high concentrations of silicon, which is a key element in protecting bone mineral density and integrity as we age. If you are at high risk of osteoporosis or already suffer from bone degradation, then adding horsetail to your diet is an easy solution to slow the decline, and even reverse it in some cases!

Cognition: The idea of our mind “starting to go” can be a frightening thought, so it is important to protect yourpowers of cognition as well as possible. Horsetail’s antioxidant effects have been linked to higher cognitive abilities in laboratory studies, probably owing to the increase in neural pathway efficiency when free radicals are eliminated from the system. This means that horsetail is not only a brain-boosting herb, but it may protect from cognitive disorders like Alzheimer’s disease and dementia as we age.

Respiratory Issues: if you suffer from respiratory issues, such as congestion or frequent colds, drinking horsetail tea can be a wonderful solution. It acts as an expectorant, clearing out mucus and phlegm where bacteria can lodge and grow, while also helping to strengthen the immune system and relieve inflammation, resulting in respiratory relief, such as the elimination of coughs and irritation in your tracts.

Soothe the Skin: Horsetail extract is commonly found in various creams and organic beauty products, as the unique and complex mixture of antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, silica, and other compounds are a powerful agent for skin care. If you want to reduce the redness of boils or acne, eliminate eczema or psoriasis, or prevent premature aging, horsetail extract contains all of the necessary components to do that.

Diabetes: Research has connected the use of horsetail supplements and tea to more balanced insulin levels in the body, namely in the rapid lowering of blood sugar when necessary. While this is an effective method of diabetes management, it should only be used for a short time, or when absolutely necessary. It can have serious long-term impacts if consumed for longer than two months in succession.

Kidney Health: Regulating urination and the elimination of toxins is crucial to overall health, and horsetail extract can help to achieve that. Connections have been made between increased uric acid elimination and horsetail consumption. Uric acid is what creates painful kidney stones, which can cause the kidneys to work inefficiently. Therefore, by increasing the natural excretion of this acid, there is no build-up and your kidney health is protected.

Hair Care: The rich mixture of minerals and organic compounds in horsetail have also made it a popular element in hair products, namely to increase the strength of the hair and improve its health. You can reduce hair loss, strengthen hair follicles and even boost the luster and shine of your hair by using horsetail extracts in your hair care products.

 A Final Word of Warning: There are some negative side effects to horsetail, but they generally only manifest after taking the herb for more than two months straight. The effects on your body can be very powerful and beneficial, as we have seen above, but care must be taken. If you are pregnant or lactating, don’t consume this herb, and for everyone else, speak to a trained medical professional or your physician before adding this high-impact herb to your health regimen.

Tue, 29 Dec 2015 13:31:43 +0000
<![CDATA[Health Benefits of Balloon Flower]]>http://natura-corner.com/blog/health-benefits-balloon-flower/ Some of the health benefits of balloon flower include its ability to treat respiratory ailments, reduce pain, soothe the digestive tract, prevent certain types of cancer, reduce the severity of allergic reactions, boost the immune system, and eliminate parasites.

Balloon Flower

While the name may sound a bit silly, this common way of referring to Platycodon grandiflorus is due to the unique shape of the flower bud of this herbaceous, perennial, flowering plant. With five striking purple-blue petals and a range almost exclusively in East Asia, this flower has been praised for far more than its unique shape and color. Balloon flowers are some of the few herbal root remedies still used in wide common practice in the world, but its popularity stretches back centuries. The roots of this powerful plant can be dried and crushed into a powder for supplemental forms, or used in salads and various culinary creations in the East. 


The wide range of health effects that can be gained by using balloon flowers in your health regimen are based on the volatile active ingredientsfound in the root, which include betulic acid, saponins, phytosterol, inulin, and glucose. Together, these chemicals, along with some other organic compounds, can act quickly on the body for some measurable effects. Now, let’s take a closer look at the health benefits of balloon flower.

Health Benefits of Balloon Flower

Respiratory Relief: The most commonly known benefit of balloon flower relates to its impact on the respiratory system. The expectorant properties of the flower’s root can help to ease congestion by breaking up phlegm and mucus, which can help relieve colds faster, and eliminate the bacteria and other pathogens that can thrive in mucus build-up. Furthermore, the anti-inflammatory ability of balloon flower can soothe sore throats and prevent chest conditions, such as bronchitis.

Stomach Concerns: If you happen to suffer from an upset stomach, ulcers, dysentery, or any other gastrointestinal issue, you can count on the balloon flower herb to quickly remedy this pain and discomfort. Theseulcer-resistant abilities mainly come from the saponins located in the root of balloon flowers. Furthermore, the anti-inflammatory aspect of this herb can help to regulate digestion and lessen symptoms of hemorrhoids.

Cancer Remedy: Although there has been some controversy regarding this ability of the plant, research has clearly shown that the active ingredients in balloon flower are able to reduce the size of tumors related to a number of different cancers. Furthermore, the antioxidant compounds found in the root of balloon flowers makes them very effective at neutralizing free radicals, which are the dangerous byproducts of cellular respiration that can cause cellular mutation and a wide range of chronic diseases, including cancers!

Immune System Booster: Aside from the immune response of antioxidants that balloon flower root possesses, it can also stimulate the regular immune system to lower your chances of contracting the common cold or influenza.

Heart Health: While these studies have thus far been conducted outside of human test subjects, balloon flower has shown an impressive ability to lower “bad” cholesterol levels and increase “good” cholesterol levels, which results in a lowered chance of developing atherosclerosis, which in turn lowers your chances of suffering a heart attack or a stroke.

Liver Parasites: Liver flukes are foul little parasites that can affect many different species, including humans. Balloon flowers have shown an ability in the past to protect against various types of parasites, including those inthe liver, increasing the organ’s efficiency and boosting your overall metabolism.

Pain Relief: Due to its general analgesic qualities, balloon flower root has often been prescribed for general pain and inflammation, such as that following an injury or surgery, as well as for patients that suffer from gout, arthritis, and other inflammatory conditions. The active ingredients acts quickly on various parts of the body, providing both internal and external pain relief.

Anti-allergenic Potential: Some reports have suggested that consuming balloon flower root can significantly reduce the severity of allergic reactions by inhibiting some of the histamines that are released by the body when certain substances are encountered. This could be great news for people with chronic or seasonal allergies!

A Final Word of Warning: There are no commonly known side effects of balloon flower, as there aren’t any particularly dangerous volatile components; however, as with any herbal remedy, there is always the chance of a negative reaction, so use a small amount when first adding this to your health regimen, and always consult with a medical practitioner or trained herbalist before trying this powerful little herb!

Tue, 29 Dec 2015 13:31:43 +0000
<![CDATA[Health Benefits of Propolis]]>http://natura-corner.com/blog/health-benefits-propolis/ Some of the most impressive health benefits of propolis include its ability to protect the immune system, prevent certain types of cancer, reduce inflammation, lessen allergic reactions, heal wounds, promote circulation, boost eye health, stop cell death, improve cognition, and strengthen bones.


Although bees are perhaps most famous for their honey, they also have another valuable tool in their arsenal. Propolis, also commonly known as bee glue, is actually a type of resinous material that bees can collect on their legs from flowers, buds, and other sources of sap. This propolis is then brought back to the hive, where it is essentially used as a glue to fix damage in parts of the hive. While beeswax is generally used for the large-scale construction, this propolis is used continuously to repair their home. For thousands of years, propolis has been acquired and extracted from hives and used in traditional medicines. However, research has shown that humans are not the only ones who understand the value of propolis. Not only does bee glue repair the hive, it also protects against diseases and provides a healthy environment for them to survive.


Many of the applications of propolis for humans rely on those same characteristics. Research is ongoing concerning propolis’ use for many health issues, but thousands of years of traditional use says a lot. Since bees are found throughout the world, many different applications and uses for propolis have been discovered and popularized. With the rise of global information sharing, propolis has once again grown in popularity thanks to its many beneficial qualities. These health benefits are largely attributable to the terpenes, essential oils, antioxidants, organic compounds, and natural acids found in the propolis. Different regions contain different nutrient makeup and flower species, so propolis can vary in combination around the world. Now, let’s take a closer look at some of the many health benefits of propolis!

Health Benefits of Propolis

Wound Healing: As explained above, one of the most valuable aspects of propolis, both for humans and bees, is its natural antiseptic qualities. By spreading propolis or extract on wounds, you can protect open sores and cuts from infection, which are often far more serious than the wounds themselves. Secondly, the antioxidants contained in propolis can act to speed wound healing, stimulating blood flow and growth in those areas, along with reducing inflammation.

Anti-Inflammatory Activity: In a similar vein, propolis can also be used as an anti-inflammatory cream for bug bites and other skin afflictions not technically classified as wounds. For thousands of years, insect bites, rashes, and skin irritation of every kind has been treated with salves made with propolis or applying the substance directly to the skin. This makes it very effective today as a treatment for acne, psoriasis, eczema, and other infections on our body’s largest organ!

Stimulate Circulation: Some of the other active ingredients found in propolis stimulate the circulatory system in the body, which can help improve blood flow and oxygenation of various parts of the body. This means a boost in energy, more rapid wound healing, and a healthier metabolism. Blood flow through the arteries and blood vessels is also important to promote heart health, and will lessen the chances of blood clots, atherosclerosis, and subsequent heart attacks or strokes.

Immune System: While we mentioned the antiseptic abilities of propolis above, the impact it can have on our immune system is actually much greater. By adding small amounts of propolis to your diet, you can actually increase the strength of your immune system due to its natural antiviral and antibacterial effects. Your immune system can use all the help it can get, and the unique composition of propolis found all over the world give an antioxidant boost throughout your system.

Antioxidant Power: Free radicals are a problem that we all need to deal with, because they are the natural byproducts of cellular metabolism, but they can cause cellular mutation, cancer, and other chronic diseases. Fortunately, antioxidants are able to neutralize and eliminate free radicals from many different systems of our body, which is why a high-antioxidant substance like propolis can be so valuable. Antioxidants work in conjunction with the immune system to eliminate foreign invaders and slow down the advance of free radicals.

Cancer Prevention: This antioxidant potential of propolis has made it very interesting to researchers who are constantly looking for new angles to attack cancer. As cancer is caused by mutated cells that then infect others, propolis has been shown to be an effective preventative measure for this in some types of cancer. Although research is ongoing and things are far from conclusive, it is still a very exciting time for cancer research as more and more traditional remedies are given their day in the sun, per se.

Allergic Severity: In recent research studies, propolis has been found to reduce the severity of allergic reactions. By inhibiting the production of histamines, which occur when an allergen is encountered, propolis can help lessen the impact of allergens and thus improve the normality and quality of life to those who use it.

Cognitive Abilities: One of the other effects of antioxidants is an improvement in cognitive abilities. Free radicals are partially responsible for the “cobwebs” of old age, and by stimulating the use and creation of new neural pathways, propolis is able to keep cognitive disorders at bay and improve memory, retention, and interaction skills as we age.

Oral Health: Due to the antifungal and antibacterial properties of propolis, bee glue is also widely used in oral hygiene products. It has been found to reduce plaque, canker sores, herpes, and various other oral diseases that affect the lips, gums, and throat. Mouthwashes and toothpastes that use propolis or its concentrated forms have been very effective in improving oral health.

Vision Health: If you have ever worried about the quality of your vision as you age, then “look” no further than propolis, which has been connected to a reduction in cataracts formation. This is believed to be due to the antioxidants, amino acids, and bioflavonoids that are found in propolis.

Hair and Nails: For those who enjoy taking an organic approach to their cosmetic appearance, propolis has been known for thousands of years as a way to improve the healthy and beauty of your nails and hair. Whether in topical application to the skin and scalp, or through consumption, propolis can help your true beauty shine from within!

A Final Word of Warning: Although the benefits of propolis are impressive, side effects have been reported in the past, including for those who suffer from asthma and anyone with bleeding problems. Propolis can slow blood clotting and negatively impact respiration. If you are allergic to honey, bee products, or certain types of trees or saps, do not use propolis. Also, before adding propolis to your health regimen, speak to a medical professional and always get nutritional supplements and herbal remedies from trusted sources.

Tue, 29 Dec 2015 13:31:43 +0000
<![CDATA[Health Benefits of Buckthorn Berry]]>http://natura-corner.com/blog/health-benefits-buckthorn-berry/ Some of the most important health benefits of buckthorn berry include its ability to reduce inflammation, prevent certain cancers, soothe gastrointestinal issues, heal the skin, lower blood pressure, improving sight, slowing the aging process, and aid the immune system.

Buckthorn Berry

Buckthorn berries are the most valuable part of sea buckthorn plants, which are a part of the Hippophae genus. The most commonly used species of the seven in the genus is Hippophae rhamnoides, which is a deciduous shrub and is found throughout Europe, Mongolia, and parts of China. Depending on where you are in the world, you may know the name of this plant as seaberry or sandthorn, but they’re all quite similar in terms of nutrient composition and physiological characteristics. The branches are stiff and thorny, while the leaves are of a long, thin, silver color. The berries of sea buckthorn, however, are small, orange, and only found on female plants.


These berries are actually considered superfruits due to their unbelievable concentration of nutrients,minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, and organic acids, including flavonoids, phenolics, amino acids, and carotenoids. This diverse range of nutrients has also made buckthorn berries extremely versatile in the treatment of various health conditions and illnesses. An extract can be taken from the berries to be used in medicinal treatment, the berries can be consumed directly, or a tea can be made from the leaves, which also contain some of the same nutrient composition. The use of buckthorn berries as an herbal remedy stretches all the way back to Genghis Khan! Now, let’s take a bit of a closer look at the many health benefits of Buckthorn berry.

Health Benefits of Buckthorn Berry

Cancer Treatment: The juice from buckthorn berries has been found to be extremely valuable in the reduction of cancer, or slowing down its spread. The organic components of buckthorn berry have a high antioxidant content, which helps to neutralize free radicals, the dangerous byproducts of cellular metabolism. However, in the case of buckthorn berry juice, the anti-cancer abilities cause cell-cycle arrest, so cancer cannot progress; however, it doesn’t induce apoptosis, like many other antioxidant substances.

Vitamin C Boost: Aside from the boost to your immune system that buckthorn berry juice provides, as explained above, this powerful fruit is also able to help improve the health of your skin, the strength of your bones, and the resilience of your gums and teeth. Vitamin C is an integral part in the formation of collagen, which is a crucial component of growth and repair throughout the body. Therefore, the high concentration of vitamin C in buckthorn berry makes it an all-around body booster that helps to speed wound healing and recovery from injuries.

Vision Health: Carotenoids are another important antioxidant compound that is found in buckthorn berry, and this important nutrient can protect your vision in a major way. Carotenoids are able to slow down the progression of macular degeneration, and can prevent the development of cataracts, in addition to improving night vision!

Heart Health: Buckthorn berry oil has been found to significantly improve cholesterol levels by helping to reduce LDL cholesterol levels and keeping the fatty acid balance even in the body. By eliminating bad cholesterol, you can reduce your chances of atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes, because there is less blockage in the arteries and blood vessels. Therefore, your blood pressure is also lowered, reducing tension on the entire cardiovascular system.

Diabetes Control: Although research is still relatively new on this particular topic, buckthorn berry is very good atregulating blood sugar, meaning that for people suffering from diabetes, adding this delicious fruit to their diet is a great choice. By eliminating the peaks and drops in blood sugar, superberries like buckthorn can help people live a more normal life!

Circulation: Studies have also shown that the high levels of vitamin C in buckthorn berry can help to increase the uptake of iron by the body, thereby ensuring a high, steady blood flow, as iron is a key ingredient in red blood cells.

Stomach Health: If you suffer from upset stomach or gastric distress of any kind, buckthorn berry juice can quickly relieve discomfort and soothe inflammation. The anti-inflammatory capacity of this superberry also helps relieve joint pain and sore muscles.

Aging Process: The final bonus of this antioxidant-filled berry is its impact on the aging process. For those people seeking younger-looking skin, or who want to eliminate age spots and wrinkles, the free radical-neutralizing antioxidants in buckthorn berry are perfect! Drinking buckthorn berry juice, adding the concentrated oil to other foods, or eating the berries themselves are all viable ways to stay young!

A Final Word of Warning: If you suffer from a bleeding disorder, buckthorn berry can be dangerous, as it slows down blood clotting. Also, if you already are taking blood pressure medication or suffer from hypotension, this superberry might not be a great choice. As always, you should speak with a medical professional before making any major changes to your diet with powerful new superfoods!

Tue, 29 Dec 2015 13:31:43 +0000